NYSE-ZDGE - Zedge Inc. partiamo da 2$...

E dalla curva sud è tutto per oggi :clap::yeah:


Statisticamente è un'idea stupida inseguire i rialzi

Di redattore il 17 ottobre 2023 - 21:4

Genie Energy (GNE) è rimasta in rialzo per così tanti giorni consecutivi che statisticamente chiunque la insegua qui come operazione a breve termine ha un'alta probabilità di perdere denaro. Nel lungo termine , GNE diventerà sicuramente un titolo da $ 30 , ma qualsiasi guadagno realizzato da GNE in futuro sarà GRANDE sovraperformato da Zedge (ZDGE) .
Capisci che GNE e ZDGE sono stati fondati dalla stessa famiglia ?
Se sei entrato in GNE al nostro prezzo suggerito di $ 5,44 per azione stai facendo una fortuna , ma abbiamo la sensazione che la maggior parte delle persone stia entrando in GNE in questo momento per la prima volta e inseguirà ZDGE e vi entrerà per la prima volta dopo rompe i 5 dollari per azione . È molto triste !
Out 1,85.... In bocca al lupo Nicky ci rivediamo se qualcosa si smuove oltre alle promesse e le prospettive
Out 1,85.... In bocca al lupo Nicky ci rivediamo se qualcosa si smuove oltre alle promesse e le prospettive

è un mercato che non perdona nulla, anzi direi punitivo a prescindere. Chiedere ad un'azienda growth di far vedere qualcosa al di là delle aspettative è già ingeneroso. Eppure zedge riesce a fare anche questo, mantenendo un cash flow positivo e con una market cap di 28 mln a fronte di liquidità per 18 mln in pancia e tante novità che salteranno fuori negli ultimi mesi.
Crepi il lupo caro Thomass, di certo serve pazienza in un contesto dove le opzioni di investimento a prezzi da saldo non mancano di certo e pertanto è logico stare laddove si è più confidenti OK!
Comunicato risultati FY23

Trascrizione Conferenza stampa

Si prosegue, in termini di conti, sulla falsariga dei quarter precedenti. A livello di quotazione siamo molto molto compressi in virtù di un mercato dove manca completamente liquidità da diverso tempo. Resto fortemente confidente nelle prospettive di medio lungo periodo perchè la società è solidissima, managerialmente capace ed opera in un settore che ha molto futuro.
Buon fine settimana a tutti,
Comunicato risultati FY23

Trascrizione Conferenza stampa

Si prosegue, in termini di conti, sulla falsariga dei quarter precedenti. A livello di quotazione siamo molto molto compressi in virtù di un mercato dove manca completamente liquidità da diverso tempo. Resto fortemente confidente nelle prospettive di medio lungo periodo perchè la società è solidissima, managerialmente capace ed opera in un settore che ha molto futuro.
Buon fine settimana a tutti,
Ciao nik
senza luci ne ombre,ma meglio anonimo che deludente :D l’unico problema è che non c‘e‘ crescita e non e’ bello per un‘azienda. Si sono salvati con il taglio dei costi,e va bene così,ma poi devi crescere.
Ciao nik
senza luci ne ombre,ma meglio anonimo che deludente :D l’unico problema è che non c‘e‘ crescita e non e’ bello per un‘azienda. Si sono salvati con il taglio dei costi,e va bene così,ma poi devi crescere.

É vero. Dobbiamo anche considerare però che, date le dimensioni aziendali, la congiuntura e il fatto che la crescita vorticosa avvenuta in tempi di lockdown andava ragionevolmente metabolizzata con un periodo di consolidamento, un annualità di transizione, come l’hanno definita, ci sta tutta. L’aspetto positivo è che, in un anno di stress economico, hanno mantenuto cash flow positivo senza rinunciare ad investire nello sviluppo di nuove app. In più hanno fatto buyback a prezzi di saldo. Resto notevolmente ottimista in virtù dei ratio patrimoniali attuali, economici in prospettiva e della capacità del management di far fronte alle difficoltà ed alla transizione, peraltro con una comunicazione ai mercati lineare e trasparente.
Di certo, comunque, fino a che le aspettative sui tassi non muteranno, questa tipologia di aziende resterà abbondantemente sottovalutata data l’inesistente liquidità dei book.
Un caro saluto,
Ultima modifica:
Stime analisti - fonte Barron's

