Venezuela e PDVSA (vol.154) Quota "Aran2" .... il sogno resistente!

  • Ecco la 70° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    Settimana di risk-off per i principali indici per via dei timori legati all’inflazione persistente e alle prospettive di tassi ancora elevati a lungo. Anche se il report di oggi sull’indice core Pce, la misura molto gradita alla Fed per valutare l’inflazione, ha mostrato un parziale raffreddamento, o quantomeno una stabilità. L’indice ha riportato una crescita su base annua del 2,8%, in linea con le previsioni degli analisti e con la rilevazione del mese precedente. Questo dovrebbe lasciare più margine di manovra alla Fed per abbassare i tassi di interesse nel corso del 2024. Passando al Vecchio Continente, il report sull’inflazione dell’Eurozona ha mostrato un indice al 2,6%, oltre il 2,5% atteso e in accelerazione rispetto al 2,4% precedente.
    Per continuare a leggere visita il link

Gli ultimi prezzi che giravano erano in linea e l'operatività di tutti era in linea con l'investimento ma...
come tutti non ho messo in conto la chiusura che ha fatto saltare il banco

nell'attera possiamo vedere un film non ci resta che piangere
Due fiorini :D

Quindi chi ha pagato gli avvocati per la prescrizione? Quanto avete speso? Avete ricevuto la copia ? Grazie
Gli ultimi prezzi che giravano erano in linea e l'operatività di tutti era in linea con l'investimento ma...
come tutti non ho messo in conto la chiusura che ha fatto saltare il banco

nell'attera possiamo vedere un film non ci resta che piangere
Due fiorini :D

Io direi 3 Baiocchi...:D :D :D
Solite chiacchiere? :confused:

Biden quiere redoblar la presion sobre Maduro y trabajar junto a Brasil, Mexico y Argentina en todo America Latina - Infobae

- Cosa ha in mente Biden riguardo al dramma in Venezuela?

- Non possiamo ignorare che Nicolás Maduro è ora un dittatore, che ha perso ogni legittimità a causa delle sofferenze che ha inflitto al popolo venezuelano. È ora che lasciamo il gioco e parliamo apertamente di ciò che sta accadendo in Venezuela. È inaccettabile che milioni di venezuelani debbano fuggire dal loro paese per mangiare e che Maduro rimanga al potere sottoponendo intenzionalmente coloro che sono rimasti con la carestia e attraverso esecuzioni extragiudiziali, mentre coloro che sono affiliati al regime vivono nel lusso e miliardi vengono rubati dal paese. Il popolo venezuelano non può vivere delle dichiarazioni della comunità internazionale ed è tempo di assumersi la responsabilità. La crisi umanitaria in Venezuela è colpa di coloro che gestiscono quel paese.

- Trump gli ha fatto pressione, ma la verità è che Maduro è ancora al potere.

- Trump non si preoccupa del Venezuela oltre ai voti che ottiene in Florida. A causa della mancanza di strategia e della totale incompetenza di questa amministrazione, ogni opportunità per ottenere un risultato democratico alla crisi attuale è stata sprecata. Le sanzioni unilaterali possono soddisfare la rabbia che tutti condividiamo di fronte alle ingiustizie subite dai venezuelani, ma mai nella storia hanno lavorato per cambiare un regime in assenza di una strategia diplomatica che questa amministrazione si è dimostrata incapace di organizzare.

- Allora cosa farebbe Biden?

- Biden ha promesso lo status di protezione temporanea (TPS) ai venezuelani negli Stati Uniti, una risposta internazionale più robusta alla situazione umanitaria e una maggiore pressione multilaterale sul regime per negoziare in buona fede con l'opposizione: abbastanza è abbastanza L'uso del dialogo da parte di Maduro come tattica per ritardare e consolidare il potere. L'aspettativa da parte della comunità internazionale è che il Venezuela debba avere elezioni eque e trasparenti, monitorate da un'organizzazione internazionale credibile.

Ragazzi mi trovo in una situazione dispiacevole.
Vorrei chiudere il conto fineco, ma è impossible per via di residui titoli venezuelani, che non possono essere venduti e trasferiti su un altra banca.

C'è una strada percorribile in questa situazione?
1July 1, 2019

*This memorandum describes the policies that will guide the Interim Government and the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela led by President Jan Guaidó (the “Authorities”) as they approach the imminent renegotiation of foreign currency-denominated private claims against the Republic and the Venezuelan public sector (that is, claims asserted by private sector parties, not claims of official sector entities). This memorandum has been prepared by the advisory commission designated by the Special Attorney General, José Ignacio Hernández G., integrated by Ricardo Hausmann and Alejandro Grisanti. Furthermore it benefited from the advice of Lee Buchheit, who is the Authorities’ strategic adviser in public debt matters.**This public external debt renegotiation cannot begin until the usurpation by regime of Nicolas Maduro has not ended and the economic sanctions imposed on said regime by the United States of America and other countries have not been lifted. Consequently, once these events have occurred, it shall be the policy of the Authorities to proceed with an orderly and consensual renegotiation of legacy private claims as soon as practicable thereafter, in accordance with the Special Law to be passed by the National Assembly.1.Comprehensive Private Claims RenegotiationThe Authorities anticipate that this will be a comprehensive renegotiation of claims against the Venezuelan State, including all the foreign currency-denominated claims against the Venezuelan public sector. A significant numberof the outstanding claims against the Venezuelan public sector did not arise in the context of traditional debt instruments evidencing obligations contracted. These include, for example, claims related to unpaid supplier invoices and damage claims resulting from the expropriations and nationalizations carried out by the Chavez/Maduro regimes. The Authorities intend to use this opportunity to resolve as many outstanding private claims against the Venezuelan public sector as possible.2.Claim ReconciliationOnly reconciled foreign currency-denominated claims will be eligible to participate in the renegotiation. The Authorities expect to appoint a claims reconciliation agent, whose
2responsibilities will include, among others, compiling a comprehensive list and inventory of the outstanding legacy claims, as well as determining the amounts of each one of these claims for purposes of renegotiation.In many cases (such as bonds or loans that were not issued with significant amounts of original discount) the Authorities expect the reconciliation process will be straightforward; the reconciled amount of such claims will represent unpaid principal and interest accrued according to original contractual terms.There may be other categories of foreign currency-denominated claims. However, that will require the claims reconciliation agent to undertake a factual investigation. Among these may be claims whose face amount was inflated at the time of issuance in expectation of a heavy market discount upon resale by the holder, debt instruments issued with significant amounts of original issue discount, claims (such as arbitration claims that have not yet resulted in a final arbitral award) whose quantification will require discussion by the Authorities and the holder of the claim, claims procured or tainted by demands of corruption allegedly committed by officials in the Chávez/Maduro regimes, and perhaps other categories of questionable claims.The Authorities will early in the process publish a memorandum describing the policiesthat will guide the claims reconciliation agent in carrying out its functions.The Authorities reserve the right to exercise all actions and potential legal defenses with respect to questionable claims until the point that such claim has been reconciled in order to participate in the renegotiation in accordance with the published guidelines and accepted by the Authorities.3.Equal TreatmentOnce the amount of a claim has been reconciled and accepted to be renegotiated, the claim shall be eligible to participate in the renegotiation on equal terms with all other reconciled private claims (subject to the exceptions described in the next paragraph). Stated differently, no different treatment shall be accorded to eligible foreign currency-denominated claims as aresult of their origin (for example, whether arising pursuant to a debt instrument, an unpaid invoice, an expropriation, etc.), the nature or domicile of the holder of the claim, and/or the identity of the public sector obligor (the Republic, PDVSA or another public sector entity, whether the claim has been reduced to a court judgment or otherwise.Claims that benefit from a valid first priority security interest in property of the Venezuelan state or its public sector entities may be given separate treatment in the renegotiation.4.Financial TermsPromptly once the transition has taken place, the Authorities expect to requestthe assistance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and othermultilateral agencies in
3addressing the dire humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and in developing a longer-term program for the country’s economic recovery. The Authorities recognize that designing an economic recovery program for a country in the condition of Venezuela will be a challenging and time-consuming task. That program is expected to include a projection about the level of debt and associated debt service requirements that the country will be able to carry in future years.As a practical matter, a detailed discussion about the financial terms of the foreigncurrency-denominated claims renegotiation must await the conclusion of the IMF’s assessment of Venezuela’s condition and economic prospects. With that assessment in hand, however, and consistent with IMF policies, the Authorities will enter into discussions with representatives of the various claimant groups regarding both the proposed financial terms for the renegotiation of their claims and the nature of the new debt instruments that will be issued.It shall be the policy of the Authorities to ensure that settlements of both commercial and financial legacy claims, as well as bilateral claims, are consistent with the economic recovery program supported by the IMF and other official sector sponsors. The Authorities acknowledge and appreciate the forbearance from exercising legal remedies shown by most private creditors despite the behavior and the provocations of the Maduro regime. Few, if any, claims are in danger of becoming time-barred as a result of the running of a statute of limitations. To the extent that any claims are in danger of becoming time-barred, the Authorities will entertain proposals to extend the relevant limitations period to permit the debt renegotiation to proceed. Moreover, as noted above, no preferential treatment will be accorded in the debt renegotiation to claims that have been reduced to a court judgment. The Authorities therefore request all claimants to refrain from pursuing legal remedies (and suspend, without prejudice, any actions that have already been commenced) pending the coming end of usurpation and the commencement by the Authorities of an orderly, consensual resolution of those claims.
1July 1, 2019

*This memorandum describes the policies that will guide the Interim Government and the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela led by President Jan Guaidó (the “Authorities”) as they approach the imminent renegotiation of foreign currency-denominated private claims against the Republic and the Venezuelan public sector (that is, claims asserted by private sector parties, not claims of official sector entities). This memorandum has been prepared by the advisory commission designated by the Special Attorney General, José Ignacio Hernández G., integrated by Ricardo Hausmann and Alejandro Grisanti. Furthermore it benefited from the advice of Lee Buchheit, who is the Authorities’ strategic adviser in public debt matters.**This public external debt renegotiation cannot begin until the usurpation by regime of Nicolas Maduro has not ended and the economic sanctions imposed on said regime by the United States of America and other countries have not been lifted. Consequently, once these events have occurred, it shall be the policy of the Authorities to proceed with an orderly and consensual renegotiation of legacy private claims as soon as practicable thereafter, in accordance with the Special Law to be passed by the National Assembly.1.Comprehensive Private Claims RenegotiationThe Authorities anticipate that this will be a comprehensive renegotiation of claims against the Venezuelan State, including all the foreign currency-denominated claims against the Venezuelan public sector. A significant numberof the outstanding claims against the Venezuelan public sector did not arise in the context of traditional debt instruments evidencing obligations contracted. These include, for example, claims related to unpaid supplier invoices and damage claims resulting from the expropriations and nationalizations carried out by the Chavez/Maduro regimes. The Authorities intend to use this opportunity to resolve as many outstanding private claims against the Venezuelan public sector as possible.2.Claim ReconciliationOnly reconciled foreign currency-denominated claims will be eligible to participate in the renegotiation. The Authorities expect to appoint a claims reconciliation agent, whose
2responsibilities will include, among others, compiling a comprehensive list and inventory of the outstanding legacy claims, as well as determining the amounts of each one of these claims for purposes of renegotiation.In many cases (such as bonds or loans that were not issued with significant amounts of original discount) the Authorities expect the reconciliation process will be straightforward; the reconciled amount of such claims will represent unpaid principal and interest accrued according to original contractual terms.There may be other categories of foreign currency-denominated claims. However, that will require the claims reconciliation agent to undertake a factual investigation. Among these may be claims whose face amount was inflated at the time of issuance in expectation of a heavy market discount upon resale by the holder, debt instruments issued with significant amounts of original issue discount, claims (such as arbitration claims that have not yet resulted in a final arbitral award) whose quantification will require discussion by the Authorities and the holder of the claim, claims procured or tainted by demands of corruption allegedly committed by officials in the Chávez/Maduro regimes, and perhaps other categories of questionable claims.The Authorities will early in the process publish a memorandum describing the policiesthat will guide the claims reconciliation agent in carrying out its functions.The Authorities reserve the right to exercise all actions and potential legal defenses with respect to questionable claims until the point that such claim has been reconciled in order to participate in the renegotiation in accordance with the published guidelines and accepted by the Authorities.3.Equal TreatmentOnce the amount of a claim has been reconciled and accepted to be renegotiated, the claim shall be eligible to participate in the renegotiation on equal terms with all other reconciled private claims (subject to the exceptions described in the next paragraph). Stated differently, no different treatment shall be accorded to eligible foreign currency-denominated claims as aresult of their origin (for example, whether arising pursuant to a debt instrument, an unpaid invoice, an expropriation, etc.), the nature or domicile of the holder of the claim, and/or the identity of the public sector obligor (the Republic, PDVSA or another public sector entity, whether the claim has been reduced to a court judgment or otherwise.Claims that benefit from a valid first priority security interest in property of the Venezuelan state or its public sector entities may be given separate treatment in the renegotiation.4.Financial TermsPromptly once the transition has taken place, the Authorities expect to requestthe assistance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and othermultilateral agencies in
3addressing the dire humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and in developing a longer-term program for the country’s economic recovery. The Authorities recognize that designing an economic recovery program for a country in the condition of Venezuela will be a challenging and time-consuming task. That program is expected to include a projection about the level of debt and associated debt service requirements that the country will be able to carry in future years.As a practical matter, a detailed discussion about the financial terms of the foreigncurrency-denominated claims renegotiation must await the conclusion of the IMF’s assessment of Venezuela’s condition and economic prospects. With that assessment in hand, however, and consistent with IMF policies, the Authorities will enter into discussions with representatives of the various claimant groups regarding both the proposed financial terms for the renegotiation of their claims and the nature of the new debt instruments that will be issued.It shall be the policy of the Authorities to ensure that settlements of both commercial and financial legacy claims, as well as bilateral claims, are consistent with the economic recovery program supported by the IMF and other official sector sponsors. The Authorities acknowledge and appreciate the forbearance from exercising legal remedies shown by most private creditors despite the behavior and the provocations of the Maduro regime. Few, if any, claims are in danger of becoming time-barred as a result of the running of a statute of limitations. To the extent that any claims are in danger of becoming time-barred, the Authorities will entertain proposals to extend the relevant limitations period to permit the debt renegotiation to proceed. Moreover, as noted above, no preferential treatment will be accorded in the debt renegotiation to claims that have been reduced to a court judgment. The Authorities therefore request all claimants to refrain from pursuing legal remedies (and suspend, without prejudice, any actions that have already been commenced) pending the coming end of usurpation and the commencement by the Authorities of an orderly, consensual resolution of those claims.

."..Questa rinegioziazione non può iniziare fino a che non avrà fine l'usurpazione di Maduro e le sanzioni non saranno rimosse...."

Per il momento nisba.
Comunque un ottimo motivo per intensificare il tifo per Guaido'.
Per quanto il tifo possa mai indirizzare il futuro
1July 1, 2019

*This memorandum describes the policies that will guide the Interim Government and the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela led by President Jan Guaidó (the “Authorities”) as they approach the imminent renegotiation of foreign currency-denominated private claims against the Republic and the Venezuelan public sector (that is, claims asserted by private sector parties, not claims of official sector entities). This memorandum has been prepared by the advisory commission designated by the Special Attorney General, José Ignacio Hernández G., integrated by Ricardo Hausmann and Alejandro Grisanti. Furthermore it benefited from the advice of Lee Buchheit, who is the Authorities’ strategic adviser in public debt matters.**This public external debt renegotiation cannot begin until the usurpation by regime of Nicolas Maduro has not ended and the economic sanctions imposed on said regime by the United States of America and other countries have not been lifted. Consequently, once these events have occurred, it shall be the policy of the Authorities to proceed with an orderly and consensual renegotiation of legacy private claims as soon as practicable thereafter, in accordance with the Special Law to be passed by the National Assembly.1.Comprehensive Private Claims RenegotiationThe Authorities anticipate that this will be a comprehensive renegotiation of claims against the Venezuelan State, including all the foreign currency-denominated claims against the Venezuelan public sector. A significant numberof the outstanding claims against the Venezuelan public sector did not arise in the context of traditional debt instruments evidencing obligations contracted. These include, for example, claims related to unpaid supplier invoices and damage claims resulting from the expropriations and nationalizations carried out by the Chavez/Maduro regimes. The Authorities intend to use this opportunity to resolve as many outstanding private claims against the Venezuelan public sector as possible.2.Claim ReconciliationOnly reconciled foreign currency-denominated claims will be eligible to participate in the renegotiation. The Authorities expect to appoint a claims reconciliation agent, whose
2responsibilities will include, among others, compiling a comprehensive list and inventory of the outstanding legacy claims, as well as determining the amounts of each one of these claims for purposes of renegotiation.In many cases (such as bonds or loans that were not issued with significant amounts of original discount) the Authorities expect the reconciliation process will be straightforward; the reconciled amount of such claims will represent unpaid principal and interest accrued according to original contractual terms.There may be other categories of foreign currency-denominated claims. However, that will require the claims reconciliation agent to undertake a factual investigation. Among these may be claims whose face amount was inflated at the time of issuance in expectation of a heavy market discount upon resale by the holder, debt instruments issued with significant amounts of original issue discount, claims (such as arbitration claims that have not yet resulted in a final arbitral award) whose quantification will require discussion by the Authorities and the holder of the claim, claims procured or tainted by demands of corruption allegedly committed by officials in the Chávez/Maduro regimes, and perhaps other categories of questionable claims.The Authorities will early in the process publish a memorandum describing the policiesthat will guide the claims reconciliation agent in carrying out its functions.The Authorities reserve the right to exercise all actions and potential legal defenses with respect to questionable claims until the point that such claim has been reconciled in order to participate in the renegotiation in accordance with the published guidelines and accepted by the Authorities.3.Equal TreatmentOnce the amount of a claim has been reconciled and accepted to be renegotiated, the claim shall be eligible to participate in the renegotiation on equal terms with all other reconciled private claims (subject to the exceptions described in the next paragraph). Stated differently, no different treatment shall be accorded to eligible foreign currency-denominated claims as aresult of their origin (for example, whether arising pursuant to a debt instrument, an unpaid invoice, an expropriation, etc.), the nature or domicile of the holder of the claim, and/or the identity of the public sector obligor (the Republic, PDVSA or another public sector entity, whether the claim has been reduced to a court judgment or otherwise.Claims that benefit from a valid first priority security interest in property of the Venezuelan state or its public sector entities may be given separate treatment in the renegotiation.4.Financial TermsPromptly once the transition has taken place, the Authorities expect to requestthe assistance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and othermultilateral agencies in
3addressing the dire humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and in developing a longer-term program for the country’s economic recovery. The Authorities recognize that designing an economic recovery program for a country in the condition of Venezuela will be a challenging and time-consuming task. That program is expected to include a projection about the level of debt and associated debt service requirements that the country will be able to carry in future years.As a practical matter, a detailed discussion about the financial terms of the foreigncurrency-denominated claims renegotiation must await the conclusion of the IMF’s assessment of Venezuela’s condition and economic prospects. With that assessment in hand, however, and consistent with IMF policies, the Authorities will enter into discussions with representatives of the various claimant groups regarding both the proposed financial terms for the renegotiation of their claims and the nature of the new debt instruments that will be issued.It shall be the policy of the Authorities to ensure that settlements of both commercial and financial legacy claims, as well as bilateral claims, are consistent with the economic recovery program supported by the IMF and other official sector sponsors. The Authorities acknowledge and appreciate the forbearance from exercising legal remedies shown by most private creditors despite the behavior and the provocations of the Maduro regime. Few, if any, claims are in danger of becoming time-barred as a result of the running of a statute of limitations. To the extent that any claims are in danger of becoming time-barred, the Authorities will entertain proposals to extend the relevant limitations period to permit the debt renegotiation to proceed. Moreover, as noted above, no preferential treatment will be accorded in the debt renegotiation to claims that have been reduced to a court judgment. The Authorities therefore request all claimants to refrain from pursuing legal remedies (and suspend, without prejudice, any actions that have already been commenced) pending the coming end of usurpation and the commencement by the Authorities of an orderly, consensual resolution of those claims.

Ma poi ha avuto degli sviluppi?
Ti sono pervenute le cedole arretrate?
Ragazzi mi trovo in una situazione dispiacevole.
Vorrei chiudere il conto fineco, ma è impossible per via di residui titoli venezuelani, che non possono essere venduti e trasferiti su un altra banca.

C'è una strada percorribile in questa situazione?

a contattare la banca (banca fisica) destinataria
esponi il problema e che vuoi aprire il conto da loro

."..Questa rinegioziazione non può iniziare fino a che non avrà fine l'usurpazione di Maduro e le sanzioni non saranno rimosse...."

Per il momento nisba.
Comunque un ottimo motivo per intensificare il tifo per Guaido'.
Per quanto il tifo possa mai indirizzare il futuro

ti consiglio di attendere come finisce la questione dell'oro depositato in Inghilterra ,
se anche l'Alta Corte dovesse dare ragione a maduro , per guaidò sarebbe la certificazione definitiva della sua inutilità
Ragazzi mi trovo in una situazione dispiacevole.
Vorrei chiudere il conto fineco, ma è impossible per via di residui titoli venezuelani, che non possono essere venduti e trasferiti su un altra banca.

C'è una strada percorribile in questa situazione?

per trasferire i titoli su altra banca non è necessario venderli
Aggiungo che nel documento dell'AN viene data una descrizione del come e del perché del meccanismo della prescrizione che,
sfrondata da tutte le circonvoluzioni del gergo legale, ne rende un po' più chiara l'interpretazione. Io l'ho capita così:
- In situazioni di pagamenti regolari l'emittente gira i fondi all'agente fiscale che segnala alle banche di avere ricevuto i soldi
- Le banche si attivano e segnalano all'agente fiscale su quali dei dossier titoli da loro gestiti si trovano delle quote dei bond interessate dal pagamento
- Il fiscal agend provvede a effettuare i versamenti sui conti dei bh smistando i soldi in base alle informazioni ricevute dalle banche.

Non sono esperto ma mi pare ci sia pure una depositaria in mezzo a questi passaggi (clearstream, euroclear ecc...)

- Le 3 righe di cui sopra costituiscono il flusso normale dei pagamenti di cui sul forum si è già discusso molte volte
- Possono poi capitare situazioni irregolari che impediscono al fiscal agent di versare i soldi sul conto di un bh (banca fallita, mancata comunicazione o altro
- In questi casi per prevenire la situazione in cui i soldi rimangono depositati all'infinito
presso il fiscal agent dopo un certo tempo viene fatto scadere il diritto di reclamarli e i soldi ritornano all'emitente
- Tutto però parte dal momento in cui l'emittente versa (come deve) i soldi al fiscal agent e non può certo essere un pretesto per dire "non ho versato una lira per
3 anni e adesso i pagamenti passano in cavalleria con la scusa della prescrizione). Se non avviene il versamento la prescrizione non ha senso di essere e non inizia a decorrere

Ti riporto cosa e' scritto nel prospetto della 2022, ma credo valga anche per altre

Claims in respect of principal and interest will become void unless presentation for payment is made within a period
of ten years in the case of principal and three years in the case of interest from the Relevant Date, to the extent
permitted by applicable law. “Relevant Date” means whichever is the later of (i) the date on which any such
payment first becomes due
and (ii) if the full amount payable has not been received by the Fiscal Agent on or prior
to such due date, the date on which, the full amount having been so received, notice to that effect shall have been
given to the Bondholders

Tu citi il caso (ii) cioe' in caso di pagamento parziale. Mettiamo ad esempio che il Venezuela debba versare una cedola semestrale del 5% ma per mancanza di soldi ne versa solo il 2,5%. In quel caso i soldi arrivano all'agente fiscale ma solo parzialmente. Ed e' da quella data che parte il countdown della prescrizione per la rimanente somma. Nel nostro caso pero' non c'e' stato un pagamento parziale ma completa assenza di pagamento, per cui rientriamo nel caso (i) e le paroline magiche sono "the date on which any such payment first becomes due", cioe' la data in cui il pagamento diventa dovuto, in pratica la data di stacco della cedola indicato nel prospetto diventa la "relevant date" che fa partire il countdown, come gia' correttamente interpretato da altri.