Adobe Systems Incorporated ( NASDAQ:ADBE)


Sabato 12 Gennaio 2008, 17:24

Permane negativa la visione del trend
Di Roberto Ercolino

Analisi settimanale all'11 Gennaio 2008
Pivot Supporti: 37.700 - 36.

Pivot Resistenze: 38.500 - 39.000

Nel commento di inizio anno sottolineavamo quanto negativo fosse stato l'avvio del 2008 in coincidenza con il raggiungimento del livello 37.700, all'incirca punto di svolta del settembre 2006; la seduta del 10 gennaio rappresenta, infatti, la peggiore a 50 e 250 giorni di Borsa aperta e valutando graficamente il movimento, attraverso la consultazione della figura in pagina, possiamo considerare il canale discendente in cui si muovono i prezzi, ciò al fine di ipotizzare i prossimi target ribassisti. Nell'ipotesi più probabile, con la rottura del supporto citato, il derivato potrebbe raggiungere l'area 36.800/36.500 punti abbastanza velocemente per puntare poi ai 35.000 nell'ipotesi di prosieguo delle news macro negative che accompagnano questa fase di (Pubblicità)


L'accelerazione della tendenza, specie in caso di ulteriori conferme circa i timori di una recessione negli USA, determinerebbe un saldo negativo per i mercati per l'anno appena nato, quindi non solo quello domestico già penalizzato nello scorso 2007, ma coinvolgendo l'area Euro. In questa, nel contesto caratterizzato dal peggioramento del dato dell'inflazione, vi è inoltre il condizionamento dalla problematica relativa alle scelte di carattere monetario in relazione all'andamento dei tassi di riferimento, atteso che la BCE non appare in grado di muoversi in sintonia con le mosse della FED.

Abbiamo più volte sottolineato che la debolezza del dollaro nel cambio contro Euro, pur aiutando le importazioni, non rappresenta certo una forza intrinseca della moneta unica europea, sulla quale vengono scaricati fattori inflattivi importati; ciò incide a favore del vecchio continente sul costo della bolletta energetica, ma i prezzi delle materie prime del settore non aiutano l'espansione della crescita economica, agendo esattamente nel senso l'opposto, deprimendo quindi la crescita non aiutata dalla politica di tassi favorevole alla crescita. Il rallentamento in atto è quindi destinato a perdurare procurando oscillazioni nell'equity di rilevanza negativa.

Tornando alla valutazione grafica del mercato, nulla vieta di considerare che la rottura citata potrebbe indicare una testa e spalle di ampie proporzioni, ciò confermerebbe quando indichiamo dalla metà dello scorso anno in rapporto alla tendenza primaria del future, aggravando le aspettative ribassiste che serpeggiano tra gli operatori le quali vengono corroborate da diverse notizie negative che cominciano ad interessare troppi settori economici oltre l'immobiliare, questo peraltro permane in un tunnel di cui non si vede la fine. Suggeriamo quindi di non leggere in maniera troppo positiva eventuali rimbalzi tecnici, almeno fin quando non saremo di fronte ad una stabilizzazione dei prezzi confermata da un calo evidente della volatilità.

Le medie che normalmente monitoriamo a 21, 65 e 200 giorni, sono inequivocabilmente inclinate negativamente e non fanno altro che accompagnare la tendenza segnando livelli dinamici da considerare solo in caso di superamento confermato; nello specifico i 38.550, 39.100 e 40.700 sono valori il cui superamento indicherebbe le svolte a breve, medio e lungo termine del trend, ma non appaiono al momento facilmente superabili.

Dagli strumenti tecnici si evidenzia una fase di ipervenduto nell'ambito del trend downward, con una nuova condizione midly bearish per i volumi nel contesto di volatilità bassa solo nel confronto con la media a dieci periodi; bearish anche gli oscillatori trend forecasting dopo l'accenno d'inversione della scorsa ottava. Fallita la divergenza bullish sul Momentum che però mostra una ripresa del proprio valore nel contesto negativo; resta negativo il Macd ed il Sar continua a proporsi sul lato short del mercato, seppure il punto di svolta si porta attorno ai 38.100 punti, valore non impossibile; il sell dello Stocastico della prima seduta dell'anno è stato nettamente confermato.

