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ChemOne Group announced that it expects to start construction of its $4.4 billion Pengerang Energy Complex (PEC) in Malaysia in the fourth quarter of 2022.

The new complex at the Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC) in southern Johor is expected to be operational in 2026, the company said in a statement.

The project will be capable of processing 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) of condensate plus a side-feed of naphtha, which will, in turn, produce aromatics of 2.3 million metric tonnes per annum (mmtpa), energy products output of 3.9 mmtpa and hydrogen output of 50,000 metric tonnes per annum (mtpa).

“The condensate splitter will produce heavy naphtha, a primary feedstock for the aromatics plant, and hydrogen produced is planned to be used to develop downstream renewable fuels facilities in Johor,” ChemOne said.

The PEC is on track to complete its financial closing in late 2022 and the company has awarded Honeywell UOP the technology licensing contract for the project, the company said in statement.

The senior debt financing for the project, estimated to be approximately $2.9 billion, has also been launched into syndication this month and is expected to be concluded within six weeks, it said.

PEC is also on track to conclude several key agreements with industrial partners that are participating in the project, along with joint venture and engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning partner, Maire

“The deals that have been inked thus far highlight our stakeholder’s strong confidence in the project. Within the next couple of months, we expect to conclude negotiations and sign agreements with leading global energy companies and oil majors for feedstock and offtake,” said Alwyn Bowden, the CEO of Pengerang Energy Complex.

PEC expects an annual export turnover of $5 billion, propelling Malaysia further up the value chain in the petrochemical sector.

It is planned to receive its long-term feedstock supplies from major international oil companies, while leading European, American, Japanese, Chinese and Thai petrochemical players have committed to off-take the products.

“PEC has already secured long-term offtake commitments from blue-chip energy players in the industry for all its products,” it added.
ChemOne Group announced that it expects to start construction of its $4.4 billion Pengerang Energy Complex (PEC) in Malaysia in the fourth quarter of 2022.

The new complex at the Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC) in southern Johor is expected to be operational in 2026, the company said in a statement.

The project will be capable of processing 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) of condensate plus a side-feed of naphtha, which will, in turn, produce aromatics of 2.3 million metric tonnes per annum (mmtpa), energy products output of 3.9 mmtpa and hydrogen output of 50,000 metric tonnes per annum (mtpa).

“The condensate splitter will produce heavy naphtha, a primary feedstock for the aromatics plant, and hydrogen produced is planned to be used to develop downstream renewable fuels facilities in Johor,” ChemOne said.

The PEC is on track to complete its financial closing in late 2022 and the company has awarded Honeywell UOP the technology licensing contract for the project, the company said in statement.

The senior debt financing for the project, estimated to be approximately $2.9 billion, has also been launched into syndication this month and is expected to be concluded within six weeks, it said.

PEC is also on track to conclude several key agreements with industrial partners that are participating in the project, along with joint venture and engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning partner, Maire

“The deals that have been inked thus far highlight our stakeholder’s strong confidence in the project. Within the next couple of months, we expect to conclude negotiations and sign agreements with leading global energy companies and oil majors for feedstock and offtake,” said Alwyn Bowden, the CEO of Pengerang Energy Complex.

PEC expects an annual export turnover of $5 billion, propelling Malaysia further up the value chain in the petrochemical sector.

It is planned to receive its long-term feedstock supplies from major international oil companies, while leading European, American, Japanese, Chinese and Thai petrochemical players have committed to off-take the products.

“PEC has already secured long-term offtake commitments from blue-chip energy players in the industry for all its products,” it added.

Ora capite a cosa mi riferivo, Stiamo parlando di 4,1 miliardi di euro, qualcosa di gigantesco....
Quando si ricopriranno non saprei, io seguito a prendere qualcosina, sempre possibilmente ai minimi di giornata.
Occorre ricordare come pochi giorni or sono Intesa ha confermato buy su Maire con target 4,60.
allora come andiamo?
Uscito sul precedente rialzo (purtroppo non sui massimi) sono rientrato in settimana con una posizione di partenza (un paio di cip). Incrementerò su un auspicato trend rialzista altrimenti cassetto la posizione.

Molte notizie positive sul ptf ordini, tanto short e pochi messaggi sul fol.

Spero di aggiornarci con buone news.
Perché Maire è sempre la più shortata?

4,81% del capitale sociale

Posizioni nette corte: Maire la più shortata di Piazza Affari
Firmato altro contratto in Portogallo.
Rientrato ieri a 2,54, oggi riparte alla grande. Grande azienda di ingegneria, con presenzannel settore del diesel rinnovabile che è il futuro della mobilità.
Come si spiega che fondi speculativi vendano allo scoperto il 4,1% del capitale di MT società in continua espansione leader nelle fonti di energia green-idrogeno-ammoniaca ecc con risultati di bilancio buoni e un portafoglio ordini del valore di MLD di euro? Secondo questi fondi il valore di € 2,4 € è troppo alto? MT vale molto di meno? Lo so che sono domande da inesperto ma non so darmi spiegazione. Grazie per una risposta
Perché Maire è sempre la più shortata?

4,81% del capitale sociale

Posizioni nette corte: Maire la più shortata di Piazza Affari

Ciao Fallugia è quello che chiedo anch'io oggi purtroppo per ora ancora senza risposta vediamo se qualcuno posta qualcosa
Ormai da qualche mese su FINECO ci sono i seguenti consensi: 3 buy, 3 outperform, 2 hold, 1 underperform. Target price, a lungo termine, 4,05. Ma forse sono numeri da fantasia, nel contesto attuale.

Nell’ambito del progetto europeo denominato "IPCEI Hy2Use", Maire Tecnimont ha comunicato che la controllata NextChem ha ottenuto un contributo a fondo perduto di 194 milioni di euro per lo sviluppo di un impianto waste-to-hydrogen. Il progetto costituisce l’Hydrogen Valley di Roma, il primo incubatore tecnologico su scala industriale per lo sviluppo della filiera nazionale per la produzione, trasporto, accumulo e utilizzo dell’idrogeno per la decarbonizzazione dei processi industriali e per la mobilità sostenibile. Il contributo verrà erogato durante il periodo di costruzione dell’impianto. Le prossime fasi riguardano l'avvio dell'attività progettuale e di tutta la permessistica necessaria, in modo da garantire l'entrata in funzione dell'opera nella prima metà del 2027, come previsto dal finanziamento europeo.
2,352 non ci posso credere.