Eems Italia = Eems China + Solsonica ( fv )

  • Ecco la 70° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    Settimana di risk-off per i principali indici per via dei timori legati all’inflazione persistente e alle prospettive di tassi ancora elevati a lungo. Anche se il report di oggi sull’indice core Pce, la misura molto gradita alla Fed per valutare l’inflazione, ha mostrato un parziale raffreddamento, o quantomeno una stabilità. L’indice ha riportato una crescita su base annua del 2,8%, in linea con le previsioni degli analisti e con la rilevazione del mese precedente. Questo dovrebbe lasciare più margine di manovra alla Fed per abbassare i tassi di interesse nel corso del 2024. Passando al Vecchio Continente, il report sull’inflazione dell’Eurozona ha mostrato un indice al 2,6%, oltre il 2,5% atteso e in accelerazione rispetto al 2,4% precedente.
    Per continuare a leggere visita il link

cosa mi tocca fare...................:D:D:D

:lamer: la prossima volta che clicchi su sell con + di 5k azioni :D:D:D

+8,46% settimanale ! OK! supporto 0,64 e 0,61

Buon week-end.. sperando che la settimana prossima Hynix si decida a darci notizie sull'accordo firmato a Novembre
Ultima modifica:
sù sù... è scesa con le vendite dei piccoli e per il book deserto. Ma se compariamo acquisti e vendite c'è più che una speranza per la prossima settimana ;)

se compariamo acquisti e vendite si vede chiaramente che i volumi di oggi sono stati usati per distribuire...............:yes:

non parliamo della candela odierna................una Shooting Star che dice tutto:cool:

Candlestick: la candela Shooting Star



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Cosi' come rsi e stocastico "tirati" e williams che "segna" l'inversione.................:yes:

Cmq lunedi si vedra'...........................;)



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Ora non e' che deve scendere x forza xche' hai venduto...

E' gia' successo che dopo una candela come quella di oggi il giorno dopo continuava a salire !

E poi oggi era venerdi' e molti hanno approfittato x vendere.. E da lunedi' si ricomincia OK!
Ora non e' che deve scendere x forza xche' hai venduto... E' gia' successo che dopo una candela come quella di oggi il giorno dopo continuava a salire !

E poi oggi era venerdi' e molti hanno approfittato x vendere.. E da lunedi' si ricomincia OK!

Certamente.................le mie sono semplici constatazioni di AT, che mi portano ad avere per lunedi delle aspettative.............e non delle speranze..........;)

e poi oggi sono ancora e comunque azionista..................OK!
SK-Hynix eyeing chip supremacy

Chipmaker to boost investment in order to close gap with rival Samsung

By Kim Yoo-chul

Hynix Semiconductor has a new name but its goal remains the same: beating domestic rival Samsung Electronics in the battle for global supremacy in the chip market.

Recently renamed SK-Hynix after being acquired by the SK Group, it plans to significantly increase investment for designing and producing computer memory chips to close the gap with Samsung. :eek::eek::cool::cool:

It can ill-afford to be complacent as company officials admit Samsung is at least ``six months advanced’’ in developing chips, not to mention its edge in manufacturing muscle.

Samsung is obviously keeping a close eye on its previously-troubled rival, now with the financial backing of the country’s biggest mobile phone carrier, SK Telecom, by ruthlessly expanding its manufacturing muscle, including the building of its first factories in China.

SK-Hynix sources say the company will be able to respond with big announcements of its own soon. SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won has promised a big budget to strengthen capabilities in computer memory chips and also boost its position in next-generation segments of non-memory and high-margin products.

``SK Group is preparing a sizable budget for the chip-making business. Although we don’t have exact figures, we can say SK-Hynix’s annual investment will increase by at least 10 percent,’’ said Park Sang-hoon, president of SK Biopharmaceuticals.

``We will be able to justify our investment as a recovery is expected in global demand for electronic goods. We plan to strengthen our position in NAND flash type chips used in mobile devices like smartphones.’’

Park, along with SK Corporate Center President Kim Joon-ho, is leading an SK team of executives to streamline SK-Hynix into SK’s larger business lineup.

Park is managing issues related to manufacturing, research and development (R&D) and marketing, while Kim is the decision maker in finance and human resources.

Another SK source, who declined to be named, was more specific, saying that the group’s investment in semiconductors will be north of 5 trillion won, higher than the chipmaker’s initial plans of 4.2 trillion won.

``The goal for SK is to close the technology gap with Samsung as soon as possible. We are ready to make the necessary investment to do that and make chip-making a major profit engine for the group as quickly as we can, as we have been failing to achieve breakthroughs in global markets with other businesses,’’ said the SK official.

