CELLISTI, Voi non potete evitare che gli UCCELLI del malugurio volino sulla vostra

1786 out.. pizza per stasera fatta
A gufus sei un mito..! già te le sei tolte?
Oggi giornata campale sangue stragi vittime. pianti urla e strilli. Ma io mi sono ripromesso che oggi qualunque cosa succeda non mollo. La settimana prox chiamo la protezione civile. Adios
Ho scapocciato

SCIOPA, SCIOPA, SCIOPA ................ :D

Oramai anch'io arrivo fino in fondo. Vorrà dire che ci rimetto una tredicesima :angry:
scusate ragazzi, e' un bel po' che non seguo news di cell, ma leggevo che il 12 marzo c'e' una scadenza, di cosa si tratta? Grazie a che vorra' darmi delucidazioni
Cell crolla perchè emea a chiesto a JB di venire subito in Europa ma lui c'ha l'emorroidi e non si può muovere.
Qualcuno sa un motivo reale di questo crollo in UsA?

FDA's Office of New Drugs Meets With Cell Therapeutics on its Appeal on Pixantrone
March 3, 2011 1:30 AM ET
FDA's Office of New Drugs Meets With Cell Therapeutics on its Appeal on Pixantrone
PR Newswire

SEATTLE, March 3, 2011

SEATTLE, March 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Cell Therapeutics, Inc. ("CTI") (Nasdaq and MTA: CTIC) today announced that it has met with officials of the FDA's Office of New Drugs ("OND") in Maryland and presented its arguments supporting the Company's belief that the data contained in its New Drug Application ("NDA") 22-481 support the conclusion that pixantrone is effective for its planned use.

"We appreciate OND's consideration of our appeal. While we understand disputes of this type are a challenging process, we felt compelled to seek this review based on the PIX301 results and lack of approved therapies for these patients with an unmet medical need. CTI is committed to the advancement of pixantrone," said James A. Bianco, M.D., CEO of CTI.

At the meeting, the OND requested additional analyses from the PIX301 Phase III clinical study. CTI intends to submit the requested information and expects that this will reset the time period for OND to provide its decision on the appeal. CTI anticipates a decision in the second quarter of 2011.
Che vergogna st'americani noi co le pezze ar **** 27 milioni de pezzi. Questi co 200 mila dollari lo fanno crollà de 10 punti. Ma insomma dateve na regolata.
FDA's Office of New Drugs Meets With Cell Therapeutics on its Appeal on Pixantrone
March 3, 2011 1:30 AM ET
FDA's Office of New Drugs Meets With Cell Therapeutics on its Appeal on Pixantrone
PR Newswire

SEATTLE, March 3, 2011

SEATTLE, March 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Cell Therapeutics, Inc. ("CTI") (Nasdaq and MTA: CTIC) today announced that it has met with officials of the FDA's Office of New Drugs ("OND") in Maryland and presented its arguments supporting the Company's belief that the data contained in its New Drug Application ("NDA") 22-481 support the conclusion that pixantrone is effective for its planned use.

"We appreciate OND's consideration of our appeal. While we understand disputes of this type are a challenging process, we felt compelled to seek this review based on the PIX301 results and lack of approved therapies for these patients with an unmet medical need. CTI is committed to the advancement of pixantrone," said James A. Bianco, M.D., CEO of CTI.

At the meeting, the OND requested additional analyses from the PIX301 Phase III clinical study. CTI intends to submit the requested information and expects that this will reset the time period for OND to provide its decision on the appeal. CTI anticipates a decision in the second quarter of 2011.

mah...a me sembra una notizia positiva...no?
A cavalie famme un piacere posta la foto de la spaghettata de totò dai che forse porta fortuna. Saluti