Da notare che anche i (pochissimi) analisti che coprono Zedge, da qualche settimana hanno variato in maniera significativa, ottimisticamente, le loro stime di utili per i prossimi 2 anni. Fa piacere che si sommi qualche altra voce agli invasati di inflation us... ;)

Immagine 03-11-23 - 09.50.jpeg
Piccolo aggiornamento prima dei dati del 13 dicembre: qualche giorno fa la società ha comunicato di aver estinto anticipatamente il mutuo da circa 2 mln contratto circa un anno fa. Nel comunicato si spiega la scelta con due motivi: buon andamento economico e venuta meno degli ultimi eventuali impegni di earnout nei confronti degli ex azionisti gurushot. La cassa netta (che equivale alla cassa tout court essendo l'indebitamento = a 0) a metà dicembre è di 16,7 mln, la market cap intorno ai 25....

Intanto rilevo che sono state implementate attività di vendita di abbigliamento e oggettistica personalizzate sia sul sito zedge e sul sito emojipedia che, insieme, sommano un 23 mln di visite mensili.....se anche una minima frazione di utenti acquistasse qualcosa potrebbero derivarne utili interessanti....

Stiamo a vedere. Resto molto fiducioso.....
Speriamo che i 3 cents di utile del primo trimestre preventivati siano il preludio a un cambio di sentiment sul titolo...:yeah::asd:
Q1 dati

Trimestrale discreta. Outlook molto positivo. Sottovalutazione indubbiamente marcata. E' una società che si muove oculatamente in un settore ricco di opportunità. Stanno assumendo, con parsimonia, per innalzare le competenze aziendali in termini di marketing. La strada per la ripresa delle quotazioni (che io vedo in doppia cifra nel medio lungo periodo) è ancora nella sua fase iniziale. Vediamo cosa ci riserva il futuro. Molto contento di averla nel cassetto....
Segni di risveglio nelle ultime sedute, seppure con volumi infimi e in diffuso clima di compiacenza da rally di natale e fine anno. Resto convinto che i target siano molto in alto. Non si potrà comunque fare a meno di pazientare, come sempre.

Un sereno 2024 a tutti!
Ultima modifica:
Copioincollo qui l'ultima parte della call trimestrale che non era presente nella trascrizione scaricabile dalla sezione istituzionale del sito zedge. E' la parte della call in cui si facevano domande al CEO.

Allen Klee:
Hi, I’m sorry about that. Starting off with, so despite monthly active users declining, you’ve been executed on everything to really deep my top and bottom line numbers. I wanted to ask a question to start with on monthly active users. Is that — some of that is macro, some of that’s industry. Just on that one point, what would you say is what you’re working on doing that could potentially start to stabilize that?

Jonathan Reich: Hi, Allen, it’s Jonathan. Thanks so much for the kind words. In terms of MAU and stabilizing and potentially, even growing that number, literally everything that we have in our product roadmap is focused on improving that number. And in addition to that, the marketing efforts that we have, both with respect to organic, as well as paid marketing initiatives are focused on improving that number. So everything that we have talked about today, as well as our future product growth is tied to improving that monthly active user base. I just want to point out as well that we’re just slightly below 30 million monthly active users. The number is still a very, very significant number. There aren’t that many apps that I am aware of that have that sort of massive penetration. And we are certainly shooting to resume growth with that number in the upcoming corners.

Allen Klee: Yes, I would note that some industry research is saying that after smartphone sales being down for around two years, it looks like it may start — sales may start stabilizing and grow next year, which maybe that will help just that backdrop also?

Jonathan Reich: Yes.

Allen Klee: So you talk about with GuruShots and waiting with Apple’s privacy rules and waiting for the big sites like Facebook to implement what Apple has done. What are you hearing about the timing for that and when that might become effective?

Jonathan Reich: We speak to Facebook regularly. They, I think as you know, had rolled out a scan for implementation several months ago and they had to quickly roll that back. There’s no question of a doubt this is a high priority item for them, but really that question is best geared for the folks over at Meta. Having said that, we have undertaken several initiatives in order to assist in scaling our page user acquisition initiatives, including creative, and really massively increasing the number of creatives — creative themes and design and so on and so forth. As well as taking advantage of a new product that, or products feature I should say that Facebook had rolled out known as AEM, Aggregated Event Measurement, which is meant to improve performance by aggregating data from both the app or mobile space and web space.