``Our strategy is simple: invest more in profitable non-memory chip segments with money made from memory chips.’’

Samsung controlled 45 percent of the global DRAM market by the end of the third quarter last year, compared to Hynix’s 22 percent.

Samsung’s share in NAND-type memory chips was 39.1 percent, compared to Hynix’s 12.2 percent, according to data from iSuppli.

The wave of consolidation sweeping the semiconductor industry this year, including talks of a three-way blend of U.S. firm Micron Technology, Japan’s Elpida Memory and Taiwan’s Nanya, will benefit the Korean market leaders by reducing competition and mitigating the overcapacity in DRAMs, according to industry sources.

``Good execution could favor Micron over time, but for now we think Samsung and Hynix would see significant shared benefits from less DRAM vendors and possible longer-term net reduction in overall DRAM industry capacity,’’ said Nicolas Gaudois, an UBS analyst.

Future path

It remains to be seen whether SK-Hynix’s efforts to strengthen in computer memory chips will be enough to secure it a lucrative future in this volatile segment. Hogging a larger part of the pie in non-memories is also a priority.

Unlike memory chips, which are basically used to read and store data, non-memory chips are used to control an entire computing system.

They often offer higher margins but have been a tough nut to crack for Korean chipmakers, as their strength continues to be more labor-intensive than technology-intensive.

``SK-Hynix will raise the revenue portion of non-memory chips to 4 percent this year from last year’s 2 percent. Hynix’s outdated M8 chip line will be transformed to produce custom-made chips on a contract basis,’’ said Park.

``By the end of 2015, SK’s chip unit will create 1 trillion won for non-memory chips alone.’’

Samsung Electronics is already supplying its mobile application processors (APs) ― a variant of non-memory chips ― to Apple’s iPhones and iPads via its plant in Austin, Texas.

It is also using its own Exynos-named mobile APs in its Galaxy devices with an aim to better compete with top-tier non-memory chipmakers such as Qualcomm and Texas Instruments, said Samsung officials.

Hynix’s profit structure has so far been cyclical upon market situations because it is mostly focused on memory chips.

SK is considering even transforming Hynix’s line in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, to both produce both DRAM and NAND chips for a better product mix-up, though Park declined to confirm this.

spero tanto in un accordo finale con Sk-Hynix :bow::bow::bow:
L'analisi di cercatore è corretta anche se anticipata rispetto la chiusura di lunedi che ci confermerà o meno il trend di crescita, sarà quello il segnale di AT.
Trattasi quindi di semplice scelta personale se fatta ieri, nulla di più.
come dicevo la resistenza adesso è la media a 100gg


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Bollettino di guerra: Rieti resiste.........................:cool:

Attualità, News|11 febbraio 2012 18:25

Nuova nevicata su Rieti e provincia

Trai 10 e i 15 centimentri di neve fresca sono caduti nel capoluogo sabino nel primo pomeriggio odierno. E’ stata una nevicata intensa durata ininterrottamente per più di due ore. Il Comune di Rieti, la Protezione Civile e l’Anas non hanno perso tempo e si sono messi al lavoro per liberare le strade e renderle transitabili. Resta comunque l’obbligo di catene a bordo o di pneumatici da neve.

Nuova nevicata su Rieti e provincia

Attenzione che domani potrebbe arrivare l'inversione di tendenza come teme Cercatore Uno....

oppure non appena si supererà il pattern della shooting star potrebbe arrivare il rialzo a doppia cifra.

Questo ci dice l'AT

Fate il vs gioco

Analyst: Micron still in negotiations with Elpida OK!

Dylan McGrath

2/10/2012 5:27 PM EST

SAN FRANCISCO—Memory chip vendor Micron Technology Inc. did not address rumors that it has been in talks to invest in or acquire Japan's Elpida Memory Inc. at its analyst day Friday (Feb. 10), but at least one Wall Street analyst believes the companies remain in negotiations.

"We believe Micron continues to be in negotiations, with the most likely outcome being asset purchase," said C.J. Muse, an analyst at Barclays Capital, in a report circulated Friday. Barring intervention from the Japanese government, DRAM industry consolidation involving Elpida is all but inevitable, and likely a positive for Micron, Muse wrote.

Elpida, which has been losing money hand over fist as DRAM prices have sunk, is mired in debt and has a debt payment of more than $1 billion due in April. The company earlier this year was reportedly scouring for strategic investment by customers to help it meet its obligations. Rumors of a possible deal with Micron have been circulating for weeks.

