ETF sull'oro. Quale il migliore?

  • Ecco la 70° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    Settimana di risk-off per i principali indici per via dei timori legati all’inflazione persistente e alle prospettive di tassi ancora elevati a lungo. Anche se il report di oggi sull’indice core Pce, la misura molto gradita alla Fed per valutare l’inflazione, ha mostrato un parziale raffreddamento, o quantomeno una stabilità. L’indice ha riportato una crescita su base annua del 2,8%, in linea con le previsioni degli analisti e con la rilevazione del mese precedente. Questo dovrebbe lasciare più margine di manovra alla Fed per abbassare i tassi di interesse nel corso del 2024. Passando al Vecchio Continente, il report sull’inflazione dell’Eurozona ha mostrato un indice al 2,6%, oltre il 2,5% atteso e in accelerazione rispetto al 2,4% precedente.
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Io preferisco ed ho questo : Etfs Physical Gold .
Se fossi in voi :D a questi prezzi comprerei purtroppo io ci sono già dentro con il 7% del portafoglio a 102,4 (ci perdo ora circa un 5%)ed anche se dai grafici ci leggo una ripresa delle quotazioni , non mi fido ad espormi troppo :cool:
Noto che sono veramente poco liquidi
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Sugli ETF sulle aurifere ci sono anche quello di Ishares, e quelli di Van Eck (più specializzati).
ci sono degli etc sull'oro inversi ?
grazie se qualcuno mi risponde
Salve, volevo sapere... ma su ETFS PHYSICAL GOLD dove ho intenzione di investire a lungo termine simulando l'acquisto di oro fisico, esiste il maledetto effetto contango che c'è sul petrolio e sul gas? Non vorrei ritrovarmi tra qualche anno con le quotazioni stabili o in aumento e il valore dello strumento azzerato! E' importante... grazie
Salve, volevo sapere... ma su ETFS PHYSICAL GOLD dove ho intenzione di investire a lungo termine simulando l'acquisto di oro fisico, esiste il maledetto effetto contango che c'è sul petrolio e sul gas? Non vorrei ritrovarmi tra qualche anno con le quotazioni stabili o in aumento e il valore dello strumento azzerato! E' importante... grazie

se parli di JE00B1VS3770 no, il sottostante non è un future quindi non c'è rollover mensile, al contrario dell'ETF Gold BULL.MI.
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Etfs Physical Swiss Gold

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Si parlo di JE00B1VS3770. Lo vorrei usare al posto dell'acquisto di oro fisico per riuscire a liquidarlo semplicemente in caso di necessità. Ma senza rimanere schiacciato dal rollover come tanti etc truffa tipo quelli del gas o del petrolio....
Ha qualche costo commissionale?
Che differenza c'è con il Etfs Physical Swiss Gold
Solo che l'oro è detenuto in svizzera?
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Hedge-fund stars are backing gold
By Anora Mahmudova
Published: May 13, 2016 3:46 p.m. ET

Gold prices have risen nearly 20% since January 1, making the opening months of this year the best time to be a gold bug in three decades.

The rise was driven by fears of a recession that sent investors running away from equities into the perceived safety of the yen, government bonds and gold.

The demand for physical gold was up 21% in the first quarter of the year, according to the World Gold Council, with the biggest gain coming from investment flows into gold exchange-traded funds.

ETFs that are backed by physical gold, such as SPDR Gold Trust GLD, bought 363.7 tonnes of the commodity. That compares to 25.6 tonnes in the first quarter of 2015.

Meanwhile, investors continue to leave equity funds in droves, partially explaining stagnant stock values. The S&P 500 SPX, is up less than 0.7% year to date.

Analysts have also cited the dollar’s weakness so far this year as another factor in gold’s rise.

“The biggest reason behind the nice pop in gold prices is the fact that the U.S. dollar [index] peaked at 100 last December and climbed down to around 94-95,” said Colin Cieszynski, senior market analyst at CMC Markets.