And that, we believe, is having a positive impact as well in terms of helping us scale. So those two items together coupled with some internal work that we are in the process of undertaking in conjunction with our data team that is analyzing it’s funnel events that we believe can be targeted against are all tools that are being used in order to help us get there. But of course, once GAD4 does come out, we are chomping at the bit to include that in our marketing stack in order to increase whether it be first time depositors, users, and the like.

Allen Klee: Thank you. It sounds like you have good momentum with paint where that’s getting rolled out and how have you — talk a little about, kind of, how you think about the — how that’s going to plan of them — get it the adoption rate for that? Thank you.

Jonathan Reich: Sure. So as mentioned in my earlier comments, we’ve now made paint available on a global basis. I think a point of differentiation between us and let’s say many of the other gen AI apps that are out there is that our offering does not require a user to have to purchase tokens or subscribe to a service, but rather they can essentially paint through watching rewarded videos. And the way that we are approaching this is through several different means in terms of making sure that it is available and visible to our users, making sure that we are optimizing our store listing, but at the same point in time, maintaining our leadership position in terms of ranking with respect to mobile phone personalization. And also using the benefits of marketing automation to convert users from being consumers into actual creators.

Separate and apart from all that, I think in last quarter’s conference call, I mentioned that we are working on a standalone gen AI app that we hope to release in the first couple of months of 2024 calendar year. And having a standalone fully dedicated app focused on gen AI is going to allow for us to market in ways that really free us of any focus that we have on personalization and rather shift that focus all around, you know, generative AI. So that is, in a brief nutshell, how we think about this evolving space, and we’re excited by where this space can eventually lead to. But at the same point in time, proceeding with, you know, a rational and deliberate growth plan, so that we are in better control of our destiny.

Allen Klee: Excellent. For AI Art Master, how — I went to the Google and Apple stores today, and I know they are not yet available in the U.S. But when you are launching a new game, how do you — what is the marketing strategy to try to get it to accelerate and ramp up? How are you thinking about the marketing? How to make that happen? Thanks.

Jonathan Reich: Sure. So there are many components that go into that. But let me tell you some of the things that we are currently doing, even though the game is, your point is correct, is only soft launch is available in only five countries today. Nonetheless, we’ve been investing in the AI Art Master website and that website has continued to improve its rankings in terms of search engine optimization. And that will assist in terms of driving organic growth when the game is introduced into more countries and eventually rolled out on a global basis. Separate and apart from that, we have been doing some very, very light paid user acquisition campaigns in the markets in which the game is in soft launch. Certainly, paid user acquisition will be a significant part of that business.
And then, I think it’s really critical to underscore that we will be marketing that game to our user base. So give or take 30 million monthly active users. And our users are over-indexed for engaging with casual hybrid casual type of mobile games, so that’s an additional plus. And then there is a whole set of initiatives around App Store optimization, coming up with the right collaterals in the App Store, making sure that we are benefiting from the hypergrowth that gen AI is currently experiencing. So taken together, that constitutes a good portion of our thoughts with respect to marketing this new title as we continue to progress with the soft launch.

Allen Klee: Thank you. Emojipedia has been a home run. I didn’t catch everything you said of some of the new features you are looking to roll out. Could you just go over that again? Thank you.

Jonathan Reich: Sure. So we’re looking at, let’s call it an emoji translator. You can type in a field of text and you will have that text rendered in a string of emojis. We’re looking at adding new content types like emoticons. We are also in the midst of testing a print-on-demand capability where you can design…
Allen Klee : I’m sorry, what was that second? What was that second one?

Jonathan Reich: Emoticons?

Allen Klee: Yes, what is that? I’m sorry.

Jonathan Reich: Emoticons. Emoticons. E-M-O-T-I-C-O-N-S.

Allen Klee: Yes, could you explain what that is?

Jonathan Reich: It’s another form of representation of emojis, if you will. And we think that it’s a logical extension of the emoji space. So that is certainly something that we’re looking at. But just to give you an example of an emoticon, prior to emojis, if you wanted to end a email or text message with a smile, you would type in a colon and a close parentheses. That is an emoticon.

Allen Klee: Thank you.

Jonathan Reich: So to answer your question. But, you know, the notion of offering emoticons and then also offering a mashup emoji design where you can actually take two emojis and join them together and you have a new visual that is the output associated with that. So those are all areas that we’re looking at. And I would add as well that we’re also looking into the notion of offering a subscription tier to the Emojipedia service that we would want to test. And if that shows good prospects, then we would further develop that.