Il nostro outlook settimanale segna sul breve termine, dal precedente neutral, una condizione oversold; restano ovviamente confermate le valutazioni bearish su medio e lungo termine. Infine il rapporto che confronta media primaria e future, passa dal -7,2% della scorsa settimana ad un -7,4%, lieve peggioramento che non rappresenta appieno le implicazioni negative possibili.
Da quello che leggo su Directa avendo investito in America Venerdì vale il cambio di lunedi' giusto?:D
Adobe nel mirino di Apple?
News di Alessandro Recchia del 14/1/08

Versione stampabile Commenta sul forum

Flash e QuickTime potrebbero sposarsi: a poche ore dall'inaugurazione del MacWorld Expo di Apple, spunta dal gossip hi-tech un'ipotesi di unione fra i due colossi. Intanto il 2008 di Adobe ripartirà presto da Air.

Apple ha intenzione di acquisire Adobe? Si tratta di un'ipotesi, per quanto affascinante e intrigante, non certo di una certezza. A poche ore dall'inizio di MacWorld Expo 2008 di San Francisco, la riportano Dan Farber & Larry Dignan dal loro blog su ZdNet, citando un articolo su Se Apple acquisisse Adobe, diventerebbe il gigante dei contenuti digitali a 360 gradi: l'anti Microsoft per eccellenza (ricordiamo che Microsoft è da tempo in rotta di collisione con il gigante della grafica Adobe, con l'anti Flash Silverlight e altri progetti).

Adobe nel 2008 sta per lanciare Air (Adobe Integrated Runtime), la piattaforma 2.0 di sviluppo per la creazione di applicazioni basate su Flash, Flex, Html e Ajax (ora in beta 3 e in arrivo).

Apple ha più di 15 miliardi di dollari cash, pronti da spendere: Adobe dovrebbe valere circa 22 miliardi di dollari. A favore o a discredito di questa ipotesi, ci sono un pro e un contro: Pro è il fatto che iAcrobat, iFlash e iPhotoshop potrebbero portare a compimento l'evoluzione di Apple nei contenuti digitali; contro è invece il fatto che Steve Jobs forse non ha voglia di lasciarsi distrarre da un'unione così complessa, rispetto alla relativa semplicità dei suoi Mac, iPhone, iPod, iLife. Vedremo da che parte penderà l'ago della bilancia, e se Apple andrà presto a nozze o no. Lo show del MacWorld Expo di quest'anno sta per aprirsi.
peccato non averla presa in apertura
EW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Adobe Systems Inc. on Tuesday posted first-quarter profit and sales that beat Wall Street analysts' estimates and issued a stronger-than-expected outlook for the year, signaling healthy demand for the company's software even amid the U.S. economic slowdown.
The news sent shares of Adobe (ADBE:
Adobe Systems Incorporated
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ADBE 34.91, +3.03, +9.5%) up 6.6% in early trading to $33.97.
For the quarter ended Feb. 29, the San Jose, Calif., design and document software maker's net income rose to $219.4 million, or 38 cents a share, from $143.9 million, or 24 cents a share, in the year-earlier period.
Revenue rose 37% to $890.4 million from $649.4 million.
Chart of ADBE
Excluding special items, the latest first-quarter earnings were 48 cents a share. Analysts were estimating Adobe would post earnings of 45 cents a share on $876 million in revenue, according to Thomson Financial.
Adobe Chief Executive Shantanu Narayen cited strong sales of the company's flagship, Creative Suite 3, a relatively expensive software suite that includes a number of applications tailored for professional design and publishing.
"Driving our results was continued strong demand for Creative Suite 3 ... and another record quarter for our Acrobat family of products," Narayen said during a conference call with analysts.
For the second quarter, Adobe said it expects revenue between $855 million and $885 million, and earnings excluding special items of 45 to 47 cents a share.
Analysts have been estimating Adobe would post second-quarter revenue of $875 million, and earnings of 44 cents a share, according to Thomson.
Adobe reiterated that it expects revenue for fiscal 2008 to grow 13%, and said it expects earnings excluding special items for the year of $1.86 to $1.92 a share.
Analysts' estimate for the year: $1.82 a share, according to Thomson.
Adobe's creative-solutions unit, which includes Creative Suite 3, saw sales of $543.5 million in the quarter, a 57% increase from the year-earlier period. Narayen said the strongest sales were based in Europe, and that the new Creative Suite product has so far shown a 40% increase in sales over its predecessor product over the same time period.
Chief Financial Officer Mark Garrett said the company has seen nothing so far to indicate that economic woes will impact its business. "We're closely monitoring the economic environment in the U.S. ... While we're not immune to an economic downturn, we're fortunate in that we have a global, diversified business."
Narayen added that Adobe also plans to continue to make significant investments in research and development. "These are the times when the strong companies like Adobe get stronger," Narayen said. End of Story
Ieri sera ADBE ha comunicato risultati trimestrali molto positivi con utile per azione di $0,50 contro attese medie di $0,46

