titoli legati alla cannabis

  • Ecco la 70° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    Settimana di risk-off per i principali indici per via dei timori legati all’inflazione persistente e alle prospettive di tassi ancora elevati a lungo. Anche se il report di oggi sull’indice core Pce, la misura molto gradita alla Fed per valutare l’inflazione, ha mostrato un parziale raffreddamento, o quantomeno una stabilità. L’indice ha riportato una crescita su base annua del 2,8%, in linea con le previsioni degli analisti e con la rilevazione del mese precedente. Questo dovrebbe lasciare più margine di manovra alla Fed per abbassare i tassi di interesse nel corso del 2024. Passando al Vecchio Continente, il report sull’inflazione dell’Eurozona ha mostrato un indice al 2,6%, oltre il 2,5% atteso e in accelerazione rispetto al 2,4% precedente.
    Per continuare a leggere visita il link

Mah, magari, sarebbe una bella storia.
Però possibile che nessuno compri?
Possibile che questa notizia la conosca solo il tizio del video, e non tutte le altre persone coinvolte che a quest'ora venderebbero la madre per comprare azioni?
Aurora poi ha interesse a tergiversare visto in che stato è. Coca Cola invece ci ha tenuto a smentire tutto subito, ma diciamo che ci sta.
Poi ripeto ormai non mi stupirei di niente, neanche una discesa più forte del "normale" per far entrare chi dicono loro.

mi chiedo perchè questo tipo avrebbe dovuto creare un video Fake, costruendo una lattina con una protezione in plastica così perfetta tanto da non riuscire ad aprirla, e poi sparire nel nulla, cancellando tutti i suoi social ?

immaginiamo che Coca Cola stia davvero pensando di entrare nel CBD Market nella massima segretezza per non farsi anticipare da Pepsi, e si trovasse il video di questo tipo pubblicato improvvisamente su youtube, che reazione potrebbe avere se non quella di smentire tutto e magari dare qualche soldino al tipo per cancellare tutto e sparire per un pò ?
Questa era uscita l'anno scorso comunque....

Coca Cola alla cannabis, l'annuncio: "Lavoriamo a una bevanda che contiene marijuana" - Repubblica.it

Coca Cola alla cannabis, l'annuncio: "Lavoriamo a una bevanda che contiene marijuana"Coca Cola alla cannabis, l'annuncio: Lavoriamo a una bevanda che contiene marijuana
La multinazionale di Atlanta in trattativa con la canadese Aurora Cannabis per sviluppare bibite con cbd, uno dei principi attivi. Una mossa per contrastare il calo delle vendite. La società: "Ancora nessuna decisione presa"

17 Settembre 2018
MILANO - Dalla Coca Zero alla Coca Cannabis? Presto per dirlo ma la multinazionale che produce la bibita più famosa del mondo - secondo quanto riferito da Bloomberg - avrebbe messo gli occhi sul mercato delle bevande alla cannabis, consapevole che "si sta evolvendo rapidamente". Un settore a rapida crescita che potrebbe offrire l'opportunità di sfruttare la legalizzazione della marijuana in Nord america ed Europa per controbilanciare i consumi in calo delle bevande tradizionali.

In particolare, la società con base ad atlanta, sarebbe in trattativa con il produttore canadese di marijuana Aurora Cannabis per sviluppare le sue nuove bevande: "Seguiamo da vicino la crescita dell'utilizzo del cbd come ingrediente nelle bevande", ha spiegato il portavoce di Coca Cola Kent Landers, precisando che al momento "nessuna decisione è stata ancora presa". Il Cbd (cannabiolo) è uno dei principi attivi della Cannabis e a differenza del Thc, è un composto non psico attivo.

Il gruppo segue dunque i passi di constellation brands, l'importatore negli tati uniti della birra a marchio corona, che da tempo scommette sulla cannabis: il gruppo newyorchese specializzato in birre, vini e distillati ha investito 4 miliardi di dollari per aumentare la sua quota in Canopy Growth, azienda canadese che coltiva marijuana e che vende - laddove sono legali - prodotti derivanti dalla sostanza.

