Gli attacchi degli inglesi all'euro, default dell'Italia

  • Ecco la 70° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    Settimana di risk-off per i principali indici per via dei timori legati all’inflazione persistente e alle prospettive di tassi ancora elevati a lungo. Anche se il report di oggi sull’indice core Pce, la misura molto gradita alla Fed per valutare l’inflazione, ha mostrato un parziale raffreddamento, o quantomeno una stabilità. L’indice ha riportato una crescita su base annua del 2,8%, in linea con le previsioni degli analisti e con la rilevazione del mese precedente. Questo dovrebbe lasciare più margine di manovra alla Fed per abbassare i tassi di interesse nel corso del 2024. Passando al Vecchio Continente, il report sull’inflazione dell’Eurozona ha mostrato un indice al 2,6%, oltre il 2,5% atteso e in accelerazione rispetto al 2,4% precedente.
    Per continuare a leggere visita il link


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Cercando su internet diverse opinioni, guardate un po' cosa ho trovato :cool:
ho iniziato da questo articolo del 2006. Qualunque italiano medio sarebbe andato nel panico. Notare gli incontri segreti con un membro della commissione europea, che ha spostato tutti i suoi soldi fuori dall'euro (nel 2006, all'inizio del rally dell'euro, adesso ha perso un sacco di soldi sul cambio)
L'Italia era 5 minuti a mezzanotte ! :eek:

Monday view: Why break-up of faltering euro could be the way ahead
By Ambrose Evans- Pritchard
Last Updated: 8:40pm BST 22/09/2006

The disintegration of the euro may be drawing closer. Warnings of an EMU bust-up were once confined to a handful of eurosceptic journals: they have since spread to City banks such as Morgan Stanley and HSBC, and are now moving perilously close to the EU core itself.

"Will the Eurozone Crack?" is the latest missive from the Centre for European Reform, a pro-euro think-tank with close ties to the European Commission.

"The single currency was supposed to bring Europe together, but it risks becoming a source of economic dislocation and political division," begins the report, a 59-page demolition of EMU by the centre's business chief, Simon Tilford.

"Italy is the country most likely to trigger a crisis. It is not far-fetched to imagine a scenario in which the country is forced to quit the single currency. It could easily force other members to quit the eurozone and could even precipitate the unravelling of the single market," the paper says.

Those of us who have been thundering ever since Maastricht that EMU is a woefully misconceived idea that will destroy the very Europe it was intended to cement, can only say: welcome to the club. In truth, it is a well-kept Brussels secret that many of the EU's own experts fear the euro will blow apart in the next nasty recession, with Italy, Portugal, Greece, and Spain shaping up as prime candidates for ejection.

As The Daily Telegraph's Brussels correspondent, I used to meet for furtive lunches with a Commission economist who was so worried about the coming smash-up that he had switched his savings into "hard" currencies, choosing foreign accounts beyond EU reach. I joke not. He knew, from his ringside seat, that the single currency had been thrust on Europe by the Delors crowd for entirely political reasons in the face of vehement warnings from the pros at the Directorate of Economic and Monetary Affairs.

"They didn't care if there was a crisis one day. In fact they welcomed it, thinking that it would make it easier for Brussels to gain fiscal powers and create a debt union," he said.

This strategy – the Jean Monnet method – seemed a plausible bet at the time, when the march towards closer union looked unstoppable. They never imagined that France and Holland would spurn the EU Constitution, leaving the euro a stateless, orphan currency without the prospect of political union to back it up. The Centre for European Reform says Italy is now at "five minutes to midnight", running out of options after having squandered the windfall gains of EMU entry.
poi trovo questo suo articolo:

Are we primitive euro-haters?
Posted by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard on 27 Nov 2007 at 07:50

In answer to all those posts suggesting that we will use any piece of dirt to besmirch the euro, let me reply.
It is true that a substantial army of British Eurosceptics kept insisting until the eve of E-day in January 1999 that the single currency would never get off the ground.

They then repeated their dire claims as the euro plummeted to 82 cents against the dollar, predicting a bond crisis.

