VAXART (VXRT): vaccino Coronavirus

Non avra' il vaccino ,,,ma potrebbe correre a breve-...
saranno rilasciati risultati fasi 1 in questo mese, e con la fame di vaccini.. pronta anche questa
Oggi quasi -60% su risultati non promettenti dei trials.
Io sono entrato ieri con una piccola posizione, ma più studio il titolo più mi viene voglia di uscire.

Dentro 7,40$
Finalmente dopo tanta sofferenza, una botta di vita :)
Vaxart announces results of survey on COVID-19 vaccine pill 08:06 VXRT Nearly 19M more American adults - about a third of those now refusing to get vaccinated - would get vaccinated if they could take a pill instead of getting a shot, according to a poll conducted by Quadrant Strategies and commissioned by Vaxart, Inc. The survey found that 23% of respondents said they do not plan to get vaccinated but nearly a third of them said they would if the vaccine were available as a pill instead of by a needle injection. The results suggest that about half of the additional vaccinated group would be drawn from minority populations, communities that have disproportionately not been vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report only 12% of Hispanics, 9% of Blacks, and 6% of Asians have received vaccines as of April 21, 2021. Nearly a quarter of respondents said they are afraid of needles and that fear is found among all groups. The national survey of 1,500 Americans over the age of 18, conducted by Quadrant Strategies between March 17 and 24, also found that: 7 in 10 said they'd prefer taking a vaccine pill rather than getting injected with a vaccine. 7 in 10 said they'd prefer taking a pill at home rather than going somewhere to get vaccinated. 8 in 10 support speeding up the development of new vaccines that can respond more quickly to new virus strains as they appear. An overwhelming majority are worried that current vaccine development can't keep up with the new strains. This survey's findings come as the government has reported newer and more variants of Covid-19 in the United States. Vaxart recently completed the Phase 1 study of its oral tablet coronavirus vaccine: The study reached primary and secondary endpoints of safety and immunogenicity, respectively. VXA-CoV2-1 induced potent CD8+ T-cell responses that are potentially protective against the original as well as new and emerging Covid-19 strains.
Vaxart to host KOL webinar on T-Cell responses for COVID-19 vaccines 08:16 VXRT Vaxart announced that it will host a webinar on the importance of T-cell responses for COVID-19 vaccines on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The progress the United States has made against COVID-19 is imperiled by the rise of new and highly contagious virus strains. Vaxart and the scientific community are working to respond and T-cells are emerging as one potential answer to the new strain challenge. Vaxart will welcome T-cell expert Mark Davis, Ph.D., Stanford University School of Medicine, to report on the importance of T-cell immunity in COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Davis will also discuss cross-protection against the new COVID-19 variants and future proofing against new and emerging coronaviruses. Early reports of vaccine efficacy focused on antibody production, but the ability to engage T-cells may be an important factor in determining which vaccines are most effective. Vaxart's management will provide new data comparing the T-cell responses generated from its VXA-CoV2-1 vaccine with those of other vaccines. The Company will also present new mucosal antibody data and review the recent Phase I clinical results that suggest VXA-CoV2-1 is potentially protective against new and emerging COVID-19 strains.
Vaxart appoints David Wheadon to its board of directors Vaxart (VXRT) announced the appointment of David Wheadon, M.D., to its board of directors. Wheadon is a "health policy leader and physician with more than three decades of global experience in the pharmaceutical industry coordinating the interests of public companies, trade groups and regulators," the company said. Most recently Wheadon served as Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs, Patient Safety and Quality Assurance at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals (AZN).
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