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XcelPlus' Clean Coal Technology Successfully Tested at Edison Power Plant

Feb 12, 2009 12:56:00 (ET)

TOPPING, Va., Feb 12, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- XcelPlus Global Holdings Inc. (Pink Sheets: XPGH) has successfully completed a test of its GlyCoal(TM) clean energy fuel at an Edison Power-owned 80-megawatt plant in West Virginia.

In the test, GlyCoal reduced coal consumption by 10 percent, in turn reducing the sulfur dioxide and CO2 emissions from coal by 10 percent. "GlyCoal is considered a clean coal technology because it effectively reduces coal emissions and byproducts when used as a replacement fuel," said J. Michael Parsons, President and CEO of XcelPlus Global Holdings.

XcelPlus Global is an emerging alternative energy company that develops new fuel technologies, such as GlyCoal, to offset the use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions from those fuels. "Emissions from burning GlyCoal are acceptable under upcoming regulations because it's a renewable fuel source," Parsons explained. "We can deliver 500,000 gallons to a power plant today, if requested. Coal companies face millions, possibly billions, of dollars in new taxes under the forthcoming Carbon Tax. The successful outcome of this test could have a significant impact on their bottom line."

XcelPlus International (XLPI), a subsidiary company, processes GlyCoal from waste byproducts of biodiesel production. XcelPlus Global holds the pending patent on the process and is preparing to take the product to market, Parsons added.
Time & Sales
Price Size Exch Time
0.09 6000 OTO 13:45:29
0.07 5000 OTO 13:24:54
0.10 2000 OTO 13:10:25
0.08 5000 OTO 13:01:55
0.07 6800 OTO 12:54:58
0.071 10000 OTO 12:53:05
0.071 10000 OTO 12:43:44
0.071 20185 OTO 12:30:59
0.07 500 OTO 12:21:34
0.07 2750 OTO 11:37:52
0.08 1450 OTO 10:56:00
0.08 4075 OTO 10:50:41
0.10 7500 OTO 10:02:40
0.075 5000 OTO 09:40:34
0.075 3500 OTO 09:39:03
0.085 5000 OTO 09:37:59
0.085 30000 OTO 09:34:50
0.09 3800 OTO 09:34:42
0.09 5000 OTO 09:34:42
0.10 2000 OTO 09:30:22
axel sono ancora in tempo
per entrare?:):):)
adoro rischiare sempre nei limiti possibili,
sai che ti dico
ieri è andata bene con te
oggi riprovo!

a dopo axel:):):):)
io non mi faccio corrompere:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
axel tu hai gia' messo l'ordine di vendita a .50?
bingo bongo!
Axel hai ancora .50 come target?