Well, yes, but I was not among them, and nor were many of us diehard critics. The beauty of the internet (and often the curse, for journalists) is that you can check these things.

The article below was one that I wrote in late 1998, after a visit to Rome to talk to the Italian central bank and Treasury – since Italy was then viewed as the weakest link.

ma il bello viene con i commenti sul blog, questo è da leggere tutto :D

The Euro and the Brits
Johan de Meulemeester 27 Nov 2007 11:09

Ambrose Evans Pritchard,
I really don´t know what to make of you - if I look at your profile in Wikipedia I think you will agree that any European would be entitled to be skeptical about you.

Lets all agree here that Wikipedia is not the Encycl. Britannica but I think you have some work to be done in having your biography edited there because its very hard to take you seriously with some of your history which is described there.

As for the Brits and the Euro : the main criticisms in Britain against the Euro have always been channeled through the American owned propaganda empire of Rupert Murdoch ; Rupert Murdochs propaganda empire was also one of the leading voices that dragged Britain into the illegal failed war against Iraq.

Brits would have been wise to ignore the Murdoch propaganda press on Iraq and they would be wise also to ignore the Americans when they criticize the Euro.

As for this newspaper The Telegraph here you have also quiet a history; until very recently you were owned by Conrad Black - a very anti European media magnate from North America who currently faces up to 25 years in jail on various charges of fraud and other criminal activities. Hard to take Conrad Black seriously therefore and this unfortunately also taints the writings of those who were hired by him and worked for him during so many years.

So Britain has a long history of clowns attacking Europe and the Euro; in the 1990´s Britain was showered with anti European propaganda from that other media magnate Robert Maxwell - the one who ended up floating dead in the Mediterranean and leaving his entire British workforce without a pension.

Personally I think Europe and the Euro are in better shape than the US/UK ; both these countries treasuries are being bled dry with the unending war in the sands of Iraq & imploding from eternal twin deficits which will only get worse as the housing collapse continues.

Real inflation in the US is running at 11% annually (based on CPI methodologies of 1980)- no wonder nobody wants to hold the magic green paper yielding less than 4%. (for real inflation stats in US see charts below)
Mentre scrivevi questo facevo lo stesso. :D

Comunque articolo già postato in questa sezione nel 2006. ;)
ma ora ci sono i gustosi aggiornamenti di dicembre 2007 sul suo blog :D
con gli ultimi avvenimenti degli ultimi mesi, i subprime, il collasso del dollaro e della credibilita FED, adesso tutte le scem.enze che i clown inglesi hanno scritto negli anni, si leggono sotto una nuova luce

notare che in tempo record (qualche ora) wikipedia è stata costretta a modificare la biografia :eek:
Wikipedia Entry on Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Johan de Meulemeester 28 Nov 2007 04:14
Wow... that was a speedy edit of the complete Wikipedia biography of Ambrose Evans Pritchard ... ?
This morning there was all kinds of material in there and now all it says is that Ambrose Evans Pritchard is a reporter for the Telegraph......
Is this a normal response time for having an entire biography edited on Wikipedia (?)

qualcuno sa come trovare la vecchia versione ? ho trovato solo questo: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard aveva paura di essere ucciso dagli "squadroni della morte" di Clinton... :eek: semplicemente meraviglioso :D :clap:

Could this be the same London Daily Telegraph that employs Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, whose Wikipedia entry is pure entertainment in itself?

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the son of E.E. Evans-Pritchard, is an investigative reporter for the London Daily Telegraph and author of The Secret Life of Bill Clinton released by the conservative Regnery Publishing. He was educated at Malvern College and Cambridge University.[citation needed]

An editorial review noted that The Secret Life of Bill Clinton "connects the president to everything from 1997’s Oklahoma City bombing to Arkansas’s drug underworld to the mysterious death of White House aide and longtime Clinton friend Vince Foster, and, of course, to Paula Jones."[1] Moreover Ambrose claims "Arkansas was a mini-Colombia within the United States, infested by narco-corruption." He wrote that he feared for his life from Clintons "Death Squads."|2006


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Da oggi, e ad imperitura memoria di internet, aggiungo alla lista dei clown, Bloomberg TV UK.
Oggi per tutta la mattina continuava a passare la notizia che i titoli italiani erano i calo, a causa dell'incertezza sulla determinazione del nuovo governo Berlusconi sulla gestione del debito.

