a ridosso della sma 50 vediamo se brekka e ci regala i 5 prima del weekend...:specchio:


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è qui che comincia la corsa?? :D
Daniel Poneman Selected as Centrus President and CEO

Former deputy secretary of energy has decades of leadership in nuclear powerPoneman joins Centrus at pivotal moment to lead effort to move the Company forwardSees key role for the American Centrifuge technology in providing a domestic source of uranium en

March 5, 2015

BETHESDA, Md. — Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE:LEU) announced that Daniel B. Poneman has been selected by its Board of Directors as president and chief executive officer of the Company. The former deputy secretary of energy will join Centrus immediately and will become the chief executive later this month. Poneman will also be a member of the board.

Poneman is internationally recognized for his leadership over many years in support of U.S. energy policy, including efforts to assure the safe use of nuclear power as part of a low-carbon energy strategy while combatting the proliferation of nuclear weapons and related materials and technologies. Prior to last October, Poneman, 58, was the longest serving deputy secretary at the Department of Energy (DOE), where he also served as chief operating officer. His responsibilities spanned the full range of US energy policy, including the President’s “all-of-the-above” strategy to develop the Nation’s energy potential, including improved efficiency and demand management as well as nuclear, hydrocarbon, and renewable energy sources. His responsibilities also included emergency response -in cases ranging from Fukushima to Hurricane Sandy- resilience, project management and cyber security.

As announced in October 2014, the Centrus board initiated a comprehensive executive search to identify and select a successor to John K. Welch, who stepped down as president and chief executive officer at that time. John R. Castellano has served as interim president and CEO during the search.

“We are delighted to have a leader with Dan’s experience and vision joining Centrus at this pivotal point for our Company and the nuclear power industry,” said Mikel H. Williams, chairman of the Centrus Board of Directors. “His exceptional experience across a range of energy and national security disciplines will be a significant asset to our Company. Dan has the international experience to further develop Centrus’ business as dozens of new power reactors currently under construction around the world come online.”

Williams and the board thanked Castellano for his service to Centrus for the past 18 months, first as chief restructuring officer and then as interim CEO. Castellano will remain with the Company through the effective date for Poneman to facilitate a seamless transition of leadership responsibilities.

“I appreciate the board’s confidence and I’m honored to have the opportunity to lead Centrus. I am excited about working with the board and management team to rebuild Centrus as an industry leader that continues its record of delivering nuclear fuel on-time and in-spec to our utility customers,” Poneman said. “I believe the American Centrifuge technology can play a vital role in meeting America’s national security and non-proliferation goals, while preserving the option of commercial deployment when industry demand for nuclear fuel improves later this decade.”

Poneman previously served as a White House Fellow and director of defense policy and arms control for the National Security Council. From 1993 through 1996, Poneman was special assistant to the President and senior director for nonproliferation and export controls at the National Security Council. He was confirmed by the Senate as deputy secretary of energy in May 2009. Prior to assuming his responsibilities as deputy secretary, he served as a principal of the Scowcroft Group for eight years, providing strategic advice to corporations in a variety of strategic industries. Earlier in his career, he practiced law in Washington, DC, advising clients on regulatory and policy matters. Poneman received A.B. and J.D. degrees with honors from Harvard University and an M.Litt. in Politics from Oxford University.

Centrus Energy Corp. is a trusted supplier of enriched uranium fuel for a growing fleet of international and domestic commercial nuclear power plants. Centrus is working to deploy the American Centrifuge technology for commercial needs and to support U.S. energy and national security.

Read more here: BETHESDA, Md.: Daniel Poneman Selected as Centrus President and CEO | Business Wire | Rock Hill Herald Online
questa se accende i motori con il flot che si ritrova
parte a razzo
condivido in pieno...

visto il nuovo CEO?? un autorità nel campo;);););)

la notizia è sicuramente positiva e il nuovo ceo oltre ad avere le @@ sembra essere uno con le conoscenze giuste :yes:
oggi finalmente ha chiuso sopra la sma 50 e c'è stato un timido tentativo di entrare nella cloud ma svanito in chiusura, cmq i volumi in aumento lasciano ben sperare per la prossima settimana, buon weekend a tutti OK!


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prese ancora una manciata....ne avevo pochine, continua a stazionare sotto la cloud ma sopra le sma 10-20 e 50 prima o poi una direzione la deve prendere.

c'è da dire che il settore uranio è un po assopito come tutte le altre materie prime, sembra quasi finito nel dimenticatoio, ci vorrebbe una news di qualche governo x smuovere il settore.
credo sia solo questione di tempo.
notizia positiva per tutto il settore.

April 22, 2015 11:42 AM

Uranium names are trading strong amid positive news out of Japan last night.

Reuters said that the Kagoshima District Court rejected a lawsuit that would halt the restart of Kyushu Electric Power's Sendai nuclear station. The Sendai station is expected to come back online by June.

The news is positive for the nuclear industry following the Fukushima disaster that happened a few years back following a massive earthquake and resulting tsunami offshore Japan. The court ruling shows that authorities aren't giving up on the energy source quite yet.

The Sendai reactors are on the coast of Kagoshima prefecture in southwestern Japan.
Broke DT and 50EMA. #uranium play.

up OK!
bellissimo il settimanale.
scmabi ridicoli...22000 azioni in tutto...

debolezza su LEU è buy