Adobe Systems Inc. (ADBE US) gained $1.76, or 4.6 percent, to $39.90. The world's biggest maker of photo and Web-design software reported third-quarter profit and sales that exceeded analysts' estimates on increasing demand for its new Acrobat program. The company also predicted earnings for this quarter that may top analysts' projections.

09.16.08, 5:57 PM ET

San FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Design software maker Adobe Systems Inc (nasdaq: ADBE - news - people ) posted better-than-expected quarterly results Tuesday and raised its outlook on strong demand for its products, sending shares up nearly 5 percent.

The maker of Acrobat Reader, Flash and Photoshop software said it is enjoying solid sales of established products including its Adobe Acrobat document publishing system and its Creative Suite 3 graphical design tools, even despite a weak economy.

In addition, the San Jose, California-based company is seeing record revenue from its LifeCycle line of products, which help companies create online forms to replace paper records. Adobe is also benefiting from demand for digital design tools used to create everything from YouTube videos to mobile phone software to the latest eye-grabbing advertising.

"It is all three product lines contributing to the results," Chief Financial Officer Mark Garrett said in a phone interview following the company's fiscal third-quarter report.

"We have continued to perform well through the year, even in a tough macroeconomy," Garrett told Reuters, referring to sale, earnings, margins and other targets the company set in December. "We are exceeding expectations in every way."

The San Jose, California-based company said net income for its fiscal third quarter ended Aug. 29 fell to $191.6 million from $205.2 million a year ago.

Earnings per share rose to 35 cents on a diluted basis from 34 cents a year ago, on 9 percent fewer shares outstanding. Excluding one-time items, Adobe reported third-quarter profit of 50 cents per share compared with 45 cents a year ago.

The latest quarter's results significantly exceeded Wall Street forecasts, which estimated a profit, excluding one-time items, of 46 cents per share, according to Reuters Estimates.

Revenue rose 4 percent to $887.3 million -- the top end of analysts' expectations, according to Reuters Estimates. Sales forecasts had ranged from $867.5 million to $887.3 million, with an average of $877 million, Reuters Estimates showed.
MARCH 5, 2009, 9:05 A.M. ET
Adobe Shares Gain Premarket As Investors Greet Profit Update

The forecast on earnings sent shares of Adobe sharply higher early Thursday. Ahead of the opening bell, the stock recently jumped 10% to $17.98.

03/05/09 - 09:34 AM EST

Adobe Systems (ADBE ) upgraded at UBS from Neutral to Buy. $21 price target. Company warned of lower sales, but margins and earnings came in ahead of expectations. Management is cutting costs, ...
11:52 a.m. EDT March 18, 2009

Adobe Systems Inc. (ADBE: Last: $20.80 +8.73% ) rose more than 7%. Its fiscal first-quarter net income fell to $156.4 million, or 30 cents a share, from $219.4 million, or 39 cents a share, in the year-earlier period. Revenue fell to $786.4 million from $890.5 million. Excluding special items, Adobe said it earned 45 cents a share in the latest period. Analysts had estimated Adobe would post earnings of 44 cents a share on $784 million of revenue, according to Thomson Reuters{D85D0594-B788-497B-8EED-641553EB3205}
Adobe Systems: ricavi trimestrali in rialzo a 943 mln di dollari, sopra le attese - 23.6.10/09:58
Risultati trimestrali in rialzo e migliori delle attese per Adobe Systems. Il gruppo tecnologico californiano ha annunciato di avere chiuso il secondo trimestre dell'esercizio fiscale 2010 con profitti pari a 148,6 milioni di dollari, ovvero 28 centesimi per azione, dai 126,1 milioni, ovvero 24 centesimi, registrati nell'analogo trimestre 2009. L'utile per azione (Eps) rettificato si è attestato a 44 centesimi, di poco superiore alle stime degli analisti pari a 43 centesimi. In salita anche i ricavi che hanno raggiunto quota 943 milioni dai 704,7 milioni dello stesso periodo dell'anno passato (Previsioni Bloomberg a 906,86 milioni). Per il terzo trimestre Adobe si attende un Eps rettificato compreso tra 46-50 centesimi e un fatturato in un range di 950 milioni-1 miliardo. Il mercato indica un fatturato pari a 962 milioni.

