EK - Eastman Kodak Company ( NYSE:EK)

mi sa che è indirizzata verso i 2, peccato non aver preso altre put
se lui la da a 2 io la do a 16 intanto e' positiva vediamo la chìusura
Ma ci sono news? Che titolo pazzo. Era da entrare a piene mani 2 ore fa e vendere adesso milionari
mah... titolo scommessa... purtroppo il sentiment è che il prestito se lo scordano... altrimenti non scenderebbero ogni giorno..... se poi però lo danno e si è entrati a sti prezzi, allora è come fare 13 al totocalcio
An independent review has raised concerns about Eastman Kodak’s corporate governance but found no evidence of insider trading when its top executive and a board member bought shares before the stock surged on news of a possible $765m loan from the US government.

Jim Continenza, Kodak’s chairman and chief executive, and Philippe Katz, a board member, bought shares in June, and Mr Continenza was awarded stock options on July 27, the day before the company said it was nearing a deal with the government to become a manufacturer of generic drug ingredients.

That announcement briefly sent the stock soaring 15-fold, transforming the value of insiders’ holdings and drawing scrutiny of the stock deals from members of Congress and others. The US International Development Finance Corporation, which was negotiating the loan, said in August that it would not move ahead unless the allegations of wrongdoing were cleared.

Oggi si vola
c'è movimento anche oggi
sono rimasto da solo ad aspettare un bello spike?