Allen Klee: That’s very helpful. I’ll throw in a financial question. You’re not giving specific guidance, but any commentary on how seasonality and maybe any financial metrics that you’re kind of prioritizing?

Jonathan Reich: Well, seasonality is, you know, our business is heavily weighted towards advertising revenue and we are in the same boat as any other digital business that is heavily weighted towards advertising space. Obviously RQ2, which extends November, December, January, is historically our strongest quarter of the year. And, you know, there’s no reason to believe that will be different this year. And in terms of financial KPIs, we are always looking at our cash, things like quick ratio, and then ARPMAU as being really important to the theme of being financially solvent and allowing for us to have ample runway to continue to grow the business and seize opportunity as we see that opportunity unfolding.

Allen Klee: That’s great. So I’m probably going to say this wrong, but the average revenue per monthly active user, that was up 17%. A lot of things go into that subscription definitely helped. What do you see like going forward as the key things you are doing that can impact what direction that moves in?

Jonathan Reich: Yes, so it’s a function of our product and when I say our product that involves or that includes not only our ad stack and how we monetize our ad inventory, but also our subscription offering. As you’ve seen, the growth and subscription space has sustained for, I guess, two quarters. Subscriptions, the introduction of subscriptions on iOS are really exciting. They are at higher price points when compared to Android. So that coupled with the Zedge premium marketplace, where we actually go out and allow for artists to sell licensed content and how that is priced and how that is offered to our user base, all of those taken together contribute to influencing that average revenue per monthly active user.

Allen Klee: Okay, great. That’s it for my questions. Thank you very much. Congratulations on a strong quarter.

Jonathan Reich: Thank you.

Operator: We have no further questions in queue. This concludes our question-and-answer session and conference call. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect.
Traffico sito Emojipedia

Traffico sito Zedge

Da questo portale potete osservare le statistiche riguardo il numero di contatti mensili registrati dalle home page di Emojipedia e Zedge. Dall'uscita delle opzioni "print on demand", che si concretizzano nella vendita di materiale personalizzato con fregi rivenienti perlopiù da elaborazioni in AI, i due portali hanno visto crescere le visite: 14,4 mln di click mensili Emojipedia e 10,9 Zedge. Un cumulato che oltrepassa i 25 mln di contatti mensili. Vedremo, nell'arco dei prossimi trimestri, che tipo di fatturato può generare una business unit del genere ma di certo sarà a marginalità elevata. E' uno dei tanti esempi di come può essere sfruttata la penetrazione di mercato di Zedge che può vantare un 30 mln di utenti attivi al mese ed è l'app di personalizzazione dello smartphone più diffusa al mondo. Quest'anno poi abbiamo in cantiere nuove funzionalità di emojipedia (con tool per la creazione di emoticon "fai da te"), una nuova app, in uscita entro fine febbraio, per la creazione di immagini in AI (più potente della funzionalità pAInt di Zedge, che ovviamente ha avuto la funzione di "tirare la volata") ed il lancio di Ai art master, la "gameificazione" di pAInt, sfruttando le competenze nel campo gaming del team di gurushots, altra risorsa che andrà rilanciata ed il cui potenziale resta di tutto rispetto.
Un caro saluto a tutti,

Graficamente sono d'accordo con la curva sud....

ZDGE Has 100% Chance of Gaining Big​

By editor on January 25, 2024 - 03:11


Zedge (ZDGE) has a 100% chance of gaining big in the short-term.
ZDGE's key breakout point is $2.50 per share. As soon as ZDGE breaks $2.50 per share it explodes into the $3-$4 per share range within days.
The last time ZDGE surpassed $2.50 per share about one year ago it exploded to $3.74 per share.
Historically, ZDGE has averaged a 52-week high of 5.10X its 52-week low.
This would currently value ZDGE at $8.57 per share.
ZDGE's long-term median ratio between its 52-week high and 52-week low has been 2.96.
This would currently value ZDGE at $4.97 per share.


ZDGE's lowest ever ratio between its 52-week high and 52-week low was 1.84 back on February 19, 2020.
It is unlikely that ZDGE's 52-week high/52-week low ratio ever returns to 1.84, but even if it does it would value ZDGE at $3.09 per share.
The momentum from ZDGE hitting $3.09 per share would most likely take it back to between $4.97 and $8.57 per share by this summer.

