Totowally 2020


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Si salva solo OBSV:)
Io ne indico 5:

SCyx ha un buon prodotto sembrebbe ADC già fatto con insider che hanno aderito
Alna pure buon prodotto ottimi trial
Achv ( crostone ) ma prodotto contro il fumo

Poi cmq ce ne sono molte altreqnad aver pazienza e soldi da buttare

E' inutile far la storia di 3000 titoli. Ognuno di essi ha una storia. Io ne conosco… 5. :p
Obsv alna achv SCyx lptx corv

alna l'avevo guardata, pipeline discreta ma troppa poca cassa
obsv guardata anche ma troppa poca cassa
lptx guardata a febbraio era quella con gli acquisti degli insider.. ma già poca cassa allora e adesso anche meno, e c'è un selling stockholder.. :rolleyes:
corv gli avevo dato un'occhiata era murata di debiti mi è venuto da vomi.tare e non ho neanche fatto i conti e più guardata...:rolleyes:

scyx ce l'ho nel mio listino di quelle da guardare..:D, insieme a sppi e aim adesso..

ieri ho guardato sbph e secondo me è una buona occasione... hanno stoppato dei trial perchè 3 pazienti su 100 hanno avuto qualche problema, ma mi sembra solo nel gruppo a dosaggio alto..

cetx di mastro non ti piace? a me sembra discreta..
sppi non mi piace... sbaglierò:rolleyes:

kala la devo guardare:D
AIM non sembra male.. ho scritto meglio di là nel suo 3d

a me piace anche CBAY e LPCN..

evvai ho parlato da solo tutta sera!:D
Alna 2,59 in after
Mi permetto di suggerirvi questa: INMD possibile che in un anno possa anche raddoppiare il suo valore, poi, fate voi... :o :bye:
scyx a numeri sembra simile ad alna..
però come pipeline scyx mi sembra meglio.. ha dei catalyst più vicini e cura una malattia più diffusa.. mercato potenziale maggiore imho
a 1.10$ potrebbe tornarci.. però non mi fa impazzire..:rolleyes:, poca cassa.. ci sono i warrant.. mah..
se il farmaco funziona potrebbe essere buona..
I warrant cmq sono a 0,9 quindi più su e a poca distanza dalla compliance
Certo non e un titolo molto.speculativo da + o - 30 a botta come ci piace

adc a 0.9 ma i warrant credo abbiano exercise price a 1.10..

The warrants to purchase shares of common stock are immediately exercisable and expire on the earlier of (i) such date that is six months after the Company publicly announces the approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for ibrexafungerp for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis and (ii) June 12, 2023, and have an exercise price of $1.10 per share.

però sono d'accordo che non è speculativo ma potrebbe essere buona da ptf... la malattia è abbastanza diffusa imho..

Vaginal Candidiasis | Fungal Diseases | CDC
Vaginal candidiasis is common. In the United States, it is the second most common type of vaginal infection after bacterial vaginal infections.2 An estimated 1.4 million outpatient visits for vaginal candidiasis occur annually in the United States.4 The number of vaginal candidiasis cases in the United States is unknown.

Vaginal yeast infection - Wikipedia
About 5-8% of the reproductive age female population will have four or more episodes of symptomatic Candida infection per year; this condition is called recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC).[18][19] Because vaginal and gut colonization with Candida is commonly seen in people with no recurrent symptoms, recurrent symptomatic infections are not simply due to the presence of Candida organisms. There is some support for the theory that RVVC results from an especially intense inflammatory reaction to colonization. Candida antigens can be presented to antigen presenting cells, which may trigger cytokine production and activate lymphocytes and neutrophils that then cause inflammation and edema.[20][21]

se il farmaco funziona anche se fanno adc il prezzo tiene.. TNDM saliva mentre era in perdita.. anche tesla.. poi chissa quante ce nè..

Ibrexafungerp Development Update

In November 2019, we announced positive top-line results for our Phase 3 VANISH-303 study investigating the safety and efficacy of oral ibrexafungerp as a treatment for women with VVC. Specifically, ibrexafungerp achieved superiority over placebo at a highly statistically significant level (p≤0.001) for the primary endpoint and key study endpoints required for regulatory approval of the VVC indication. These top-line results come earlier than originally anticipated due to faster-than-expected enrollment in the VANISH-303 study and support our stated timeline to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) for the treatment of VVC in the second half of 2020.

The VANISH-303 study was designed following the 2016 “Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: Developing Drugs for Treatment, Guidance for Industry” by the FDA. The study was conducted at 28 centers in the U.S. and enrolled 376 patients randomized to oral ibrexafungerp (single-day 600mg dose regimen consisting of two doses of 300mg administered 12 hours apart) or matching placebo in a 2:1 ratio. To be eligible for this study, patients needed to present with an acute episode of VVC with a signs and symptoms (S&S) score of four or greater on a scale of zero (no S&S) to 18 (maximum severity). Primary efficacy analyses were conducted in the modified-intent-to-treat (mITT) population, comprised of patients with culture confirmed Candida spp. infection at baseline who received at least one dose of study treatment. The characteristics for both groups were evenly balanced at baseline, including the severity of the vaginal infection.


Table of Contents

The primary endpoint required for registration is clinical cure, defined as complete resolution (score of 0) of all S&S at the Day-10 test-of-cure (TOC) visit. The observed clinical cure for ibrexafungerp was 50.5%, showing highly statistically significant superiority to placebo (p=0.001). Mycological eradication (secondary endpoint) at TOC in ibrexafungerp patients was 49.5%, also showing superiority to placebo (p<0.001). The VANISH-303 ibrexafungerp efficacy results confirm results observed in the Phase 2b DOVE study and achieve the superiority versus placebo required for regulatory approval.

boh potrebbe essere buona, però preferisco quelle speculative..:D
e il ceo sta anche comprando abbastanza seriamente..
Paas usas gold spxs
