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Today, we took an important step toward our goal of returning assets to clients through our chapter 11 cases. It is our belief that clients unambiguously own the digital assets in their BlockFi Wallet Accounts. As such, we filed a motion requesting authority from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to allow clients to withdraw digital assets that are held in their BlockFi Wallet Accounts. We will be seeking similar relief from the Supreme Court of Bermuda with respect to BlockFi Wallet Accounts held at BlockFi International Ltd. This motion does not impact withdrawals or transfers from BlockFi Interest Accounts, which remain paused at this time.

In order to facilitate withdrawals from BlockFi Wallet Accounts, we also requested permission to update the User Interface to properly reflect transactions as of the platform pause on November 10, 2022 at 8:15 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time). This is a necessary step towards ensuring all clients are treated fairly and that the User Interface properly reflects the digital assets in Wallet Accounts as of the pause so BlockFi can honor all withdrawal requests from Wallet Accounts properly if authorized by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and, with respect to BlockFi International Ltd., the Supreme Court of Bermuda.

While filing this motion is an initial step, we will continue to work towards solutions that maximize value for all clients and other stakeholders and will share updates as quickly as practicable.

We are looking forward to discussing this motion with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and key parties in our cases, and expeditiously moving towards a path that returns Wallet Accounts assets to clients. We expect that our request will be heard by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court at our hearing currently scheduled for January 9, 2023, at 10:00am ET. We expect that our request for similar relief with respect to BlockFi International Ltd. will be first heard before the Supreme Court of Bermuda at our hearing currently scheduled for January 13, 2023 at 10:30am AST and then scheduled for a full hearing after that on a date to be fixed.

Additional information regarding our chapter 11 cases, including court documents and claim information, can be found by visiting BlockFi’s claims agent Kroll at with questions about the process may call Kroll at (888) 773-0375 (Toll Free) or (646) 440-4371 (International), or email1

Last week, we took another important step in our chapter 11 proceedings. At the January 30th hearing, the Court approved our motion setting forth the procedures for the claims process. To protect our clients’ personal information, BlockFi received interim Court approval to redact clients’ names and other personal information from the Schedule of Assets and Liabilities.

In the coming days, clients will receive information from our claims agent, Kroll, which will include information on how to view account balances, details regarding the client’s individual claim(s), deadlines for the proof of claim process, and instructions on how to file a proof of claim. Communications from Kroll will be sent via mail and/or by email to the address associated with your BlockFi account.

BlockFi provided its claims agent, Kroll, with clients’ addresses and emails as of the Petition Date, November 28, 2022. If your address or email has since changed, or if you would like to confirm that your account details are accurate, please contact Kroll directly to update your information. Clients may contact Kroll at (888) 773-0375 (Toll Free) or (646) 440-4371 (International), or email

The general bar date, which is the deadline to submit proof of claims and applies to all clients, has been set for 5:00 P.M. (prevailing Eastern Time) on March 31, 2023. Clients will not need to submit a claim if they agree with the amounts that BlockFi filed for them in the Schedules of Assets and Liabilities.

We understand that you may have questions during this process. Additional information regarding our chapter 11 proceedings, including the proof of claim process, can be found by visiting the website for BlockFi’s claims agent Kroll at

We will continue to communicate with our clients throughout this process as we work to maximize value for all clients and stakeholders.
Please find below links to the following important documents, related to the bankruptcy proceedings of BlockFi Inc., et al. (the "Debtors"), Case No. 22-19361, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey:

· Notice of Bar Dates for Submitting Proofs of Claim and Claims Under Section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code Against the Debtors. General Bar Date: March 31, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern time).

· Guide to Filling out Your Proof of Claim Form(s)

To file a proof of claim, to obtain a downloadable proof of claim form, or to obtain additional information on the Debtors’ cases free of charge, please visit


All known creditors of the Debtors, as of the November 28, 2022 petition date, are listed on the Debtors’ Schedules of Assets and Liabilities (“Schedules”), filed with the Court on January 12, 2023. In addition, the Debtors listed certain amounts held by clients in BlockFi Wallet Accounts on the Debtors’ Statements of Financial Affairs (“Statements”).