“Over the long-term, gold can rally further, though in the short-term, with many geopolitical events this summer, such as Fed meetings in June and July, Brexit referendum in the UK, elections in Spain and Australia, gold prices will be volatile,” Cieszynski said.

The rise in the price of gold has caught the attention of a number of prominent hedge fund managers, including Stanley Druckenmiller, who earlier this month told Sohn Conference attendees he was very bullish on gold and bearish on the stock market.

Duquesne Capital, which Druckenmiller runs, held 2.88m shares of the SPDR Gold Trust ETF since the second quarter of 2015, according to regulatory filings. “We regard [gold] as a currency, and it remains our largest currency allocation,” Druckenmiller said during his presentation at the Sohn conference.

His reasoning behind the bullish case for gold and a bearish case for stocks has to do with the Federal reserve’s years-long ultraloose monetary policy, which in Druckmiller’s opinion has created “reckless behavior” among corporations that have taken out too much debt.

Paul Singer, another hedge fund manager, said that gold’s first-quarter rally is probably just the beginning of a rebound. His reasoning behind the rally in gold has to do with global investors losing faith in central banks.

Commodities investor Dennis Gartman said Friday on CNBC that he has become more bullish on gold as inflation picked up.

Core CPI, which measures prices excluding food and energy, rose 2.2% over the past 12 month in March. While, Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation PCE index, increased 1.6% in March year over year.

Gartman said prices of commodities are rising because central banks outside of US are still buying up bonds to stimulate their economies.

His other hypothesis for investing in gold is hedging against deflation, should the Federal Reserve hold rates at current levels or even go into negative interest rates. In either case, he is increasing his gold allocation.

Hedge-fund stars are backing gold - MarketWatch
May 23, 2016 5:11 a.m. ET
by Barbara Kollmeyer

Investors could be forgiven for not being able to recall the last time gold prices traded below $1,000-an-ounce, considering they’d have to scroll back to September 2009 before running into that level.

But don’t think gold is so far removed from that sub-$1,000 level that it can’t revisit that nadir in short order, warned analysts at Citigroup in a note on Monday. And they said it’s all about the dollar.

“We see no reason why gold should not once more trade at $1,050/oz if US$-DXY rises back to the 100-level (now 95.3). Nor do we see anything to prevent gold falling below $1,000/oz if US$-DXY rises above the 100-level,” said the analysts.

US$-DXY refers to the ICE Dollar Index DXY, which tracks the greenback against a basket of rival currencies.

Gold hasn’t settled under $1,000 an ounce since September 29, 2009, according to FactSet. Gold GCM6, has risen about 18% so far in 2016, one of the best gains for any asset this year. A drop below the $1,000 handle would mean a 20% slump in gold prices from Monday’s $1,250 price tag.

Prices have already seen some pressure this month owing to rising expectations that the U.S. Federal Reserve could raise interest rates at its June meeting. Last week, gold futures posted a second straight weekly loss, setting them on track for a 3% slide in May. Meanwhile, the ICE Dollar Index DXY, is down 3.5% year-to-date, but up 2.4% in May so far.

The below chart from Citi shows how the Dollar Index, has “long-term momentum behind it,” the analysts said. Another hint that the Dollar Index could bust past 100 is its strongly rising moving average, they said.

The dollar and gold’s inverse relationship is shown here:


Investors have recently showed clear reluctance, however, to push the dollar through the 100 level, first in March 2015 and then in January 2016, noted Bergtheil and the team. The dollar’s pullback between January and April this year is a key reason why gold has managed to find strength (see section A), they said. Here’s the Citi chart illustrating that:


Last week, a prominent market analyst Tom McClellan noted a major multiyear cyclical pattern was forming that could signal gold’s fortunes may be about to reverse. Dennis Gartman, editor and publisher of The Gartman Letter, told CNBC that there has been an “aggressive seller of spot gold” around the $1,270 to $1,285-an-ounce mark. He advised that investors not come off the sidelines for gold until after the first U.S. interest-rate hike this year.

This one thing could send gold tumbling below $1, again: Citi - MarketWatch

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