
grazie 1000 nikis, scusa se ti rompo.
Ma a sto punto cosa si può fare?
Premetto che ne ho una manciata, quindi non vado in fallimento, però secondo te, quali scenari si aprono ad un investitore come me?
Grazie ancora
grazie 1000 nikis, scusa se ti rompo.
Ma a sto punto cosa si può fare?
Premetto che ne ho una manciata, quindi non vado in fallimento, però secondo te, quali scenari si aprono ad un investitore come me?
Grazie ancora

Bisogna aspettare purtroppo la speranza è sempre l'ultima a morire. Io personalmente aspetto di vedere sto benedetto 10k prima. Anche se lunedì sempre che apra scenderà io le tengo fino a che non delistano il titolo definitivamente... ci sono centinaia di cose che possono accadere dal delisting definitivo a una bella OPA da parte di qualche grossa società.
Chi vivrà vedrà OK!
Si è messa maluccio dalle ultime news... no 10k la compagnia che doveva farlo ha detto che non vuole più niente a che fare con SPNG ed è stata fatta un'altra class action.. non ho capito se da spng contro altri o contro di loro... son appena arrivato a casa e son quasi le 2 domani guardo meglio...
Si è messa maluccio dalle ultime news... no 10k la compagnia che doveva farlo ha detto che non vuole più niente a che fare con SPNG ed è stata fatta un'altra class action.. non ho capito se da spng contro altri o contro di loro... son appena arrivato a casa e son quasi le 2 domani guardo meglio...

sempre grazie.
in un forum ho letto che forse oggi viene fuori qualcosa.
Ti risulta?
Ha aperto però io non vedo ne bid e ask e sta tradando a 0.02
dici che sia meglio uscire?
... sta a +100% oggi e trada nei gray sheet senza bid e ask ne MM. Sulle board dicono che nei gray sheet non si puù "nakedshortare" e si stan ricoprendo tutti..
... sta a +100% oggi e trada nei gray sheet senza bid e ask ne MM. Sulle board dicono che nei gray sheet non si puù "nakedshortare" e si stan ricoprendo tutti..

tradotto per i piu ignoranti come me?
Un commento di qualcuno?

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. Announces Notice Of Class Action Filed Against Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc.
Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009 02:14pm EDT

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. announced that notice is hereby given that a lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on October 28, 2009, on behalf of a plaintiff and a proposed class of purchasers of securities of SpongeTech Delivery Systems, Inc. during the period April 15, 2008 and October 5, 2009, inclusive (the Class Period). The complaint alleges that SpongeTech and certain officers and directors violated Sections 10(b), 14(a) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by making false and misleading statements and omissions concerning SpongeTech's financial statements. It also alleges that the Company engaged in financial transactions with related entities owned or controlled by officers and/or directors of the Company and that said officers and/or directors of the Company engaged in manipulation of the Company's stock. The Company has been notified by the SEC that it is the subject of a formal investigation. In addition the SEC has temporarily suspended trading in the Company's stock.

Un commento di qualcuno?

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. Announces Notice Of Class Action Filed Against Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc.
Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009 02:14pm EDT

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. announced that notice is hereby given that a lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on October 28, 2009, on behalf of a plaintiff and a proposed class of purchasers of securities of SpongeTech Delivery Systems, Inc. during the period April 15, 2008 and October 5, 2009, inclusive (the Class Period). The complaint alleges that SpongeTech and certain officers and directors violated Sections 10(b), 14(a) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by making false and misleading statements and omissions concerning SpongeTech's financial statements. It also alleges that the Company engaged in financial transactions with related entities owned or controlled by officers and/or directors of the Company and that said officers and/or directors of the Company engaged in manipulation of the Company's stock. The Company has been notified by the SEC that it is the subject of a formal investigation. In addition the SEC has temporarily suspended trading in the Company's stock.


è la terza class action :rolleyes:
cosa puo succedere ora al titolo secondo voi?
piccola curiosita' personale, qualcuno sa che sorte debba prendere il titolo... e' morto o si spera in una resurrezione.
Hanno arrestato per frode Moskowitz e Matter. -75% per ora vediamo dove arriva. Penso si possa prospettare la bancarotta.
Io ho venduto tutto giorni fa in discreto gain. Troppo strane tutte ste news e nemmeno un 8k per dire che han acquisito dicon o che hanno alzato le A/S. C'è sotto qualcosa di marcio e il signor moskowitz lo sa. tempo fa leggevo un articolo nel quale si diceva che facesse giochini sporchi anche con la sua vecchia società..

SpongeTech execs arrested on securities fraud


Last Updated: 1:06 PM, May 5, 2010

Posted: 11:31 AM, May 5, 2010
The top executives of Spongetech Delivery Systems Inc. were arrested and charged today in an alleged scheme to defraud investors by reporting falsely and grossly overstated sales figures.

According to a criminal complaint filed Wednesday, Michael Metter, Spongetech's chief executive and president, and Steven Moskowitz, the cleaning-products maker's chief operating officer and chief financial officer, were charged with conspiracy to commit securities fraud and obstruction of justice. They each face up to five years in prison on the conspiracy charge.

Metter, 58 years old, of Greenwich, Conn., and Moskowitz, 45, of Flushing, N.Y., are expected to appear before a U.S. magistrate judge in federal court in Brooklyn later Wednesday.

"The defendants in this case--Spongetech's highest corporate officers--are charged with executing a bold scheme to portray Spongetech as a company that was performing at a level far above reality," U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch said in a statement. "As detailed in the complaint, the audacity of their scheme was matched only by their obstructive efforts during the course of the SEC's investigation."

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission also has filed civil charges in the matter, Lynch said.

In the complaint, prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney's office in Brooklyn alleged Metter and Moskowitz between January 2007 and May 2010 publicly reported the company had secured purchase orders or made sales to five customers that did not exist.

For the nine months ended Feb. 28, 2009, the purported sales to those five customers accounted for as much as 99% of Spongetech's revenue, prosecutors said.

During that time frame, the men allegedly filed multiple false reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and issued numerous press releases touting the false sales figures, typically via the Internet, prosecutors said in the complaint.

Since the SEC issued subpoenas in September as part of a formal probe of Spongetech, Metter and Moskowitz allegedly have tried to fabricate the existence of the five purported customers, according to the complaint.

They allegedly sought to create Web sites and virtual offices for the companies, have furnished investigators with phony purchase orders and produced "questionable documentation" purportedly constituting proof of payments by the customers, prosecutors said in the complaint.

The SEC suspended trading of the company's stock Oct. 5, according to the complaint. The suspension expired Oct. 16, and Spongetech has been trading only in the "grey market," a market for securities not listed on any stock exchange, the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board or the pink sheets, according to the complaint.

A phone call to Spongetech wasn't immediately returned Wednesday.

An automated message on the company's investor relations phone line said the company would make no comment during the SEC investigation and would only make public comments via press releases.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/busine..._alleged_G68iYhJ0H6bje8HJ4cZAUK#ixzz0n4pdZBkv
siamo nella caccccca!!!
Va bè .....

Bad news for Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc. (OTC: SPNG)

Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc. (OTC: SPNG) share price closed on $0.04 with trading volume of 5.986 million as on May 4th, 2010. Its average volume stands around 5.27 million per day.

As for today (May 5th, 2010) it has already dropped by almost 80 percent with volume of 126.15 million shares.

The sudden drop in the price of the SPNG is in reaction to the recently announced negative news in the market of its top executives being arrested for fraud. The charge is made on reporting false and untrue financial and sales figures showing overstated financial position of the company.

The involved Spongetech officials are its Chief Executive and President Michael Metter, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer Steven Moskowitz, as both of executive are to face five years in prison on the fraudulent and conspiracy charge.

Further both executive will appear before US magistrate judge in federal court later on Wednesday.

It is believed that overstated sales figures and false financial statements were publicly reported between the time frame of January 2007 to May 2010 and sales contracts were reported, which never existed in the first place.

According to SEC investigation almost 99% of revenue of Spongtech was reported from fake sales contracts.

Spongetech Delivery Systems Inc. engages in vehicle cleaning products such as sponges, liquid absorbing foams, foams polyurethane matrices and other products.