Anche Diageo, la conglomerata britannica del beverage a cui fa capo il whiskey Johnny Walker, sta studiando il da farsi in questo comparto. Dal canto suo l'americana Molson Coors Brewing sta avviando una joint venture con la canadese hydropothecary corp per offrire drink alla cannabis in Canada. Lagunitas, il marchio di birra del gruppo olandese Heineken, ha invece lanciato un brand specializzato in bevande analcoliche contenenti thc, l'ingrediente psicoattivo della cannabis.

Coca Cola si fa così trovare pronta anche in vista del 17 ottobre, quando l'uso ricreativo della marijuana sarà legalizzato in Canada. Negli Stati Uniti l'uso della sostanza è illegale a livello federale, ma non in oltre la metà dei 50 stati americani.
mi chiedo perchè questo tipo avrebbe dovuto creare un video Fake, costruendo una lattina con una protezione in plastica così perfetta tanto da non riuscire ad aprirla, e poi sparire nel nulla, cancellando tutti i suoi social ?

immaginiamo che Coca Cola stia davvero pensando di entrare nel CBD Market nella massima segretezza per non farsi anticipare da Pepsi, e si trovasse il video di questo tipo pubblicato improvvisamente su youtube, che reazione potrebbe avere se non quella di smentire tutto e magari dare qualche soldino al tipo per cancellare tutto e sparire per un pò ?

Possibile, a parte i competitor anche semplicemente essere pronti con la campagna marketing/comunicazione.
Come potrebbe essere altro, magari non per forza fake, ma semplicemente dei "test" che non necessariamente diverranno prodotti finiti, da qui la presa di distanza.
Dei movimenti comunque sembrano esserci, e appunto anche qualcuno che viene cacciato dopo che il titolo crolla, non mi sembra una così brutta notizia.
Anche l'insider che vende potrebbe essere un primo step necessario all'entrata di altri vertici, magari più capaci o più "legati" a società più grandi.
Ma appunto è una modo di vederla...vedremo chi ha ragione ma per ora il mercato continua a punire.
Tax-Loss Selling: Buy Pot Stocks in 2020

Tax-Loss Selling: Buy Pot Stocks in 2020

che ne pensate ?

January 2020 is the perfect time to buy pot stocks. Aurora Cannabis (TSX:ACB)(NYSE:ACB) stock is ending the year with a substantial sell-off, setting savvy stock market traders up for a considerable profit opportunity at the beginning of 2020. The stock market sell-off in December is likely due to tax-loss selling. Tax-savvy traders are cashing in stock market losses to offset capital gains to save on taxes with the Canada Revenue Agency.

In about 30 days, these same traders will re-open their positions in Aurora Cannabis, sending the stock price back up. Canadians with extra cash savings lying around can take advantage of the end-of-year tax-loss selling by buying shares in some of 2019’s biggest losers — at least, those which also have strong potential to rebound during 2020.

What is tax-loss selling?
Many risk-loving traders in the stock market will hold more speculative investments outside a TFSA and RRSP, which means that the capital gains are subject to tax each year. According to the Canada Revenue Agency, traders who sold their losing stock market positions by December 27 can use those realized capital losses to offset other taxable capital gains for the past three years or any subsequent year.

As long as these traders do not repurchase their shares within 30 days, they can write off these losses on their taxes with the Canada Revenue Agency. The waiting period is the downside of this tax-saving strategy. If the tax-loss sellers want to re-open their positions, they might end up rebuying at a higher price, defeating the purpose of the tax savings.

Aurora Cannabis closed the year 2018 off at a stock price of $6.78. By the start of February, the stock price had already increased to $10 per share. Aurora Cannabis saw similar price activity around the 2018 New Year, closing 2017 off at just under $10 and soaring as high as $14.79 in January 2018. With Cannabis 2.0 now underway, marijuana investors are likely to see the same stock market volatility going into 2020.

The number one pot stock to buy for 2020
Aurora Cannabis is one of the best marijuana stocks to buy and hold throughout 2020. Shares in Aurora Cannabis are less pricey than the popular Canopy Growth stock. Further, Aurora’s revenue growth is outstanding at year over year quarterly growth of 153.60%.

In December 2019, Aurora Cannabis announced its first shipment of Cannabis 2.0 products, which should send the firm’s revenue flying yet again throughout 2020. At the start of January 2020, eager cannabis consumers can purchase a variety of CBD and THC-infused gummies, chocolates, baked goods, and mints.

