AIS - Antares Pharma, Inc. (AMEX:AIS)

  • Ecco la 67° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    Nell’ultima settimana borsistica, i principali indici globali hanno messo a segno performance positive. In assenza di dati macro di rilievo, gli operatori si sono focalizzati sugli utili societari e sulle banche centrali. La stagione delle trimestrali è infatti entrata nel vivo in Europa e a Piazza Affari con oltre la metà dei 40 titoli che compongono il Ftse Mib ad alzare il velo sui conti. Per quanto riguarda le banche centrali, la Reserve Bank of Australia ha lasciato i tassi di interesse invariati, come previsto. Anche la Bank of England ha lasciato fermi i tassi, con due voti a favore di un taglio immediato sui nove totali. La Riksbank svedese ha invece tagliato i tassi per la prima volta in otto anni, riducendo il costo del denaro di 25 punti base al 3,75%, evidenziando la divergenza dell’Europa dalla linea dura della Fed. Per continuare a leggere visita il link




1,86 Clau

vicini ad un break di lungo periodo, dopo più di un tentativo o di un suo accenno che dir si voglia, i num ci sono tutti, forse anche le liete notizie..partnership Biosante e Teva, watch
cervellofine la stai seguendo??

2$ è lo spartiacque
rw 1392 per favore puoi postare una tua view...sarei interessato a vedere i tuoi livelli di resistenze sopra la eventuale rottura di 2$...
doppio massimo a 2,65 di medio periodo,,,un long ci sta,,,,,,

namooo :p:specchio:
Chiusura a 2.69......nuovi max angli ultimi 3 anni....vediamo domani....

Rw 1932,se riesci,dammi un tuo dipinto....grazie
abbandonato la nave..ais mi è sempre stata sul .......
per chi segue il titolo: antares passa dall'amex al nasdaq
ais -------> atrs
(ATRS) 3.55 Up 0.25 (+7.58%)
Antares Pharma Announces Positive Results from VIBEX MTX Usability Study
Antares Pharma, Inc. (ATRS) today announced positive results from a human factors usability study for VIBEX Methotrexate (MTX), a proprietary auto injector product designed to self-administer a rapid subcutaneous weekly injection of methotrexate for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

The purpose of this study was to conduct a cumulative and summative round of simulated usability testing of the VIBEX MTX device in accordance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) draft guidance “Applying Human Factors and Usability Engineering to Optimize Medical Device Design, dated June 22, 2011”. The study design was reviewed by the FDA prior to initiation. Fifty individuals representing three user groups participated in this study, including 17 RA patients, 16 lay caregivers and 17 healthcare professionals. All participants in the patient group had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by a physician. In addition, the patients were screened twice using the Health Assessment 20 Item Disability Scale (HAQ) to determine the extent of hand function impairment of the sort associated with RA patients. Patients with an average HAQ score of 2.0 to 2.5, defined as “severe to very severe” hand function impairment, were enrolled into the study.

The RA patients and lay caregivers (n=33) completed simulated injections on two days spaced one week apart, which is reflective of the intended weekly dosing. The healthcare professionals (n=17) participated in a single session where they used the device on a simulated patient. The results of the study showed that the VIBEX MTX device is safe and effective for intended users, uses and use environments. The validation testing proved the product is easy to learn and safe to use as demonstrated by correct and successful injections.

The Company is continuing to conduct additional studies including an ongoing human use study in 100 RA patients, and expects to complete enrolment in this study during the third quarter of 2012. Antares Pharma continues to expect and remains on track for a first quarter 2013 NDA filing of VIBEX MTX for self-injection by patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

“We are very encouraged by the results of the usability study, particularly in the rheumatoid arthritis patient group where the intended users of our VIBEX MTX device will have moderate to severe hand function impairment,” said Kaushik J. Dave R.Ph., Ph.D., and Executive Vice President Product Development. “We are looking forward to completing the next development milestone of our VIBEX MTX product in 2012 which is a human use study in rheumatoid arthritis patients.”
Antares Pharma Inc. (ATRS) 5.30 0.39 (+7.94%)

di strada in questi giorni ne ha fatta
penso di abbandonare la nave questa settimana anche se news e volumi direbbero di provare a tenereOK!