CTIC ... Analisi tecnica, fondamentale e news

HARAMI INCROCIATA RIALZISTA .........figura molto bella ma stoppata ieri/forse dalla negatività del Nasdaq.......non è ancora dissipata..... BUY sopra 3,56>3,68


sul settimanale............i 4$/chiusura sopra e conferma....... sarebbero sarebbero l'uscita dalla regression

:eek: Biotech Bubble? :mmmm: DecisionPoint: Biotech Bubble?

March 27, 2014 at 3:11 PM | written by Carl Swenlin
This morning on one of the business channels the moderator was asking guests if there was a bubble the Biotech Sector, and at the same time a three-week line chart was displayed on the screen. Pretty frustrating, but it did tickle my curiosity, so I made a 10-year monthly bar chart on the StockCharts.com charting workbench. In my opinion, the answer is, yes there is a bubble and it appears to be bursting.

This chart gives us a perfect example of a parabolic rise, which is how a bubble looks. It begins with a long basing pattern, during which time accumulation takes place. Then a breakout occurs and price begins to curve upward at an ever accelerating pace. Eventually, the near vertical rise cannot be sustained and price breaks down through the parabolic curve. This has just happened this month.


The normal expectation at this point is that price will fall rather quickly back to the level of the base. Another possibility is that price will fall back partially, then begin to base at a higher level -- this is called a high-level consolidation. In any case, Biotech looks pretty dangerous right now.

The main point I would like to make is that long-term charts are essential for giving current price action the proper context.

Watching the windsock,
Scusate una breve spiegazione di questo grafico? Scusate ma non sono molto esperti di analisi :D
Già..se possibile anche io vorrei leggere tra le righe..
Rotto al Ribasso 2.45€.. dove atterrera'.?' Buona Giornata-

..opla' o li ripiglia Subito..oppure Mettere Paracadute-prossimi livelli 2.14/1.85/1.68..€ da monitorare ""Salvo News"".. ma per se ne parla da Giugno in la' felice di sbagliare per chi e' dentro


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$ 2,87 ............. E SE no NEWS.......... $ 2,33...............


ciao Amedeo, come vedi il titolo nei prossimi giorni? Grazie
Grazie per i grafici e le analisi che condividi!
..opla' o li ripiglia Subito..oppure Mettere Paracadute-prossimi livelli 2.14/1.85/1.68..€ da monitorare ""Salvo News"".. ma per se ne parla da Giugno in la' felice di sbagliare per chi e' dentro

:D POI DICONO AT NU VALE:wall::wall::wall: E LO HA ROTTO MINIMO 2.132...

Felice di sbagliare..per chi e' dentro.. Da fine giugno se ne riparlera'

dopo i 2.14 si va al 2 supporto e 76.40% Fibonacci ..1.85 on way..dopo si vedra' 1.80€ deve reggere..se no ammainare scialuppe-


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Ctic usa .. Arrivi salvo news segnati dalle nere..

..supporti a breve 2.81/2.77/2.50...


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Soffia il Vento infuria la Bufera.............
Finch'è J.B. .......... non comprerà a mercato almeno 1 azione ??????????

The Behavioral Economist
Behavioral finance, growth, small-cap, fund holdings
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Cell Therapeutics: Enticing To All, Convincing To None
May. 6, 2014 9:10 AM ET | 2 comments | About: CTIC
Subscribers to SA PRO had an early look at this article. Learn more about PRO »
Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More...)

Cell Therapeutics has been walking the line between disappointment and potential for a decade. As a result, a significant divide exists between supporters and critics.
After numerous instances of dilution and reverse stock splits, existing shareholders and company executives hope that a noteworthy 2013 partnership agreement can finally help the company reach its potential.
Consistent insider selling and a complete absence of insider buying indicates that there is little immediate upside ahead.
A respectable institutional investment stake and two significant institutional investors show that there is reasonable confidence in the company's future prospects.
If current management and leadership can't "right the ship", the possibility of a buyout could be in the cards.
As it was once said, the distance between ingenuity and insanity can be measured only by success. Perhaps it's an unfair premise, but it remains true nonetheless. Innovators and visionaries have long been the targets of ridicule and doubt. However, once one of those innovations, or one of those visions, comes to fruition and becomes part of the mainstream, the validation of that manifestation changes everything. Before that point in time, the man behind the idea is deemed "crazy", however, after the fact, he is often then referred to as a "genius." Hence, the bridge between the two definitions is built only by success.