In a Deloitte report, analysts’ estimate that Cannabis 2.0 products are worth $2.7 billion with extracts, including edibles, leading the gains with a market value of $1.6 billion. Following closely behind are cannabis-infused beverages, which will add around $529 million to marijuana economic activity in Canada.

Massive stock market volatility attracts tax-loss selling
Where there is substantial stock market volatility, there are likely significant losses in the accounts of many stock market traders. Industries that experienced considerable volatility during 2019 are prime candidates for tax-loss selling.

Look for stocks to buy, like Aurora Cannabis, that have the potential to rebound in 2020. Smart Canadian investors should pick up shares in volatile industries before mid-January to cash in on the losses of other traders.
vi segnalo che tutto il settore è in crescita con forti volumi, in due ore abbiamo già superato la media giornaliera
These 10 States Could Legalize Marijuana in 2020

These 10 States Could Legalize Marijuana in 2020
By MONEY MORNING NEWS TEAM, Money Morning • December 31, 2019

The coming year is shaping up to be a big one for cannabis investors as we move even closer to nationwide legalization. Today, we're giving you a list of the 10 states with the best chance to legalize marijuana in 2020.

Not only are these states amending their cannabis laws, but perceptions of cannabis are changing across the country. A majority of the presidential candidates favor federal cannabis legalization, and even some of the most conservative U.S. states are changing their tune.

That's why Greg Miller, Executive Director for the National Institute for Cannabis Investors, believes 2020 will be a critical year for cannabis stocks.

The legal marijuana market is currently valued at $10.8 billion, but Miller states that full U.S. legalization could skyrocket that figure to $300 billion almost instantly.

Right now, marijuana is legal in some form in 32 states and the District of Columbia. But the prospects for 2020 pot legalization can expand that even more now that these 10 states have various measures pending related to legal cannabis.

You can find more of what Greg Miller has to say about this right here. Now, here are the 10 states most likely to legalize cannabis in 2020.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – Missouri
Cannabis is already legal in Missouri for medical purposes, but the state has been watching its neighbor (Illinois) and could follow suit to expand its marijuana laws in 2020.

The Marijuana Legalization and Expungement Initiative would legalize cannabis for recreational use. This measure could be on the 2020 ballot if it gets the signatures it needs by May 3.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – Arkansas
This is another state that legalized medical marijuana several years ago. In a 2016 poll, 70% of citizens were opposed to recreational marijuana, but that number dropped to 53% last year.

One measure, called the Arkansas Recreational Marijuana Initiative, is likely to make it on the ballot in this state in November. There are two other measures circulating for signatures as well.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – North Dakota
Medical marijuana became legal in North Dakota in 2016 after failing to pass in 2015. Currently, the state's only ballot measure is called the North Dakota Marijuana Legalization Initiative.

The Next American Aristocracy is expected to be fueled by today's cannabis boom. If you take advantage now, you could enjoy the kind of wealth "that lasts generations." Click here to see for yourself…

If it gets enough signatures by July, it will get on the ballot in November. This measure would make recreational marijuana legal for anyone over 21 in the state, but it currently only has about 51% support according to a poll by Legalize ND.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – South Dakota
Currently, nothing pot-related is legal in South Dakota, but they're working on it. The state has two potential ballot measures forthcoming, one for medical cannabis and another for recreational use. Both already have more than the signatures needed to make it on the ballot.

The medical petition needed just under 17,000 signatures, and it has 30,000. The recreational petition needed just under 34,000 signatures, and it has over 50,000.

Prior attempts to make this happen in South Dakota were either thwarted by lawmakers or a lack of signatures. But times and sentiment are changing. Even so, medical cannabis approval is likely to come first.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – Mississippi
Mississippi is another state that is surprising people with its support for legalized pot. More than 214,000 signatures have been collected in support of legal medical marijuana by a group called Mississippians for Compassionate Care.

The measure is called the Mississippi Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2020, and it appears to be guaranteed inclusion on the ballot in 2020. So far, about 67% of Mississippians support legalized cannabis for medical purposes.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – Idaho
If you are caught in possession of pot in any form in Idaho, you'll currently be in big trouble. Penalties include fines up to $10,000 and five years in prison. But Idaho voters hope to change that in the coming year, considering the state is surrounded by places that have legalized the substance for recreational use.

Since it will take baby steps to get there, Idahoans will start with medical marijuana. Currently, 73% of residents support this while just 43% back it for recreational use. So, there's a good chance the state's Medical Marijuana Initiative will pass in 2020.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – Nebraska
Nebraska has two marijuana petitions circulating at the moment. So far, state lawmakers have rejected bills legalizing medical marijuana three times. But the Medical Marijuana Initiative for 2020, backed by the group Nebraskans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, is gaining support.

Another initiative, called the Cannabis Legalization Initiative, would make marijuana completely legal statewide. This is less likely to pass.

The medical cannabis measure is still collecting signatures, but it has the support of roughly 77% of the state's voters if it makes it on the ballot in November.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – Arizona
Medical marijuana is not only legal in Arizona, but the state is already home to several large cannabis cultivators. Further, the state is likely to face pressure from other Southeastern states such as Colorado, California, and Nevada that will benefit from "cannabis tourism."

Just over 52% of Arizonans support recreational marijuana legalization, and this is something that will be placed in the hands of voters in November.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – New Jersey
New Jersey has been debating making recreational cannabis legal for several years. The governor was in favor of its passage, but half of the legislators were not.

However, 68% of the citizens of New Jersey want legalized marijuana according to a recent Monmouth University poll. The good news is it's going to be on the ballot in 2020.

States Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2020 – Florida
Medical marijuana is already legal in Florida, but citizens of the Sunshine State are pushing for full legalization. There are four ballot initiatives getting signatures, and the biggest one has about half of what it needs so far.

With 64% support, Florida is the most likely state to legalize recreational cannabis in 2020. The state also has the second highest growth rate of medical cannabis patients daily. We'll see what happens in November.
Possibile, a parte i competitor anche semplicemente essere pronti con la campagna marketing/comunicazione.
Come potrebbe essere altro, magari non per forza fake, ma semplicemente dei "test" che non necessariamente diverranno prodotti finiti, da qui la presa di distanza.

Mmm a me sembra un video molto ben fatto (professionale), tutti I link a Gabor rimossi, sembra fosse solito testare prodotti alimentari, ma magari è stato creato tutto ad arte, come la sua sparizione
un personaggio friendly con una storia pesante alle spalle (tumore alla testa) spiega perfettamente da dove gli arriva la lattina cbd test e per quali scopi è stata fatta (per quale motivo ci da tutte queste spiegazioni? Per far fare una risata al padre!?) , luce calda sulla sinistra del set, piano completamente sgombro e massima attenzione solo sulla lattina, all 1,56 >non so quale camera è che inquadra
una gag comica fino all taglio in post produzione che torna con forchetta, il logo della lattina sempre di spalle fino al minuto .4.36 inquadratura perfetta, melodia di sottofondo, e nel finale super pubblicita alla velocita della produzzione dei coperchi

..c è ho c è stata sicuramente una strategia sotto che noi non comprendiamo:confused: ..misteroo:D
Ultima modifica:
inversione ?

Tax-Loss Selling: Buy Pot Stocks in 2020

che ne pensate ?

January 2020 is the perfect time to buy pot stocks. Aurora Cannabis (TSX:ACB)(NYSE:ACB) stock is ending the year with a substantial sell-off, setting savvy stock market traders up for a considerable profit opportunity at the beginning of 2020. The stock market sell-off in December is likely due to tax-loss selling. Tax-savvy traders are cashing in stock market losses to offset capital gains to save on taxes with the Canada Revenue Agency.

In about 30 days, these same traders will re-open their positions in Aurora Cannabis, sending the stock price back up. Canadians with extra cash savings lying around can take advantage of the end-of-year tax-loss selling by buying shares in some of 2019’s biggest losers — at least, those which also have strong potential to rebound during 2020.

What is tax-loss selling?
Many risk-loving traders in the stock market will hold more speculative investments outside a TFSA and RRSP, which means that the capital gains are subject to tax each year. According to the Canada Revenue Agency, traders who sold their losing stock market positions by December 27 can use those realized capital losses to offset other taxable capital gains for the past three years or any subsequent year.

As long as these traders do not repurchase their shares within 30 days, they can write off these losses on their taxes with the Canada Revenue Agency. The waiting period is the downside of this tax-saving strategy. If the tax-loss sellers want to re-open their positions, they might end up rebuying at a higher price, defeating the purpose of the tax savings.

Aurora Cannabis closed the year 2018 off at a stock price of $6.78. By the start of February, the stock price had already increased to $10 per share. Aurora Cannabis saw similar price activity around the 2018 New Year, closing 2017 off at just under $10 and soaring as high as $14.79 in January 2018. With Cannabis 2.0 now underway, marijuana investors are likely to see the same stock market volatility going into 2020.

The number one pot stock to buy for 2020
Aurora Cannabis is one of the best marijuana stocks to buy and hold throughout 2020. Shares in Aurora Cannabis are less pricey than the popular Canopy Growth stock. Further, Aurora’s revenue growth is outstanding at year over year quarterly growth of 153.60%.

In December 2019, Aurora Cannabis announced its first shipment of Cannabis 2.0 products, which should send the firm’s revenue flying yet again throughout 2020. At the start of January 2020, eager cannabis consumers can purchase a variety of CBD and THC-infused gummies, chocolates, baked goods, and mints.

In a Deloitte report, analysts’ estimate that Cannabis 2.0 products are worth $2.7 billion with extracts, including edibles, leading the gains with a market value of $1.6 billion. Following closely behind are cannabis-infused beverages, which will add around $529 million to marijuana economic activity in Canada.

Massive stock market volatility attracts tax-loss selling
Where there is substantial stock market volatility, there are likely significant losses in the accounts of many stock market traders. Industries that experienced considerable volatility during 2019 are prime candidates for tax-loss selling.

Look for stocks to buy, like Aurora Cannabis, that have the potential to rebound in 2020. Smart Canadian investors should pick up shares in volatile industries before mid-January to cash in on the losses of other traders.


c'è movimento anche oggi, sarebbe importante confermasse, potremmo toccare nuovi massimi di periodo in alcune situazioni
Le mie preferite

Queste sono le mie tre preferite del settore, attualmente tutte e tre sono sopra la EMA 50, tutte e tre uscite da un canale discendente, MACD positivo per APHA e CGC e quasi positivo per CRON



Cannabis stocks led lower by Aurora and Hexo - MarketWatch

Cannabis stocks led lower by Aurora and Hexo

Aurora to sell Ontario greenhouse as the company seeks to cut costs

Supreme Cannabis asked its former CEO to depart, according to a person familiar with the matter.


Hexo Corp. and Aurora Cannabis Inc., shares were leading weed stocks mostly lower Monday, adding to what is likely to shape up to be a third straight day of losses in 2020.

In afternoon trading, shares of Aurora Cannabis ACB, -0.26% ACB, -5.00% were down 5% after the company listed an Exeter, Ontario greenhouse for C$17 million, which at one point was expected to produce over 105,000 kilograms of marijuana a year. Aurora ended up with the compound after it acquired MedReleaf, which originally bought the property for C$21.5 million in cash and over 200,000 shares of MedReleaf stock.

In a note to investors Monday, MKM Partners analyst Bill Kirk wrote that Aurora’s failure to license the facility and sell cannabis grown there suggests that Aurora will likely write down a “large amount” of goodwill — roughly C$2 billion — in the future. As MarketWatch has previously reported, Aurora accumulated more than C$2.11 billion in goodwill from its MedReleaf acquisition

“We believe more divestitures are likely, as Aurora has a major cash problem, and this listing only covers about two weeks of cash burn,” Kirk wrote in the note. “…We are also discouraged with the visibility of Aurora’s strategy — investors were unaware Aurora was trying to sell Exeter (despite a facilities update on Dec. 23, 2019) and are in the dark regarding dilution timing as Aurora uses its [at-the-market] equity facility.”
Oggi il settore vola, sanno qualcosa sulla trimestrale di Aphria?
Probabile, anche se mi sembra composto più da farmaceutici che da produttori.
Cmq Aphria per ora buona in pre dopo i dati...
I titoli "principali" continuano a muoversi insieme...