Cosa ne pensate?

non sembra andata male.... :yes:
Successful second quarter 2007: Allianz on track
The Allianz Group increased operating profit by 17.7 percent to 3.3 billion euros – Quarterly net income amounted to 2.1 billion euros – Diekmann: “We have increased our operating profit for the first half of 2007 to 6.2 billion euros, from 5.5 billion euros for the first half-year of 2006. We now have an excellent basis for reaching our forecast for the year.”

Munich, Aug 3, 2007Allianz Group once again improved operating profit in the second quarter of 2007, based on preliminary figures. The operating profit increased from 2.8 billion euros to 3.3 billion euros, representing a 17.7 percent increase year-on-year. Total revenues amounted to 24.3 billion euros, thereby slightly exceeding previous year’s level. Whereas net income in the previous year’s quarter amounted to 2.3 billion euros, net income in the second quarter 2007 hit 2.1 billion euros. The previous year’s quarter had been boosted by 0.9 billion euros realized gains from the sale of Allianz’s stake in Schering.
All segments contributed to this strong second quarter, once again with increased operating profits. Asset Management and Banking recorded strong growth in revenues.
Allianz successfully concluded the squeeze-out of AGF minority shareholders in July. Hence, AGF is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz SE and the complexity of the Group was further reduced.
Shareholders’ equity of Allianz Group fell by 4.0 percent from 50.5 billion euros as at December 31, 2006 to 48.5 billion euros as at June 30, 2007. This was mainly a result of goodwill from the AGF minority buy-out netted against the shareholders’ equity.
“The positive result demonstrates that the measures currently being implemented in our "3+One-program" are taking effect. We will continue to pursue this course,” said Michael Diekmann, CEO of Allianz SE. “I am particularly pleased that rating agency Standard & Poor's recently confirmed our good performance by upgrading our rating to AA.”
The Property and Casualty business posted another strong quarter. The operating profit increased by 2.7 percent from 1.85 billion euros to 1.89 billion euros. Gross premiums written increased by 3.1 percent from 9.7 billion euros in the second quarter 2006 to 10.0 billion euros. Despite strong rainfalls in the UK the combined ratio was at 92.9 percent, only slightly above previous year’s level.
In Life and Health business operating profit increased by 43.8 percent from 527 million euros in the previous year’s quarter to 758 million euros. Premium income decreased slightly, in line with our expectations, by 1.5 percent to 11.7 billion euros due to the business development in the US and Germany. Nearly all operating companies improved their operating profit compared with previous year’s quarter. Germany also made significant progress. The strongest growth was posted by France and the USA. “Dynamic growth developed in most markets, and we are particularly satisfied with Italy,” explained Helmut Perlet, CFO of Allianz SE. “In the US market, we achieved an increase in premiums over the past two quarters. For both the US and Germany, we expect a positive trend for the second half of the year.”
Dresdner Bank increased its operating revenues by 8.7 percent, from 1.63 billion euros (1) in the previous year’s quarter to 1.77 billion euros. A key driver here was net interest income, which increased by 11.1 percent from 631 million euros to 701 million euros. The operating profit rose by 79.4 percent from 238 million euros (1) to 427 million euros compared with the same quarter in the previous year. The cost-income ratio was reduced significantly from 85.1 percent to 72.4 percent compared with the previous year’s quarter. “This represents an extraordinary increase in earnings at Dresdner Bank compared with the equivalent period in 2006. At the same time, the half-year cost-income ratio of 69.4 percent is the lowest since Dresdner Bank became a subsidiary of Allianz,” said Helmut Perlet.
In Asset Management, the third-party assets under management increased from 764 billion euros to 789 billion euros compared to the previous year end. At 20 billion euros, net inflows in the first half-year were at a high level. Growth of third party assets under management was at 5.3 percent based on constant exchange rates. Operating profit increased by 9.4 percent compared to previous year’s quarter from 297 million euros to 325 million euros. At 59.2 percent, the cost-income ratio was at previous year’s level, even though resources were invested to stimulate growth in Europe and Asia.
"The good results from the first half-year provide an excellent platform for attaining our goals in 2007-2009. We are expecting net income of around 8 billion euros for the year 2007,” commented Michael Diekmann.
These statements are subject to the reservation that no unusual natural catastrophes or adverse developments in the capital markets place constraints on profitability.
We are expecting net income of around 8 billion euros for the year 2007,” commented Michael Diekmann.
Io ho rinforzato e ne ho prese un po' a 154. Le altre le ho in carico a 149.Mi sembra una opportunita' di ingresso ottima.
Io ho rinforzato stasera sul mercato americano. Alle mie allianz prese a milano, ne ho aggiunte un po' con l'ADR quotato a NY. Acchiappate a 21,75$, non resistevo anche se ora sono un po' sovraesposto :o
Prese un altro pacchetto a NY a 21,19$. Sono fiduciosissimo del rialzo delle quotazioni...
anch'io. In 6 mesi 5 mld di utile... l'obbiettivo e' 8,(il p/e sarebbe 8,75!), ma potrebbero far meglio. A questi prezzi e' a sconto di almeno il 20 %.
+1,29%, alla faccia dei "sappraim"! :D
locco68 ha scritto:
anch'io. In 6 mesi 5 mld di utile... l'obbiettivo e' 8,(il p/e sarebbe 8,75!), ma potrebbero far meglio. A questi prezzi e' a sconto di almeno il 20 %.