History has a long record of such instances. Charles Darwin, George Zweig, and Ludwig Boltzmann were all individuals who were once referred to as charlatans, heretics, or madmen. History would prove otherwise, and today, each of those men is remembered as an innovative genius who changed their respective fields of thought. There are various examples of similar circumstances having unfolded in the corporate world. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk were both, at one time, considered to be nonconformist dreamers that were leading "cult stocks" incapable of making any significant market impact. However, as recent history has proven, both Apple (AAPL) and Tesla (TSLA) have performed quite well. Once again, success proved to be the catalyst for one man making the transition from being perceived as hopelessly audacious to being a renowned and respected pioneer.

The point here is simple, as a collective social organism, people tend to reject possibility in favor of probability. We, the human race, are predisposed to trusting what is known to be, and rejecting what could be. It is, however, a fine line. We want to believe, but we are instinctively held back. It comes down to commitment. For example, everyone wants to cheer for the underdog; but how many actually bet on him? That's the difference. That is where hope is asked to become action, and that is where we, as a people, struggle. It's nice to support the longshot, but it is an entirely different experience to invest in him. This often misunderstood psychological paradigm is the basis for the popular phrase "put your money where your mouth is." In other words, if one really believes in something, then he or she will prove such by financially supporting it. In some ways, and to some degree, this same premise is the faultline which runs below the equities market. Every time an investor makes an investment, he or she is declaring his or her belief in the said company. If the company does well, the investor is revered as a prophet. If the company fails, the investor is written off as just another dreamer led astray.

It is with this premise in mind that this article will explore the history, pipeline, and prospects of Cell Therapeutics (CTIC), a Seattle-based biotechnology company balancing a tumultuous history with a plethora of potential. Some investors are utterly convinced that Cell Therapeutics is a company led by "crooks" that have a blatant disregard for shareholder interest. Other investors are more forgiving of the obstacles en route to commercialization, and believe that the company could make a significant impact on its addressable markets. This divide is widespread, and depending upon one's values and perspectives, both arguments have merit. An example of this can be seen below, where in the comments section of a well-presented article featured on Seeking Alpha, back to back comments represent opposite sides of the argument.

Quindi da come ho capito non ci saranno notizie finche' non saranno completate le figure grafiche, però non seguo il titolo e non so nenche se è stato approvato topazio....c' è sempre da imparare!!!!!:mmmm::mmmm:
Speriamo che non si tratti di figure come la tazza che ci avrebbero dovuto proiettare a targhet assurdi.....

Io tempo fa , dopo le vendite parlavo di approdo a 2,50 $, ma per il semplice motivo che la banda bassotti non avrebbe venduto per poi ricomprare a 3 $, non avrebbe avuto senso minimo parlavo di 1 $ sotto e questo senza il bisogno dei grafici. Appena ci sarà il segnale di un acquisto dei ladri il titolo risale
Ctic usa.. Stop era 3.02$

Gli orsi hanno una forte evidenza e questa prova ci avvisano di fare una scommessa ribassista. Candeliere di oggi ha un corpo nero e la sua chiusura è sotto il livello di conferma. Il pattern ribassista che è stato precedentemente identificato è finalmente confermata e una SHORT viene generato il segnale. Seguite il segnale e trarre profitto dalla entusiasmo ribassista prima che sia troppo tardi. SHORT è un segnale pericoloso. Improvvisi aumenti dei prezzi può portare a perdite enormi. Per questo motivo i livelli di stop loss devono essere tenuti in mente in ogni momento e SHORT ordini non devono mai essere collocati senza stop loss.


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