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.
Vuvuzela trader scatenati NIA

ZDGE Gains 2.64% to $2.33 Will Be $3-$4 by Valentines Day​

By editor on January 24, 2024 - 17:24


Zedge (ZDGE) gained by 2.64% today to $2.33 per share and will be $3-$4 per share by Valentines Day.
ZDGE's fair value is $5+ per share.
Let's compare the popularity of ZDGE vs. ZDGE's Emojipedia vs. Paltalk (PALT):

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.

Parabolic Growth in Emoji Search Traffic​

By editor on January 24, 2024 - 19:32

We are seeing parabolic growth in search traffic for all emojis including:

There are a total of 3,782 emojis and they all lead to Emojipedia as the #1 ranked search result.
Nobody knows that Zedge (ZDGE) owns Emojipedia, but Valentines Day is the #1 highest traffic day of the year for Emojipedia and ZDGE could easily hit $5 per share next month.
Emojipedia saw 62% revenue growth last quarter on a year-over-year basis!
ZDGE's Emojipedia is one of the fastest growing Internet businesses in the world!

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.

NIA's History of Undervalued U.S. Stock Suggestions​

By editor on January 25, 2024 - 11:14


Prior to Zedge (ZDGE) there were three previous low EV/revenue ratio stocks suggested by NIA:
NIA suggested Sterling Infrastructure (STRL) on August 28, 2017, at a price of $10.25 per share where its enterprise value was 0.387X revenue. On December 29, 2023, STRL hit a high of $89.80 or 1.397X revenue for a gain of 777.07%.
NIA suggested Lifeway Foods (LWAY) on June 10, 2019, at a price of $2.10 per share where its enterprise value was 0.451X revenue. On November 24, 2023, LWAY hit a high of $17.33 or 1.587X revenue for a gain of 725.24%.
NIA suggested Daktronics (DAKT) on November 28, 2021, at a price of $4.77 per share where its enterprise value was 0.302X revenue. On November 27, 2023, DAKT hit a high of $12.42 or 0.639X revenue for a gain of 160.38%.
ZDGE's trailing seven-year median enterprise value/revenue ratio is 1.833.
ZDGE has trailing twelve-month revenue of $27.42 million.
ZDGE has cash of $16.7 million and no debt as of December 7th.
An enterprise value of $27.42 million X 1.833 = $50.26 million + $16.7 million in cash = market cap of $66.96 million.
ZDGE has 14.35 million shares outstanding.
ZDGE should be trading for a minimum of $4.67 per share, but all other U.S. technology stocks are extremely overvalued and trading for well above their long-term median multiples.
Prior to NIA suggesting ZDGE we researched all other U.S. technology stocks and the only comparable company with a low multiple and strong balance sheet was Paltalk (PALT).
has already increased from 0.367X revenue up to over 2X revenue today and ZDGE is a 1,000X better company.

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.

ZDGE Gains 10.73% to $2.58 and Surpasses Key Breakout Point​

By editor on January 25, 2024 - 18:54


Zedge (ZDGE) gained by 10.73% today to $2.58 per share and surpassed its most important key breakout point of $2.50 per share!
ZDGE's Emojipedia business is growing by 62% year-over-year, yet ZDGE's current market cap is only $37.023 million!
Valentines Day is the #1 biggest boom period of the year for Emojipedia.
ZDGE has $16.7 million in cash and no debt!
ZDGE's enterprise value is only $20.323 million!
ZDGE is trading with an enterprise value of only 0.741X revenue vs. its trailing 7-year median enterprise value/revenue ratio of 1.833!
The Zedge app alone is worth at least $50 million it has over 500 million installations on Android!
Emojipedia is probably worth $20-$30 million more on top of the Zedge app!
ZDGE also owns GuruShots the #1 most popular photo game!
ZDGE is developing new AI apps that will be launching in 2024!

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.
Il break dei 2,50 ha impresso ai corsi l'accelerazione attesa. Siamo, seppur ancora di poco, rientrati nell'ampio range 3-5$.
Ma i target di lungo sono ben più alti ed andranno verificati e riponderati, tempo per tempo, in funzione dell'evoluzione societaria.

Un caro saluto a tutti,
Il break dei 2,50 ha impresso ai corsi l'accelerazione attesa. Siamo, seppur ancora di poco, rientrati nell'ampio range 3-5$.
Ma i target di lungo sono ben più alti ed andranno verificati e riponderati, tempo per tempo, in funzione dell'evoluzione societaria.

Un caro saluto a tutti,
Grande N, la stai accompagnando nell’Olimpo.
io non ci ho creduto,e resto in panchina,ma felice per te OK!