Senza contare che bolle sempre in pentola la vendita parziale\totale della divisione bancaria.....che solo quella e' valutata piu' di 15 mld di euro ;) .....infatti nel mese di Giugno su rumors della possibile vendita il titolo schizzo a 180 euro OK!
Allianz: per Jp Morgan è l'ora di sovrappesare il titolo - 13.8.07/12:52

Overweight. Questa è la raccomandazione (confermata) degli analisti della Jp Morgan su Allianz il cui target price sale a 224 dai 220 euro precedenti, con un potenziale rialzista prossimo al 46% rispetto alle quotazioni di venerdì. La banca d'affari ha contestualmente alzato le stime di utili attesi nel 2008 e 2009 del 2%. Secondo gli esperti la crisi dei mutui subprime non avrà ripercussioni significative sul colosso assicurativo sottolineando peraltro come la società dovrebbe avere circa 10 miliardi di euro di capacità di indebitamento non ancora sfruttata.
Allianz sta reggendo molto bene.

A Francoforte solo -0,9% e a NY +2,9% a 20,90$

Facciamo i conti a fine Agosto.....
Logan ha scritto:
Allianz sta reggendo molto bene.

A Francoforte solo -0,9% e a NY +2,9% a 20,90$

Facciamo i conti a fine Agosto.....

E' un titolo su cui dormire tranquilli.....e se il mercato dovesse farla scendere da questi livelli....per me e' solo un'occasione di seguo da quando aveva bucato i 60 euro OK!
Assicurativi europei, per JP Morgan eccessivamente sottovalutati - 23.8.07/10:12

In un report diffuso questa mattina da JP Morgan, gli analisti evidenziano la forte sottovalutazione del comparto assicurativo a livello europeo, la più evidente dal marzo del 2003. Secondo il broker in relazione al rapporto p/e il comparto assicurativo quota a sconto del 27% rispetto al mercato europeo (range storico 12%-31%) mentre secondo il patrimonio netto lo sconto è del 41% (range storico 24%-41%). A fine giugno 2007 l’esposizione verso i mutui subprime dei gruppi europei è pari al 2,3% del patrimonio netto rispetto al 3,3% delle compagnie Usa. Ipotizzando la completa svalutazione dei subprime con rating A, il 20% dei Cdo BBB, il 30% dei Clo BBB si dovrebbe ottenere un impatto negativo di circa il 7,5% sul reddito operativo del 7,5%. Pertanto il broker conferma il giudizio overweight per Allianz, Munich Re ed Axa. Valutazione positiva anche per Zurich e Swiss Re.
locco68 ha scritto:
anch'io. In 6 mesi 5 mld di utile... l'obbiettivo e' 8,(il p/e sarebbe 8,75!), ma potrebbero far meglio. A questi prezzi e' a sconto di almeno il 20 %.
Se ne sono accorti anche loro che quotava e quota ancora ad un prezzo ridicolo.meglio tardi che mai.
Finalmente Allianz e' tornata al posto dove doveva stare.