E' sempre tradabilissimo e sale sempre in progressione mozzafiato.
E' in onda uno spettacolo da formula Uno.
Stiamo a 39$ :clap:
Non compratelo vi fà male è un titolo da buon gustaio...

$@!V€ A TUTTI. Alcuni charts sulla meravigliosa ADBE.








IMO - Leggi/Read DISCLAIMER Trading-Station & Manthra - New F.o.L. Order

Visto che sono rimasto penso l'unico su questo FOL a possedere titoli Adobe o comunque ad interessarmi a questo titolo, apro un FOL dedicato ad ADBE dove posterò le ultime news ed invito i frequentatori del FOL a fare altrettanto.
Dopo la recente trimestrale Adbe è stata "cannellata" come dice il mitico "Gasfin". Oggi la si può "acquistare a saldo a meno di 31$".
Lo reputo un prezzo "eccezionale" vista la potenzialità di questo titolo.
Mi astengo nel fornire consigli e target price ma vi invito a tenerla d'occhio.
Per il momento pubblico questa news che rispecchia PIENAMENTE ciò che penso su questo titolo:
Ad Majora
Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster said the steady yearly increase in magazine advertising spending signaled the strength of a significant portion of Adobe Systems' core customer base.
According to the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA), total magazine advertising revenue in April rose 5.1%, year-over-year, the third month in a row that magazine advertising spending has grown by approximately 5%, year-over-year.
Magazine spending has historically been an indicator of revenue for Adobe Systems (nasdaq: ADBE - news - people ), which makes desktop publishing software.
Many of Adobe's products -- such as PageMaker, InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator -- are used to create magazine or other print ads and Munster estimated that magazine ad spending touches 40% to 50% of Adobe's products.
Over the last 26 quarters, the year-over-year change in magazine ad spending has consistently correlated with Adobe's year-over-year change in revenue in the following quarter, Piper Jaffray calculated.
Munster maintained an "outperform" rating and price target of $45 on shares of Adobe Systems based on the MPA figures.
"We believe the risk/reward on Adobe is positive at current levels," he wrote in a research note to investors.
Adobe shares have slumped since the company guided down its second-quarter earnings forecast in early May and are nearing a three-year trough multiple.
But while investors may have been disappointed with Adobe's expectations for second-quarter results at the low end of management's guidance, Munster said Adobe is well-positioned to improve revenue per customer throughout calendar years 2006 and 2007 with the launch of new products in the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007.
Un bel -20% in pre......Che freddo!!!!!KO!
December 21, 2010 8:22 AM EST

Jefferies Buy rating on Adobe (NASDAQ: ADBE) remains as the company is expected to grow by+10% in FY11. The firm is raising their EPS estimates for FY11 and FY12 to $2.35/$4,166M and 42.66/$4,533M from $2.15/$4,100M and $2.45/$4,441M.

The firm reports that the company's business grew substantially toward the end of the quarter and that it appears to have been sustained in the first few weeks of December. Jefferies commented that, "We continue to expect a CS release to introduce new functionality and new pricing (subscription) on certain products to be introduced in F2Q11. We are not currently expecting a big incremental driver from a CS release later in FY11." - Jefferies Raises Expectations on Adobe (ADBE), Maintains Buy Rating

December 21, 2010 7:57 AM EST

Goldman Sachs reiterated their Buy rating and raised their price target on Adobe (NASDAQ: ADBE) from $39 to $40, following a solid 'beat and raise' quarter.

The firm said the results should silence some of the vocal bear case on the stock.