To protect the confidentiality of individual clients in these cases, the names and addresses of clients are not detailed on the publicly filed Schedules and Statements. Information relating to your Scheduled Claim(s) and/or your Wallet Account Balance(s) (as of November 10, 2022, at 8:15 pm prevailing Eastern Time (equivalent to November 11, 2022, at 1:15am UTC)) is below. For additional information please contact Kroll by phone at 888.773.0375 (Toll-free) or 646.440.4371 (International).

The Amount, Nature, and Priority of your Scheduled Claim(s) are set forth below. If you agree with the nature, amount, and classification of your Claim as listed in the Debtors’ Schedules, and if you do not dispute that your Claim is only against the Debtor specified by the Debtors, and if your Claim is not described as “disputed,” “contingent,” or “unliquidated,” you need not submit a Proof of Claim. Otherwise, or if you decide to submit a Proof of Claim, you must do so before March 31, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern time).

BlockFi International Ltd. General Unsecured; Amount $1,483.49; Basis: BIA
BlockFi International Ltd.; General Unsecured; Amount $3.92; Basis: BIA Interest

Custodial BlockFi Wallet Account contents as listed on Statement of Financial Affairs Question 21 are set forth below. Clients do not have a Scheduled Claim for the below BlockFi Wallet Account. (If you are not listed on the Debtors’ Statements as having Custodial BlockFi Wallet Account contents, no information will appear below.)
la lettera arrivata ieri ma la devo ancora leggere
quindi? chi ha pochi spiccioli conviene non fare niente?
io ho 10$ dentro..entrata ora...mi è arrivata la lettera/fascicolo a casa..per togliermi questo pensiero basta non fare niente? ignorare e fosse da fare un click online, non costa spedire indietro mi costerebbe di + di quello che ho attualmente sulla piattaforma.
L'11 Settembre è il termine per votare sul Piano del Capitolo 11 proposto da BlockFi sulla piattaforma Kroll.

Voi come vi muoverete? Avete già votato/voterete? Acceterete o meno la loro proposta?

Ma sopratutto, per chi ha più di 3000 $ potrebbe essere conveniente accettare la convenience claim come dicono?
Io 3gg fa ho ricevuto la mail sull’apertura dei prelievi per i wallet account ed effettuato il prelievo. Viene accreditato entro i prossimi 90gg
Qualcuno ha ricevuto la seguente e-mail?
Gentile cliente BlockFi:

Kroll Restructuring Administration LLC ("Kroll") è l'agente di distribuzione per BlockFi e le sue affiliate, come gestito dall'amministratore del piano del capitolo 11. Kroll sta collaborando con Digital Disbursements, un fornitore di servizi di pagamento di terze parti, per fornirti una distribuzione a fronte della tua richiesta BlockFi.

Il tuo reclamo nella procedura fallimentare di BlockFi è stato accolto e hai diritto a un pagamento per l'importo indicato di seguito. Si prega di cercare un'e-mail da Digital Disbursements all'indirizzo noreply@digitaldisbursements. com con informazioni sulla selezione del metodo di pagamento preferito. Una volta effettuato l'accesso alla piattaforma di pagamento di Digital Disborsi, ti verrà richiesto di inserire l'ID del beneficiario di seguito e l'indirizzo e-mail che hai in archivio presso BlockFi per verificare la tua identità.

Tieni presente che se non selezioni un metodo di pagamento preferito entro l'8 marzo 2024, il pagamento ti verrà inviato da Zelle se ti trovi negli Stati Uniti e PayPal per tutti gli altri paesi.

Non ho trovato però l'e-mail a cui fanno riferimento.
Sapete come si deve selezionare questo metodo di pagamento?
Rimago in attesa allora. Grazie!
io ho messo paypal...dal 15 Marzo dovrebbero iniziare a pagare.
Purtroppo si andrà a riprendere poco e meglio di niente. peccato
Se ho capito bene, sceglendo Paypal si paga come commisione massima 11,75 $, a prescindere dall'importo?
Scegliendo Mastercard ci saranno commissioni nascoste e può andar bene quasiasi carta abilitata, che voi sappiate?