Robert F. Kennedy jr: un morto che cammina…

mi stupisco sia ancora vivo... evidentemente non ha ancora toccato i poteri forti

che i veri poteri magari gli stanno dando "corda" x raccattare il dissenso? invento... pero' magari funziona :o
non lo toccano ancora perchè sanno che non riesce a competere con Biden e Trump ma se per miracolo gli americani aprissero gli occhi e lo votassero in massa, Robert Kennedy Jr. avrebbe i giorni contati come suo padre e zio
ultimamente credo che abbia avuto ragione anche sul NOVAX, ho letto troppa roba inquietante e son pentito di essermi vaccinato
perchè probabilmnete il mio sistema immunitario è stato compromesso forse addirittura all'80%, infatti mi ammalo molto più di prima
non credo troverai miei post di elogio ai 2 vecchietti, ma che che sto Kennedy sarebbe sicuramente meglio non ne sarei così sicuro.

fa discorsi che anche un bambino farebbe, pace nel mondo, sanità per tutti, stipendi più alti...

appena va un pò più sul tecnico dimostra di capirne poco....
ti invito a leggere tutte le pagine di questo thread come ho fatto io
forse dopo cambierai idea
E siamo già alla censura….

Beh, se non altro questo spiega molte cose :D

RFK Jr says a worm ate part of his brain and then died inside his head

Anti-vaccine activist turned independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has revealed that a worm ate part of his brain and then died inside his head.

He reportedly said he’d begun to experience “cognitive problems” and both short and long-term memory loss in 2010, not long after his uncle, the late Massachusetts senator Edward Kennedy, died from the effects of brain cancer.

He also said in his 2012 deposition that he has suffered from mercury poisoning that has caused neurological issues.

“I have cognitive problems, clearly,” he said at the time. “I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.”
RFK Jr, the son of late New York senator and attorney general Robert F Kennedy, told the Times in an interview that the poisoning was caused by eating too much fish.

I loved tuna fish sandwiches. I ate them all the time,” he said.

Beh, se non altro questo spiega molte cose :D

RFK Jr says a worm ate part of his brain and then died inside his head

Anti-vaccine activist turned independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has revealed that a worm ate part of his brain and then died inside his head.

He reportedly said he’d begun to experience “cognitive problems” and both short and long-term memory loss in 2010, not long after his uncle, the late Massachusetts senator Edward Kennedy, died from the effects of brain cancer.

He also said in his 2012 deposition that he has suffered from mercury poisoning that has caused neurological issues.

“I have cognitive problems, clearly,” he said at the time. “I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.”
RFK Jr, the son of late New York senator and attorney general Robert F Kennedy, told the Times in an interview that the poisoning was caused by eating too much fish.

I loved tuna fish sandwiches. I ate them all the time,” he said.


qui c'è chi dice che sono stupidi gli americani a non votarlo :asd:

non che gli altri 2 brillino a livello cognitivo