The firm raised FY11 EPS estimates from $2.18 to $2.33 and FY12 from $2.49 to $2.46. The firm also introduce FY13 EPS estimate (ex-ESO) of $2.83. - Goldman Sachs Bumps Price Target and Estimates On Adobe (ADBE) After Solid Results
Feb. 25 2011 - 10:34 am

Adobe Systems (ADBE) shares are getting a boost from UBS analyst Brent Thill, who this morning raised his rating on the shares to Buy from Neutral, lifting his price target to $40, from $32.

The analyst says a proprietary survey of 50 Adobe software resellers found “continued stabilization as well as signs of improvement.” He notes that Adobe was one of the worst software stocks in 2010, that it is “poised to outperform in 2011 as [the company] delivers against undemanding expectations and valuation.”

Thill adds that sentiment should improve as more Android mobile devices ship – unlike Apple devices Android phones run Flash – and the debut of Creative Suite 6 nears – he thinks it will launch in the company’s fiscal fourth quarter ending in November.

Thill expects profits for the November 2011 fiscal year to improve to $2.24 a share, from $1.93 in FY 2010; for 2012, he’s modeling $2.48 a share.

Adobe Rallies On UBS Upgrade - Eric Savitz - The Tech Trade - Forbes
preso qualcosa in close per eventuale rimbalzo,senza particolari obiettivi
Sep 21st, 2011

Adobe Systems (NASDAQ: ADBE) had their “buy” rating reiterated by equities research analysts at Deutsche Bank (NYSE: DB) in a research note issued to investors on Wednesday.

Separately, analysts at UBS AG (NYSE: UBS) raised their EPS on shares of Adobe Systems in a research note to investors on Wednesday. They now have a “buy” rating and a $33.00 price target on the stock. They noted the company’s upbeat guidance for fiscal Q4. Analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch raised their price target on shares of Adobe Systems to $30.00 in a research note to investors on Wednesday. Also, analysts at Jefferies raised their price target on shares of Adobe Systems to $36.00 in a research note to investors on Wednesday.

Adobe Systems (ADBE) Shares Given a “Buy” Rating by Deutsche Bank (DB) Analysts | Localized USA
October 14, 2011 | about: ADBE

“Adobe Systems Incorporated operates as a diversified software company in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. It offers a line of creative, business, Web and mobile software and services used by creative professionals, knowledge workers, developers, marketers, enterprises and consumers." (Business Description from Yahoo Finance)
Seven reasons ADBE is a long-term bargain at $26 a share:
1. It is selling near the bottom of its five year valuation range based on P/E, P/S, P/B and P/CF.
2. It should be a primary beneficiary of the move to HTML 5 as it will supply the toolsets to developers to exploit this platform.
3. It has a pristine balance sheet with approximately $2.50 a share in net cash.
4. It is developing exciting cutting edge tools that will incorporate touch screen technology into its products.
5. It has met or beat earnings estimates each of the past 12 quarters. The average beat over the previous quarters has been 5%.
6. Adobe’s five year projected PEG is .9 which is a 30% discount to its five year historical average.
7. Adobe is priced at under analysts’ price targets. Credit Suisse has a price target of $33 on ADBE, S&P is at $35 and the median analysts’ price target on Adobe is $31.

Adobe Systems: A Buy On Any Pullback - Seeking Alpha
October 14, 2011 | about: ADBE

“Adobe Systems Incorporated operates as a diversified software company in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. It offers a line of creative, business, Web and mobile software and services used by creative professionals, knowledge workers, developers, marketers, enterprises and consumers." (Business Description from Yahoo Finance)
Seven reasons ADBE is a long-term bargain at $26 a share:
1. It is selling near the bottom of its five year valuation range based on P/E, P/S, P/B and P/CF.
2. It should be a primary beneficiary of the move to HTML 5 as it will supply the toolsets to developers to exploit this platform.
3. It has a pristine balance sheet with approximately $2.50 a share in net cash.
4. It is developing exciting cutting edge tools that will incorporate touch screen technology into its products.
5. It has met or beat earnings estimates each of the past 12 quarters. The average beat over the previous quarters has been 5%.
6. Adobe’s five year projected PEG is .9 which is a 30% discount to its five year historical average.
7. Adobe is priced at under analysts’ price targets. Credit Suisse has a price target of $33 on ADBE, S&P is at $35 and the median analysts’ price target on Adobe is $31.

article by Bret Jensen

Adobe Systems: A Buy On Any Pullback - Seeking Alpha