161 euri a Frankfurt
22,64$ a NY

Il mio portafoglione di Allianz e' tornato verde smeraldo :D

Tra l'altro, avendo tutti i miei dollari agganciati ad Allianz, mi sono protetto dalla svalutazione del $ verso Euro.
Ora aspettiamo che la storia di Dresdner Bank torni fuori e ci volatilizziamo a Nord :p
Finalmente Allianz e' tornata al posto dove doveva stare.

161 euri a Frankfurt
22,64$ a NY

Il mio portafoglione di Allianz e' tornato verde smeraldo :D

Tra l'altro, avendo tutti i miei dollari agganciati ad Allianz, mi sono protetto dalla svalutazione del $ verso Euro.
Ora aspettiamo che la storia di Dresdner Bank torni fuori e ci volatilizziamo a Nord :p

Pensa che b.d.c. 3 giorni fa avevo inserito un ordine a 147,50 pensando che non me lo giorno dopo vado a guardare ...ed avevo l'eseguito:clap:......adesso aspettiamo di nuovo il precedente massimo a 180 OK!
E' da qualche giorno che la vedo molto debole la nostra ALV....non vorrei che in occasione della trimestrale del 6/11 tirassero fuori qualche porcheria tipo...subprime :mmmm:
secondo me è improbabile!hanno confermato l'obiettivo di 8 miliardi di utile quindi secondo me per l'intero anno ne faranno 8,3 / 8,4 !! che fa presumere un pe sicuramente inferiore ai 9 ma molto più probabilmente vicino agli otto!!
per me a questi livelli (a meno di catstrofi naturali) è da accumulare!
io le ho in carico a 154 ma non me ne preoccupo minimamenteOK!OK!
secondo me è improbabile!hanno confermato l'obiettivo di 8 miliardi di utile quindi secondo me per l'intero anno ne faranno 8,3 / 8,4 !! che fa presumere un pe sicuramente inferiore ai 9 ma molto più probabilmente vicino agli otto!!
per me a questi livelli (a meno di catstrofi naturali) è da accumulare!
io le ho in carico a 154 ma non me ne preoccupo minimamenteOK!OK!

Da qui a 6 mesi anch'io non mi preoccuperei......pero' vederla scivolare da 167 euro a 143 euro in 15 gg........mi fa pensare male....aspettiamo il 9/11/2007 con la trimestrale si dovrebbe capire qualcosa di piu' ;)
Allianz remains on target in the third quarter

The Allianz Group increased quarterly net income by 20.7 percent to 1.92 billion euros ˆ Operating profit amounted to 2.60 billion euros ˆ Perlet: „The stable operating result shows that we will achieve our earnings targets for 2007 despite the difficult capital market environment. We will continue to pursue our policy of robust risk management, as well as enhance the quality and efficiency in all lines of business.‰

The Allianz Group increased quarterly net income by 20.7 percent from 1.59 billion euros to 1.92 billion euros during the third quarter of 2007. Compared with the first nine months of the previous year, net income for the period increased by 29.2 percent to 7.30 billion euros.

Operating profit on a nine-month basis increased by 7.8 percent to 8.76 billion euros, of which 2.60 billion euros were attributable to the third quarter. While this corresponds to a decrease of 2.1 percent, operating profit remains close to the high level of previous year's quarter at 2.66 billion euros.

Total revenues in the third quarter amounted to 23 billion euros and therefore grew by around 400 million euros compared with the third quarter of 2006. Double-digit growth in operating profit came from the asset management and life insurance segments. Dresdner Bank achieved an operating profit of 87 million euros, despite turbulence in the financial market and the effects on the trading result. During the first nine months of 2007 Dresdner Bank was able to slightly surpass its operating profit, compared with the same period of the previous year.

As expected, shareholders‚ equity fell by 2.8 percent from 50.5 billion euros as at December 31, 2006, to 49.1 billion euros as at September 30, 2007. This was mainly a result of goodwill from the AGF minority buy-out netted against shareholders‚ equity.

