IAO - verso la fine???

ciao bakko
oggi +52% con 4000 di volume
che bufala
un saluto a tutti
anche a Visal
che ha fatto bene ad abbandonare
la nave OK!
l'importante è fare gain
non importa con che titolo:yes:

speriamo che passi 1$ , sarebbe un buon segnale
ma i volumi sono pochi

Ma penso che so giochetti sporchi di M.M
Non ha senso salire con 4800 azioni:mmmm:

e che succede oggi... 7 post e 3 iagioiani DOC presenti sul fol ... ??? :bow::bow:

a per il verdone di oggi ?? bè hai voglia di strada da farne ancora !!! ma meglio di niente !!!

ritroverò speranze di gain solo sopra ai 2,40$ :'(:'(

un caro saluto e speriamo in altri giorni come questo !!!!

Buonanotte a tutti...io il titolo manco lo guardavoo piu'... e oggi questa bella sorpresa...io ci credo...le ho e non le vendo....
Soliti giochetti da M.M
Da un +46% se rimangiato tutto ieri con pochi pezzi
Questi birbantelli di M.M
qui si compra ancora !!! :mmmm::mmmm::mmmm::mmmm::mmmm:

Press Release Source: IA Global, Inc. On Wednesday October 13, 2010, 9:00 am EDT

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- IA Global, Inc. (OTCQB:IAGI) (the “Company”) announced the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire 100% of PowerDial Systems, Ltd, a VOIP System Company and PowerDial Services, Ltd, a VOIP Service Company (“PowerDial”), from Innovative Software Direct Plc a U.K. company listed on the U.K PLUS Market.

PowerDial is based in Durham County, England and provides physical networks, Green IT solutions, and applications that control the performance and integrity of wireless, voice, video, and data networks. PowerDial reported revenues of $2.7 million in FY2009 and expects to grow in 2010 and later years.

Under the terms of the Letter of Intent, PowerDial will be acquired for 2,400,000 shares of IAGI common stock with additional shares available for meeting certain performance metrics and for acquisition of additional VOIP/IT businesses in the U.K.

The letter of intent is subject to (i) approval of the acquisition by the Board of IAGI (ii) completion of due diligence; and, (iii) agreement to customary terms and conditions, including a prohibition on issuance of new shares, options or warrants by the parties. The acquisition is expected to close by October 31, 2010.

“The acquisition of PowerDial brings IA Global back into outsourcing and into the technology application business and enables the Company to compete once again on a global scale. This latest acquisition represents a highly scalable opportunity that provides a substantial growth engine that will help us achieve our goal of achieving $100 million in annual revenues and $10 million in annual EBITDA by FY2012,” stated Brian Hoekstra, CEO of IA Global, Inc.

in attesa di tempi migliori un caro saluto amici iagioani ... :bow::bow:
qui si compra ancora !!! :mmmm::mmmm::mmmm::mmmm::mmmm:

Press Release Source: IA Global, Inc. On Wednesday October 13, 2010, 9:00 am EDT

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- IA Global, Inc. (OTCQB:IAGI) (the “Company”) announced the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire 100% of PowerDial Systems, Ltd, a VOIP System Company and PowerDial Services, Ltd, a VOIP Service Company (“PowerDial”), from Innovative Software Direct Plc a U.K. company listed on the U.K PLUS Market.

PowerDial is based in Durham County, England and provides physical networks, Green IT solutions, and applications that control the performance and integrity of wireless, voice, video, and data networks. PowerDial reported revenues of $2.7 million in FY2009 and expects to grow in 2010 and later years.

Under the terms of the Letter of Intent, PowerDial will be acquired for 2,400,000 shares of IAGI common stock with additional shares available for meeting certain performance metrics and for acquisition of additional VOIP/IT businesses in the U.K.

The letter of intent is subject to (i) approval of the acquisition by the Board of IAGI (ii) completion of due diligence; and, (iii) agreement to customary terms and conditions, including a prohibition on issuance of new shares, options or warrants by the parties. The acquisition is expected to close by October 31, 2010.

“The acquisition of PowerDial brings IA Global back into outsourcing and into the technology application business and enables the Company to compete once again on a global scale. This latest acquisition represents a highly scalable opportunity that provides a substantial growth engine that will help us achieve our goal of achieving $100 million in annual revenues and $10 million in annual EBITDA by FY2012,” stated Brian Hoekstra, CEO of IA Global, Inc.

in attesa di tempi migliori un caro saluto amici iagioani ... :bow::bow:

non cè male :rolleyes:
vedremo alla trmestrale
8-Nov-10 Earnings announcement
dò un uppatina al3d ..così giusto per non perdere la speranza e sopratutto per un caro saluto agli amici Iagioiani !!!
buon fine settimana !!!!

ps: iagi news:

Form 8-K for IA GLOBAL INC



Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets, Financial Statements and Exhibi

Item 2.01. Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.
IA Global, Inc. (the "Company or IAGI") announced the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire 100% of PowerDial Systems, Ltd, a VOIP System Company and PowerDial Services, Ltd, a VOIP Service Company ("PowerDial"), from Innovative Software Direct Plc a U.K. company listed on the U.K. PLUS Market.

PowerDial is based in Durham County, England and provides physical networks, Green IT solutions, and applications that control the performance and integrity of wireless, voice, video, and data networks. PowerDial reported revenues of $2.7 million in FY2009 and expects to grow in 2010 and later years.