Muse said investors were likely to walk away from Micron's analyst day encouraged following presentations by new CEO Mark Durcan and new President Mark Adams. Both were promoted late last week following the death of longtime CEO Steve Appleton. Muse said Micron's swift transition to new management boded well for the company.
ASE expects sales rebound in 2Q12

Ingrid Lee, Taipei; Jessie Shen, DIGITIMES [Monday 13 February 2012]

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) has estimated that its core IC assembly test and material (ATM) business will post another sequential decrease of 6-9% in shipments in the first quarter of 2012, with flat ASPs. ASE expects shipments to return to the previous high levels in the second quarter.

Along with lower shipments, first-quarter gross margin in 2012 is likely to shrink 2.5-3pp on quarter, ASE indicated. But gross margin for the second quarter is set to improve after hitting bottom in the first quarter, ASE said.

ASE announced revenues from its IC ATM operation were NT$31.91 billion (US$1.08 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2011, showing slight decreases from NT$32.58 billion in the third quarter and NT$32.6 billion a year ago.

ASE said that sales of its IC ATM unit will rebound starting March and grow through the second quarter.

ASE's consolidated revenues, which include sales generated by EMS subsidiary Universal Scientific Industrial (USI), slid 1% on quarter and 13% on year to NT$46.39 billion in the fourth quarter of 2011. Net profits declined 24% sequentially and 46% from a year earlier to NT$2.64 billion during the period. EPS came to NT$0.40.

For all of 2011, ASE reported NT$13.73 billion in net profits on consolidated revenues of NT$185.35 billion. Revenues at its IC ATM business grew 9.1% to NT$4.35 billion in 2011, outperforming the industry average, ASE said. The firm claimed a 18.1% share of the global semiconductor assembly and testing services market in 2011, up from 16.9% in 2010.

ASE remains focused on the development of its copper wire bonding and advanced packaging technology, according to company COO Tien Wu. In the meantime, ASE continues to vie for orders from IDM firms for low pin-count and discrete devices, said Wu.

ASE saw sales from copper bonding total US$785 million in 2011, up significantly from US$307 million in 2010, Wu revealed. Of the 2011 sales, orders from fabless IC firms contributed as high as US$720 million. ASE is eyeing potential growth opportunities in the IDM sector, Wu noted.

In addition, sales generated from its low pin-count and discrete IC packaging increased 39% to US$361 million in 2011, thanks to increased outsourcing demand by IDM companies, Wu disclosed.

ASE has budgeted a capex of between US$700 million and US$750 million for 2012, with plans to further expand its flip-chip packaging and bumping capacity, according to company CFO Joseph Tung.
Micron president says DRAM prices have bottomed out

Micron Technology Inc president Mark Adams said prices of computer memory chips have probably hit a low after a slump that caused losses at three of the four largest companies in the industry.

In December, the Boise, Idaho-based company, the only remaining US maker of dynamic random access memory (DRAM), reported its second straight quarterly loss as product prices fell amid slowing personal computer orders.
“I don’t think DRAM goes down from here,” Adams said in an interview ahead of a company analyst day in Scottsdale, Arizona. “It’s starting to feel like a stable market.”

Chipmakers are struggling to match supply with demand in the market for memory in personal computers, where plants take years to come online and cannot be shut down cheaply.

Underlining that, last year industry sales dropped 26 percent to US$29.2 billion, according to an estimate by market researcher Gartner Inc. That followed a 72 percent surge in 2010.

Adams was promoted to company president last week following the death of former chief executive officer Steve Appleton in an airplane accident. Former chief operating officer Mark Durcan has reversed his retirement decision and is taking on Appleton’s position.

The industry is inching closer to Appleton’s vision of a more stable business populated by few producers, Adams said.

Only the Suwon, South Korea-based Samsung Electronics Co, the largest maker of computer memory, which also gets income from mobile phones, flat panel displays and home electronics, has remained profitable.
occhio a Nanya, il nostro miglior cliente in Asia..

dai minimi di Dicembre ( 1,80 ) ha fatto + 98% :eek::eek::eek::bow:

oggi ha chiuso a 3,58 , e la strada è lunga.. speriamo anche x Eems ! :cool:

Range intraday 3.35 - 3.58
52 week 1.80 - 18.80
Ultima modifica:

Cercatore oggi stai bono, rischi di perdere il treno... :p

io son convinto che se le vendo tutte poi parte a razzo.. :wall:

chi partecipa ad un consorzio di garanzia x rimborsarmi x il mancato gain ? :D

:mmmm: ma non c'è nessuno oggi? tutti sotto a spalare ? :D