Un diario di viaggio cercando il campo dei miracoli - argomenti finanziari

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Bisogna pensare fuori dagli schermi e per un paese detenere tutto il proprio oro all'estero può essere rischioso.

The Deutsche Bundesbank and its Gold: A Bond that Never Breaks? |…

Dipende da chi Sei ...

Se sei 1 Dittatore... e' normale avere parte dei propri fondi all'estero....

Uguaglio se Fai parte di 1 Oligarchia... Pronta a Fuggire o Che puo' essere Cacciata SE il PoPPoLo si sveglia (Come quella IDALIANA)

Poi gli USA/ANGLO inventeranno la storiella del LEGITTIMO GOBIERNO DI BANANAS in Fuga dai CATTIVI REVOLUCIONARIOS...
E l'oro servira' per sovvenzionare le Bande dei CONTRAS che sbarcheranno nel Golfo di Nappule Novella Baia dei Proci per Ristabilire la DemoCCraZZia nel Ns pais caduto nelle mani dei FETIENTES-MALDIDOS di turno....

So 70 anni o anche 100 che il copione e' sempre quello.... hihihihihiihihihihih
Francamente non ci vedo nulla di strano, è la normalità italiana.

Nel 2022 "siamo stati il Paese con il più alto numero di giovani tra 25 e 34 anni che non si offrono sul mercato del lavoro: ben 1.568.000. Per valore assoluto al primo posto nell'Ue, con untasso di inattività del 25,4%, rispetto alla media europea del 15%.

Confartigianato: Giovani inattivi, Italia peggiora: ultima in Ue - Ultima Ora

L'Italia è un misto tra declino industriale e demografico, società signorile di massa (cit. Ricolfi), giovani in fuga verso l'estero.
E' proprio vero che l'Italia svetta.


Ecco che cosa succede a forzare la mano ai consumatori, comprano in massa prima che sia troppo tardi.

"The proposed boiler ban has already led to a series of unintended consequences [...] Around 168,000 gas boilers were sold in Germany in the first quarter of this year, a 100% increase on the previous year, according to the ZVSHK, a trade association"

Il green deal all'opera ... :D

Other issues lurk, chief among them is the strain the heat pumps will place on Germany’s electricity network. Earlier this month, Vonovia, Europe’s largest listed landlord, said a lack of electricity supply meant it had not been able to connect about 70 of its newly installed heat pumps to the grid.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times
L'Italia è un misto tra declino industriale e demografico, società signorile di massa (cit. Ricolfi), giovani in fuga verso l'estero.
+ reddito di cittadinanza + accomodante indolenza verso l’evasione fiscale
I test sono una coincidenza.

L'Euro digitale può funzionare. E'quanto emerge al termine del test che la Banca centrale europeaha condotto tra luglio 2022 e febbraio 2023 e di cui orapubblica i risultati.
Bisognerà aspettare l'autunno per sapere se la Bce procederàcon una fase preparatoria per sviluppare e testare l'eurodigitale e, anche in questo caso, precisa la Bce, "ciò nonsignifica necessariamente che emetterà un euro digitale" ma "ilConsiglio direttivo prenderà una decisione dedicatasull'opportunità di emettere un euro digitale in una fasesuccessiva".

Bce, 'l'euro digitale può funzionare' - Economia
Questo, nel mio piccolo, è il ragionamento che mi ha portato a non aprire un mio blog. Un post fatto bene, come avrei voluto fare io se mi fossi lanciato nell'attività, richiede un certo lavoro di ricerca e stesura. E poi bisognerebbe avere accesso ad ampi dati finanziari ed in real time, con un terminale bloomberg, per fare le cose come vorrei fossero fatte, e non è il mio caso non essendo del mestiere.

The Liabilities of Success
Chi lo sa, staremo a vedere ...

Central banks have thus pivoted to being substantial buyers over the last several years leading to a rising percentage of gold ownership on their balance sheets. As a percentage of foreign reserves, if this measurement were to return to its historical average of 40%, all else equal, it would be an injection of approximately $3.2 trillion of new capital into the gold market. Price would have to be the reconciling factor in accommodating this demand. Since $3.2 trillion is 25% of the total value of all above-ground gold, or essentially all the gold ever mined, which now stands at $13 trillion, a 25% upward adjustment in price would get the gold price to $2,500 an ounce,

Questa divergenza mi ha colpito di più di altre osservazioni nel lungo articolo di Crescat Capital.

Junk bond yields are materially diverging from overall equity volatility, which appears to be unreasonably suppressed. To put this into perspective, the last time junk bonds yielded near the current levels, the VIX was hovering around 50. Today, equity volatility is at the same level as it was at the height of the S&P 500 in December 2021.