Under the terms of the Letter of Intent, PowerDial will be acquired for 2,400,000 shares of IAGI common stock at $1.00 per share with an additional 500,000 shares available for meeting certain performance metrics and for acquisition of additional VOIP/IT businesses in the U.K.

The Company expects, with assistance of certain affiliates of Seller and their investor network, to issue $2 million of additional common stock after the closing of the transaction. The funds are expected to be used to acquire 100% interests in VOIP, IT, telecom and software companies in the U.K. and Europe, subject to approval by the IAGI board of directors.

The letter of intent is subject to (i) approval of the acquisition by the Board of IAGI (ii) completion of due diligence; and, (iii) agreement to customary terms and conditions, including a prohibition on issuance of new shares, options or warrants by the parties. The acquisition is expected to close by October 31, 2010.

The Letter of Intent will be included as an exhibit to Form 10-Q for the three months ended December 31, 2010.

pensierino per il weekend::eek:
secondo Voi che significa ?? :mmmm::mmmm::mmmm: che questi prenderanno azioni ad 1$ pur se valgono 0.42 ?? :confused::confused::confused:

oggi con meno di 5000 di volume
ha dato spettacolo:yes:
range da 0,43 a 0,93
un saluto a tutti gli iaoliani
Roba da non credere poi oggi con 2200 pezzi sta a fa +116%
spettacolare sta grandissima zocc......
ciao Visal

concordo, se non fossi in loss direi che mi sto divertendo
ancora 5-6 giorni con questo trend e un pò di volumi e mi faccio un regalino per natale

saluti agli amici e .... non molliamo l'osso
concordo, se non fossi in loss direi che mi sto divertendo
ancora 5-6 giorni con questo trend e un pò di volumi e mi faccio un regalino per natale

saluti agli amici e .... non molliamo l'osso

ciao termopoli
ben rilettoOK!
spettacolare sta grandissima zocc......
ciao Visal
E' una grandissima zocc....... con i peli lungi e appuntiti
Okkio a non pungersi
Volumi da lumicino appena x comprarsi una pizza e tutto questo con un 116%:'(
range di oggi da 0,60 a 0,93
con 3300 di volume
come dice il buon Claudiano
stanno stendendo la rete per i tonni:D:wall::wall:
non mi piace
concordo, se non fossi in loss direi che mi sto divertendo
ancora 5-6 giorni con questo trend e un pò di volumi e mi faccio un regalino per natale

saluti agli amici e .... non molliamo l'osso

E' una grandissima zocc....... con i peli lungi e appuntiti
Okkio a non pungersi
Volumi da lumicino appena x comprarsi una pizza e tutto questo con un 116%:'(

range di oggi da 0,60 a 0,93
con 3300 di volume
come dice il buon Claudiano
stanno stendendo la rete per i tonni:D:wall::wall:
non mi piace

:pdiciamo che a noi la cosa non ci tange .... oramai è da un pezzo che siamo spiaggiati !!!!!! :eek::eek:

un caro saluto miei cari amici iagioiani !!!

buon fine settimana...

bye :bye:
Form 8-K for IA GLOBAL INC



Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

Item 2.01. Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.
Proposed Acquisition of Zest Corporation Co Ltd and Zest Home Co Ltd ("Zest")

On July 15, 2010, IA Global, Inc. (the "Company") signed a letter of intent to acquire 100% of Zest from Kansai Trust Co Ltd, Japanese companies. Zest reported revenues of 2.37 billion JPY or approximately $28 million at current exchange rates and was profitable during the year ended March 31, 2010. The acquisition is expected to close by November 15, 2010. The Company is completing its due diligence.

Proposed Acquisition of PowerDial Systems, Ltd, a VOIP System Company and PowerDial Services, Ltd, a VOIP Service Company ("PowerDial")

On October 13, 2010, the Company announced the signing of a Letter of Intent to acquire 100% of PowerDial from Innovative Software Direct Plc, a U.K. company listed on the U.K. PLUS Market.

PowerDial is based in Durham County, England and provides physical networks, Green IT solutions, and applications that control the performance and integrity of wireless, voice, video, and data networks. PowerDial reported revenues of $2.7 million in FY2009 and expects to grow in 2010 and later years.

The acquisition is expected to close by November 30, 2010, after a vote by the shareholders of Innovative Software Direct Plc.

Termination of Proposed Acquisition of Solar Power Engineering Co Ltd ("Solar Power")

On September 7, 2010, the Company announced the signing of a letter of intent to acquire 100% of Solar Power from Vegitus Co Ltd, both Japanese companies. The Company has decided not to acquire Solar Power due to difficulties in negotiating the outstanding loan balance repayment plan.

buon weekend
range di oggi da 0,60 a 0,93
con 3300 di volume
come dice il buon Claudiano
stanno stendendo la rete per i tonni:D:wall::wall:
non mi piace
OPs a proposito ma che fine ha fatto??
SU dacci un tuo giudizio sulla zocc@la
Gia' me lo immagino ....................... ahahahahhahah:wall::wall:
ma oggi non quota ?
o oggi l'OTC è chiuso ?
meglio ferma che rossa !!!:rolleyes:

anche oggi immobile o montagne russe !!! :mmmm:

sempre con volumi scarsissimi s'intende !!!:eek:

ciao iagioiani...:bow::bow:

ps: straquoto Termo sul regalIAGIno per natale !!!:D

ciao amici iagioiani..

che dire.......: :D solo che con volumi latitanti ha fatto i max di novembre !!!:p...

un caro saluto.... buonweek