E invece lo spread BTP-BUND è invariato (anzi, in diminuzione di 1 punto sul 10Y e 4 punti sul 2Y).

Sotto sotto questi gentlemen inglesi sono solo dei Clown con la pallina rossa sul naso e le scarpe a punta. :rolleyes:
Visto come sta andando la sterlina, vien da ridere.
io sono anni che avevo questa convinzione, pur senza avere dati oggettivi ma solo scambiando opinioni tra un paese e l'altro.. sono contento che altri siano della stessa opinione

cia a tutti
Come dimenticarci di Ambrose Evans-Pritchard ?
Se la prende con l'Italia, ma ora è la Spagna che deve lasciare l'euro, poi la Francia, il ClubMed, la BCE, come al solito... :D

OECD warning as stagflation goes global

Ma il bello sono i commenti, praticamente la metà lo prendono in giro, se avete 5 minuti da occupare, potete darci un occhiata :D

Posted by Javier on May 18, 2008 10:39 PM
I can see your tactics; divert attention from the UK. However it won't work, the brick wall is straight ahead.
Ci sono delle perle esilaranti, ma anche istruttive: anche gli spagnoli la vedono come noi in Italia.

Posted by Nathan Redshield on May 19, 2008 3:45 AM
Despite your effort to find cracks on the Spanish financial system YOU FAILED.
Spanish delincuency rates both in mortages and personal credits are the LOWEST IN EUROPE by a WIDE MARGIN . Despite that , the Spanish banking regulator forced the banks to provision for around 300% of current default rates !!!
The Spanish and Italian banks are the MOST CAPITALIZED banks in Europe . Way above UK banks per example .
The US mortage portfolio of the Spanish banks , including Cajas, is 0 .
When Banco de España , Spanish banking regulator , was asked years ago by some banks about "Off Balance Sheet vehicles" , they orderer an 8% capital coberture on such vehicules ... by consecuence NO SPANISH BANKS HAS ANY OFF BALANCE SHEET LIABITIES .... .
Mr. Evans-Pritchard , are you sure all the UK financial institution , and others worldwide , have fully consolidated it´s off-balance sheet vehicles ? Of course NOT , ... more surprises ahead .
Spanish banks are COMMERCIAL banks with very litte INVESTMENT bank units .
Spanish banks are financed around a 85% by deposits ... compare that to UK banks much more exposed to money markets.
That´s why no NORTHEN ROCK in Spain .
Time ago you tried to attack the Spanish banks arguying abuse of ECB financing ... EVERYBODY knows it´s NOT POSSIBLE to abuse the ECB window.
Every country in the Euro area have an assiged limit to acces ECB financing . Spain limit is 9% .
During the last years Spanish banks only used around 4% of ECB financing ,way below the 9% limit , because the banks found cheaper financing via deposits and money markets.
Once the money market frozen or became more expensive since the Summer 2007, The Spanish banks have used it´s 9% . That´s NORMAL.
In the last years has been German banks that has surpassed it´s assigned limits , simply because some countries , like Spain , didn´t used it part of ECB financing .
Both you and the Financial Times , reported distortionated the ECB funding story .
The president of the AEB , link , Spanish Banking Association , send a EXPLANATION LETTER to the Financial Times , that was NOT PUBLISHED . You can read the letter in Spanish-english in their website.
P.D: Shortly after the financial crisis started , the british press , mainly the FT, started to attack the Spanish financial system with numerous articles , most of them TOTALLY WRONG .
Those articles were reproduced in the Spanish press , commented and them refuted , because most of the arguments were pueril , poor ... or just simply WRONG.

Later there were articles suggesting a "desprestige campaign" against the Spanish financial system because the absurd , wrong and reiteration of the attacks .
TODAY absolutly NOBODY reproduce any FT or Telegraph article in Spain .
Simply the british financial press DOESN'T HAS LOST ANY CREDIBILITY IN SPAIN .

