The Scale of the Universe: bellissimo!

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Ma dimme te...

Polar vortex is 'spinning backwards' above Arctic after major reversal event

Earlier this month, a sudden atmospheric warming event caused the Arctic's polar vortex to reverse its trajectory. The swirling ring of cold air is now spinning in the wrong direction, which has triggered a record-breaking "ozone spike" and could impact global weather patterns.



The polar vortex is a key driver of the polar jet stream (seen here).(Image credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)
Sempre in topic!!

New 3D cosmic map raises questions over future of universe, scientists say

The biggest ever 3D map of the universe, featuring more than 6m galaxies, has been revealed by scientists who said it raised questions about the nature of dark energy and the future of the universe.

The map is based on data collected by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (Desi) in Arizona and contains three times as many galaxies as previous efforts, with many having their distances measured for the first time.

Researchers said that by using this map, they have been able measure how fast the universe has been expanding at different times in the past with unprecedented accuracy.



DESI has made the largest 3D map of our universe to date. Earth is at the centre of this thin slice of the full map. In the magnified section, it is easy to see the underlying structure of matter in our Universe. Illustration: Claire Lamman/DESI collaboration
Che botta!!

The Most Powerful Space Explosion Ever Seen Reveals a Surprise Twist

In October 2022, surveys monitoring the skies for explosions in space started going off like a frog in a sock.

The reason? Something 2.4 billion light-years away spat out the biggest burst of gamma-radiation ever recorded. The event, GRB 221009A, clocked in at a record 18 teraelectronvolts and was so powerful it shook Earth's outer atmosphere.

The event, nicknamed the BOAT (for Brightest of All Time), we later determined to be the birth of a black hole from the violent death of a massive star.



A timelapse of GRB 221009A over several days. (NASA/Swift/A. Beardmore, University of Leicester)
Ma dai...

The Mysterious ‘Dark’ Energy That Permeates the Universe Is Slowly Eroding

Physicists call the dark energy that drives the universe “the cosmological constant.” Now the largest map of the cosmos to date hints that this mysterious energy has been changing over billions of years.

Physicists have deduced subtle hints that the mysterious “dark” energy that drives the universe to expand faster and faster may be slightly weakening with time. It’s a finding that has the potential to shake the foundations of physics.

:eek: :D:clap:
