Ufficiali russi caduti in ucraina

Colonel Гурьянов Роман Викторович (Guryanov Roman Viktorovich) of the Troops of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence was eliminated in Ukraine on 20 May ’24.
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Highly specialized Senior Lieutenant Андрусенко Александр Алексеевич (Andrusenko Alexander Alekseevich), combat control officer of the aviation guidance point, was eliminated in Ukraine on 17 May ’24
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Guards Major Козлов Александр Сергеевич (Kozlov Alexander Sergeevich) was eliminated in Ukraine.
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Colonel Михеркин Игорь Геннадьевич (Mikherkin Igor Gennadievich) was eliminated in Luhansk, Ukraine on 20 May ’24.
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Junior Lieutenant, sapper Низгиренко Павел Викторович (Nizgirenko Pavel Viktorovich), nickname “Kop”, was eliminated in Novobakhmutivka, Ukraine on 5 May ’24.
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Lieutenant Валуев Александр Юрьевич (Valuev Alexander Yurievich) was eliminated in Ukraine on 22 May 24
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Lieutenant and Z-fascist Вощевоз Вячеслав Валерьевич (Voshchevoz Vyacheslav Valerievich) “promises everyone a long-awaited victory in Donbas” in February and was eliminated in Ukraine this night, 2 June ’24
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Airborne Lieutenant Москвичев Павел Игоревич (Moskvichev Pavel Igorevich) graduated from the Ulyanovsk Guards Suvorov Military School in 2019 and was eliminated in Ukraine in 2024
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Naval Infantry Captain Шахманов Наиль Фаритович (Shakhmanov Nail Faritovich) of the 155th Separate Guards Naval Infantry Brigade was eliminated in Olenivka, Ukraine on 27 February ’24 by a HIMARS strike during an military award ceremony.
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Airborne Spetsnaz Junior Lieutenant Цыренжапов Балта Дымбрылович (Tsyrenzhapov Balta Dymbrylovich) from Buryatia, commander of a reconnaissance group of a spetsnaz company, 11th Guards Air Assault Brigade, was eliminated near Chasiv Yar, Ukraine on 21 May ’24.
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Mobilized Major Малахов Александр Петрович (Malakhov Alexander Petrovich) from Zheleznogorsk, company commander, 3rd Battalion, 87th Separate Rifle Regiment (formerly the 119th Regiment of the DNR), was eliminated in Ukraine on 24 May ’24
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Airborne Guards Lieutenant Данько Семен Александрович (Danko Semyon Alexandrovich) was eliminated in Ukraine on 23 May ’24.
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Eliminated in Ukraine.
Junior Lieutenant Самушкин Валерий (Samushkin Valery) was eliminated in Ukraine. He wore the badge of the 5th Russian Imperial Hussar Regiment, so he was from the successor 15th Separate Guards MRB
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Lieutenant Colonel Микушин Дмитрий Александрович (Mikushin Dmitry Alexandrovich), deputy commander for armament, head of the technical unit of the 228th Motor Rifle Regiment, was eliminated in Ukraine on 1 June ’24 by artillery fire, while trying to evacuate a damaged BTR-82AM
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Lieutenant Морев Виктор Андреевич (Morev Viktor Andreevich) from Gidrotorf was eliminated in Ukraine in June ’24
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Lieutenant Гуляев Дмитрий Олегович (Gulyaev Dmitry Olegovich) graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School and was eliminated in Ukraine
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58 yo Senior Lieutenant Султреков Андрей Миронович (Sultrekov Andrey Mironovich) from Khakassia, platoon commander of a motor rifle battalion, worked as a history teacher in various schools for most of his life, but was eliminated in Ukraine on 29 May ’24.
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25yo Lieutenant of engineer-sapper troops Катюнин Антон Андреевич (Katyunin Anton Andreevich) graduated in 2023 and was eliminated in Vovchansk, Ukraine on 5 June ’24.
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