Posted by Javier on May 18, 2008 10:42 PM
Euro membership
In several articles Mr. Evans-Pritchard argue the possibility of either Spain or Italy leaving the Euro !!! What a madness !!!
Absolutly nobody has ever talk of that in Spain , not even the comunist , ecologist , nationalist .. NOBODY .
Spain benefits a lot of the Euro in good times , ... but MUCH MORE in dificults times like this !

A 4% interest rate it's VERY LOW for Spanish standars . Imagine the interest rates with a weak Peseta in this scenario .. NO WAY .
A strong Euro is extremly good for controling inflation in Spain .
More tha 80% of Spanish export goes to the Euro Area .

Spain basically doesn't export outside Europe .
Mr. Evans-Pritchard , update your rethoric , nobody is concerned in Spain about a strong Euro , because we doesn't export outside Europe , helps countains the inflation ,it's good for our financial system , helped absorbing the oil shock , etc .
Spain has a big commercial deficit , and a strong Euro reduce our bill .
Are net export economies outside the Euro Area, like Germany that should , and are , worried about an strong Euro , not Spain .
In dificult times like this is when Spain apreciate more it's membership to a strong and big Currency like the Euro .
what a difference !!!
In SPagna qualcuno risponde per le rime a FT o simili
in Italia qualcuno (leggi sinistra) usa gli articoli per
demolire gli avversari...
ma si sa a noi piace essere servi di stranieri....
madonna certo che negli ultimi anni la finanza inglese ha preso delle botte allucinanti altro che italietta :p:o
l'Italia è il paese europeo più indietro.I rifiuti come a Napoli non li ho mai visti in nessuna parte del mondo,con un commissario straordinario che dura 13 anni.Se non sapessi che è l'Italia direi che è l'Argentina
l'Italia è il paese europeo più indietro.I rifiuti come a Napoli non li ho mai visti in nessuna parte del mondo,con un commissario straordinario che dura 13 anni.Se non sapessi che è l'Italia direi che è l'Argentina

scusa se parli con un padano (ahhh già chi è un padano?
la padania non esiste !! è un territorio virtuale..)
beh, dicevo, se parli con un padano..dirgli che lui ed un napoletano
sono entrambi della stessa nazione....potrebbe farlo *********.
Insomma, se permetti, noi del nord, visto quel che succcede
a Napoli abbiamo tutto il diritto di ....dissociarci.
scusa se parli con un padano (ahhh già chi è un padano?
la padania non esiste !! è un territorio virtuale..)
beh, dicevo, se parli con un padano..dirgli che lui ed un napoletano
sono entrambi della stessa nazione....potrebbe farlo *********.
Insomma, se permetti, noi del nord, visto quel che succcede
a Napoli abbiamo tutto il diritto di ....dissociarci.

what a difference !!!
In SPagna qualcuno risponde per le rime a FT o simili.
in Italia qualcuno (leggi sinistra) usa gli articoli per
demolire gli avversari....
ma si sa a noi piace essere servi di stranieri....

E' proprio vero... Siamo servi di stranieri...Non per niente abbiamo decine di basi militari straniere in Italia e facciamo finta di niente....
E' proprio vero... Siamo servi di stranieri...Non per niente abbiamo decine di basi militari straniere in Italia e facciamo finta di niente....

basi straniere da cui gli USA (perchè quelli sono..) ci comandano??
mi vien da ridere....cfr Craxi e Sigonella...
gliele abbiamo messe a disposizione per nostro tornaconto...
siamo noi che ci guadagnamo..altro che servi...
Hai citato Sigonella e quindi presumo che tu sappia quello che è accaduto a Sigonella...
Un momento della nostra storia in cui è stato evidente a tutti che la nostra sovranità sulla nostra nazione è limitata.
Hai citato Sigonella e quindi presumo che tu sappia quello che è accaduto a Sigonella...
Un momento della nostra storia in cui è stato evidente a tutti che la nostra sovranità sulla nostra nazione è limitata.

mi scusi chi ha prevalso Craxi o gli USA ??
Mi risulta Craxi....