Gold: A Far Superior Alternative
Dal TEBI Podcast.

There was a Michigan State University study (that was actually replicated in Germany as well), where people were asked, first of all, what kind of car they owned and how satisfied were they owning that particular car.
And what was found was that people who had very high-end vehicles – they would always say when you ask them, “Hey, you know, you’ve just bought the top of the line Mercedes-Benz. How do you feel about it? How much do you enjoy it?” They’ll always say, “I really enjoy it. Love this car. And the handling is an incredible, incredible vehicle.” This is what Nobel Prize winning behavioral economist, Daniel Kahneman, calls ‘reflective happiness’. It’s the happiness that we think must be occurring as a result of us owning one of these objects. But the research suggests that we find no higher actual day-to-day driving satisfaction. Whether we drive a top of line BMW or whether we drive a ten- year-old Honda Civic, it’s hedonic adaptability.

Introducing Second Lives, a brand new podcast series from TEBI | TEBI
Siccome le parole contano, insistere su "unprovoked" sembra tanto il voler proporre una narrativa. E i media compiacenti amano fare da grancassa mediatica. Riflettete.

The Biden team uses the word “unprovoked” incessantly, most recently in Biden’s major speech on the first-year anniversary of the war, in a recent NATO statement, and in the most recent G7 statement. Mainstream media friendly to Biden simply parrot the White House. The New York Times is the lead culprit, describing the invasion as “unprovoked” no fewer than 26 times, in five editorials, 14 opinion columns by NYT writers, and seven guest op-eds!

The War in Ukraine Was Provoked—and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:
In molti cercano spiegazioni al fenomeno dell'inflazione. Secondo me i fattori principali sono stati: l'espansione della massa monetaria, il collo di bottiglia della filiera globale a causa del covid, gli stimoli fiscali spropositati per aiutare l'economia in lockdown.

Inflation: it's "complicated"
La frugalità ha degli aspetti che considero positivi: ci dovrebbe fare capire che le cose importanti non sono solo quelle materiali ed è foriera di una economia più sostenibile con meno inquinamento e sfruttamento delle risorse.

Cicero: Why Frugality is The Root of Riches - Darius Foroux

Ogni tanto mi guardo attorno e osservo le cose che ho accumulato, alcune valgono 10 e mi danno soddisfazione 100, altre valgono 20 e mi danno soddisfazione 20, e infine ci sono quelle che valgono 100 e mi danno soddisfazione 20. Poi c'è il fattore della fruibilità... è inutile avere cose che non si usano mai e che rischiano solo di essere una zavorra fisica e mentale.
Scientific studies have proven the link between exercise and mood
Getting your body moving can help you emotionally contextualize your financial stress, instead of letting yourself spiral. Once you have done that, you are in a better position to tackle the problem you want money to solve.

When you are feeling dissatisfied about your finances, it can be helpful to ask yourself what problem you are trying to solve with money. It may be that you have a money problem that money will solve. But you may be trying to use money as a solution to a life problem, in which case, money will not fix anything.
To help you figure out if you’re trying to solve a money problem or a life problem, ask yourself this question: “What would a sudden infusion of cash change about this situation?” For instance, the workaholic dad might recognize that buying a new bike for his child will not fix their relationship—especially if the kid is sad because Dad was a no-show at the school play.

The lesson could not be simpler. Investing in last generation’s winners was a losing strategy. While the chart does not show the final values for the three portfolios, due to crowding in the presentation, they each badly lagged the index. The rebalanced portfolio fared worst, growing to $184,000, and the original weighted portfolio was best, at $198,000, but in the grand scheme of things those differences were but rounding errors. The index thrashed them all.


The Ultimate Buy and Hold Portfolio
Molto convincente.

Easy and instant access to information is often framed as a major advantage to present day investors compared to their predecessors, but if anything we suffer from a profound information disadvantage. The benefit of improved knowledge is easily overwhelmed by the behavioural challenge of dealing with an incessant torrent of noise. Much of what investors consume is little more than investment junk food, tempting us into decisions that feel good in the moment but come with a material long-term cost.
Investment junk food is created for usually one of two reasons – raising assets or attracting eyeballs. The primary motivation is not typically to improve our long-term financial health, but to profit from us in some fashion.
One of the major behavioural problems investors encounter is mistaking the ceaseless action in markets as a call to action in our portfolios. If something is happening in markets, then something should be happening in our portfolios. Investment junk food preys on this misconception. It tells us that things are changing and asks us why we are not doing anything about it.
We can look at the junk food, but just not eat it.

Investment Junk Food