Facebook [Nasdaq:FB] Thread unico capitolo III

  • Due nuove obbligazioni Societe Generale, in Euro e in Dollaro USA

    Societe Generale porta sul segmento Bond-X (EuroTLX) di Borsa Italiana due obbligazioni, una in EUR e una in USD, a tasso fisso decrescente con durata massima di 15 anni e possibilità di rimborso anticipato annuale a discrezione dell’Emittente.

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Bella storia .. Vediamo se ha la forza di confermare la rottura..l'obbiettivo dovrebbe essere sui 90$
che bomba anche oggi!!!
Chinese Ban On Facebook Inc May Be Lifted

Should Facebook infiltrate the Chinese market with an appeal in censorship, it would open itself up to a network of social media users with over 840 million accounts. Facebook, with almost 1.4 billion users, could benefit immensely in revenues stemming from target and engagement advertisements, virtual games, bids and facets that Chinese users are infamous for endorsing in the market. It has also been speculated that if entrance into the Chinese market becomes plausible, Facebook could then strategically acquire Chinese media companies like RenRen or Tencent in order to assist the site’s growing traction in a fluid manner.

non male!!
Chinese Ban On Facebook Inc May Be Lifted

Should Facebook infiltrate the Chinese market with an appeal in censorship, it would open itself up to a network of social media users with over 840 million accounts. Facebook, with almost 1.4 billion users, could benefit immensely in revenues stemming from target and engagement advertisements, virtual games, bids and facets that Chinese users are infamous for endorsing in the market. It has also been speculated that if entrance into the Chinese market becomes plausible, Facebook could then strategically acquire Chinese media companies like RenRen or Tencent in order to assist the site’s growing traction in a fluid manner.

non male!!

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) stock gained to hit all-time highs of $82.93 during today’s trading session after Chinese regulators hinted at intentions of lifting a ban on the social media giant. The stock is up 2.35% at $82.87.
non capisco il brusco calo a pochi minuti dalla chiusura del nasdaq, ho capito le prese di profitto della settimana ma :mmmm: :mmmm:
Un' efficace spiegazione del metodo di pagamento...

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB ) just unveiled a payments system for Messenger that will let users pay each other via messages. The feature will launch for iOS, Android, and PCs over the next few months in the U.S. Payments will be secured by Touch ID on iOS devices and a PIN code for other platforms.

This move is a clear declaration of war against the peer-to-peer payments market, which includes eBay's (NASDAQ: EBAY ) PayPal, Square, and Venmo. Like Square and Venmo, Facebook's peer-to-peer debit card payments will be free. All three services undercut PayPal, which still charges 2.9% plus $0.30 per debit transaction.

Facebook Inc's New Service Could Disrupt PayPal and Square (EBAY, FB)
DJ Facebook Plans to Expand Israeli R&D -- Market Talk
24/03/2015 08:51 MF-DJ
0751 GMT [Dow Jones]--Facebook plans to expand its Israeli research and development center, which is currently developing technologies related to Internet.org, an initiative to deliver information services in underserved countries. Based on the company's acquisition of Onavo in 2013, the center now employs 55 persons, planning to hire further 25-30 employees in 2015, the company said on Sunday. The Israeli team has recently also taken the lead on the development of a Facebook feature called Safety Check, that makes it easier for users to send updates about their conditions in case of disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
ormai è un massimo continuo!

ri-posto una notizia che non vi ho visto commentare!

cosa ne dite?

Chinese Ban On Facebook Inc May Be Lifted

Should Facebook infiltrate the Chinese market with an appeal in censorship, it would open itself up to a network of social media users with over 840 million accounts. Facebook, with almost 1.4 billion users, could benefit immensely in revenues stemming from target and engagement advertisements, virtual games, bids and facets that Chinese users are infamous for endorsing in the market. It has also been speculated that if entrance into the Chinese market becomes plausible, Facebook could then strategically acquire Chinese media companies like RenRen or Tencent in order to assist the site’s growing traction in a fluid manner.

Chinese Ban On Facebook Inc May Be Lifted
Dati short interest FB


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Update short position 10 Marzo , fra le più basse del Nasdaq 1,4% del float


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Consensus, upgrade, downgrade...

Facebook Inc : analysts consensus and price target for Facebook Inc | Nasdaq: FB | 4-Traders

Facebook is making news

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is getting into the news according to a piece printed in the New York Times this morning. The company is currently in negotiations to reprint content from some of the country’s most important news providers in a bid to keep its audience more engaged and, possibly more importantly, to take ad dollars directly from Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), (NASDAQ:GOOGL).

According to the report, The New York Times, BuzzFeed and National Geographic will be the first partners for the new service, which is expected to launch in the coming months.

Facebook Inc (FB) News To Steal Ad Dollars From Google
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fino dove può arrivare? :)
voi mantenete la posizione?
Facebook & telecom, do ut des...

Informazioni sulle madri che cambiano operatore telefonico e altro...

The report, called “A people-based telecom business,” says data around mothers’ use of Facebook forms a “people-based segmentation, based on life stages,” and can explain when and why, for instance, a mother decides to change mobile operators. For example, the data suggests that mothers with children aged 0-10 are 50% more likely to switch operators than mothers with older children. This could be because the former want handsets with better cameras, or because toddlers have damaged their handsets.