In the Property and Casualty business, Allianz succeeded in combining consistent focus on profitability with further growth in volume. Gross premiums written increased by 2.5 percent from 10.4 billion euros in the third quarter of 2006 to 10.7 billion euros. Operating profit attained a high level at 1.5 billion euros, but was 13.9 percent lower than the 1.7 billion euros achieved in the favorable year-earlier quarter. This development was primarily driven by the higher level of expenses resulting from natural catastrophes which exceeded the previous year's quarter by 172 million euros, mainly due to flooding in the United Kingdom and heavy storms in other parts of the world. The combined ratio increased by nearly 4 percentage points to 94.1 percent compared with the third quarter of 2006, which had an unusually low volume of claims. Therefore the combined ratio remains at the target level.

In the Life and Health business, operating profit increased by 41.5 percent fromm 617 million euros to 873 million euros compared with previous year‚s quarter, partially driven by a one-off effect. The asset base, the main indicator for ongoing growth in operating profits, has grown annually by an average of 5.2 percent since 2005. The asset base in the third quarter of 2007 amounted to 354 billion euros. Premium income increased by 4.3 percent from 9.8 billion euros to 10.2 billion euros. In addition to the growth markets in Eastern Europe and Asia, Western European markets, especially France and Italy, posted increases in premium growth rates. „While our profitability continued to increase in the life business during the third quarter, we also returned to a considerable growth rate for premium income of 6 percent after adjustment for exchange rates,‰ explained Helmut Perlet, CFO of Allianz SE.

Operating income at Dresdner Bank in the third quarter declined by 24 percent to nearly 1.2 billion euros from 1.6 billion euros in the third quarter of 2006 due to a negative trading result of 196 million euros. Turbulence in the capital market led to negative valuation effects. By contrast, commission income increased by 9.2 percent from 631 million euros to 689 million euros and net interest income increased by 4.2 percent from 695 million euros to 724 million euros. Operating profit of 87 million euros was achieved in this difficult market environment, compared to 391 million euros in previous year‚s quarter. As a result of income performance, the cost-income ratio rose from the 78.6 percent in previous year‚s quarter to 91.1 percent, despite a further reduction of expenses. On a nine-month basis the cost-income ratio stood at 74.7 percent. The total effect of the financial market turbulence on the Bank's profit and loss statement amounted to 575 million euros. This consists of a valuation effect of 350 million euros in the trading book for asset-backed securities (ABS) and an adjustment of 30 million euros for financing agreements for company acquisitions. An additional 195 million euros relate to indirectly-affected business lines.

In Asset Management, growth of third-party assets under management increased from 764 billion euros to 775 billion euros compared with the previous year-end. This corresponded to an increase of 7.1 percent based on constant exchange rates. Net inflows on a nine-month basis reached 12 billion euros. Net outflows amounted to 8 billion euros in the third quarter, whereby the overall market environment was generally characterized by large overall net outflows. "Despite the difficult market environment, we are in a good position," commented Helmut Perlet. "In the area of fixed income investments, for example, PIMCO has benefited from its strong positioning on high-quality investments which it established quite early. While this led initially to slower growth, a third quarter performance - well above benchmark - resulted." Operating profit increased in the third quarter of 2007 by 12.2 percent from 294 million euros to 330 million euros compared to previous year's quarter. The cost-income ratio at 58.9 percent was slightly below previous year‚s quarter and hence stayed at an exceptionally low level.

Helmut Perlet summarized the quarterly results of Allianz: „This positive result performance confirms our annual forecast for 2007 of 8 billion euros for net income and 11 billion euros for operating profit.‰

These statements are subject to the reservation that no unusual natural catastrophes or adverse developments in the capital markets place constraints on profitability.
Allianz: schizza in avvio a Francoforte dopo conti sopra attese

(Teleborsa) - Roma, 9 nov - Schizzano le azioni della Allianz alla borsa di Francoforte, che evidenziano all'esordio un progresso del 5,49% a 149,14 euro, dopo che la comapgnia assicurativa ha riportato conti migliori delle previsioni.
Nel terzo trimestre, Alòlianz vede crescere l'utile di quasi il 21% a 1,92 mld di euro, superando le previsioni. Il risultato operativo cala leggermente a 2,604 mld, ma risulta superiore al consensus. Il fatturato evidenzia un incremento dell'1,8% a 23 mld. Confermati i target dell'anno in corso, con una stima di utiloe netto a 8 mld ed un risultato operativo a 11 mld.

Alla grande.:clap: