Breaking News Sulle CriptoValute

  • Due nuove obbligazioni Societe Generale, in Euro e in Dollaro USA

    Societe Generale porta sul segmento Bond-X (EuroTLX) di Borsa Italiana due obbligazioni, una in EUR e una in USD, a tasso fisso decrescente con durata massima di 15 anni e possibilità di rimborso anticipato annuale a discrezione dell’Emittente.

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esito finale sondaggio

Record - > $800B di Total Market Cap

China Moves to Ban Bitcoin Mining

The Communist Party of China is undertaking a crackdown on bitcoin mining according to leaked documents ordering local governments to “lead mining factories to quit gradually.”

China’s Leading Group of Internet Financial Risks Remediation wants bitcoin miners to make an “orderly exit,” asking local authorities to come up with plans by the 10th of January and then report on progress on the 10th of each month.

ViaBTC - Announcement on closing cloud mining contract Market
pare che la sud corea voglia bloccare trading sulle
"Once a bill is drafted, legislation for an outright ban of virtual coin trading will require a majority vote of the total 297 members of the National Assembly, a process that could take months or even years."

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