AONE - A123 Systems, Inc. [Nasdaq:AONE]

  • Ecco la 66° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    I principali indici azionari hanno vissuto una settimana turbolenta, caratterizzata dalla riunione della Fed, dai dati macro importanti e dagli utili societari di alcune big tech Usa. Mercoledì scorso la Fed ha confermato i tassi di interesse e ha sostanzialmente escluso un aumento. Tuttavia, Powell e colleghi potrebbero lasciare il costo del denaro su livelli restrittivi in mancanza di progressi sul fronte dei prezzi. Inoltre, i dati di oggi sul mercato del lavoro Usa hanno mostrato dei segnali di raffreddamento. Per continuare a leggere visita il link


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Qualcuno sà quando inizierà la quotazione di A123 Systems (codice AONE), che produce batterie per auto elettriche?

A Wall Street tornano in massa le IPO
Il forte miglioramento della situazione sulle borse ha riacceso di colpo il mercato delle IPO. Questa settimana sono attese a Wall Street ben otto nuove quotazioni, non succedeva dal 2007. Il volume totale delle operazioni di collocamento di titoli in programma oggi e nei prossimi tre giorni dovrebbe raggiungere $3,5 miliardi. Nel dettagli si quoteranno questa settimana in borsa: A123 Systems (Nasdaq: AONE), un produttore di batterie per auto elettriche; Artio Global Investors (NYSE: ART), un'impresa impegnata nella gestione del risparmio; Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance (NYSE: AIR), un fondo d'investimento immobiliare; Colony Financial (Nasdaq: CLNY), un fondo d'investimento immobiliare; Foursquare Capital Corp. (Nasdaq: FSQR), un fondo d'investimento immobiliare; Select Medical Holdings (NYSE: SEM), un operatore di ospedali; Shanda Games (Nasdaq: GAME), la prima impresa cinese dei giochi online e (Nasdaq: VITC), un venditore online di vitamine ed altri prodotti per la salute.
Nessuno sà niente?
A123 SYSTEMS INC (AONE) batterie al litio è boom al debutto


L'IPO delle batterie al litio ha fatto boom al debutto

+52% sopra i 20 USD dopo che la forchetta è stata più volte innalzata dagli iniziali 8-9,50 fino ai 13,50 USD.
ke figata.......vorrei vedere tutti i grafici cosi!!!
dal successo ottenuto mi pare di capire che fra 10 anni avremo tutti l'auto elettrica...:eek:

potrebbe essere interessante continuare a seguire seguire questo titolo nei prossimi giorni...

Sept. 24, 2009, 4:15 p.m. EDT

A123 Systems jolts IPO market
Lithium ion battery maker draws strong interest

By Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- A123 Systems Inc.'s newly minted shares jumped 50% in their stock market debut on Thursday as Wall Street placed its bets behind the government-subsidized maker of lithium-ion batteries for the growing electric car market.

A123 Systems' /quotes/comstock/15*!aone/quotes/nls/aone (AONE 20.29, +6.79, +50.30%) IPO closed at $20.29 a share, up $6.79 over its offering price of $13.50 a share. The stock first crossed the tape at $17 a share and rose.

The company priced 28.1 million shares, raising $378 million for its debut on the Nasdaq. The Watertown, Mass.-based firm went public above its already-increased range of $10 to $11.50 a share.

In another bullish move, the size of the initial public offering was increased by 2.4 million shares from its earlier level of 25.7 million shares.

Analyst John Fitzgibbon of said A123 drew interest from IPO investors as a way to tap into new technology, while two real estate

investment trusts that also went public on Thursday from Apollo Group and Colony Financial mostly drew a cold shoulder. See full story.

"It's an exotic industry," Fitzgibbon said of A123's green technology luster. "It's a momentum sector play...You can expect to see more of these."

Morgan Stanley /quotes/comstock/13*!ms/quotes/nls/ms (MS 30.73, -1.30, -4.06%) and Goldman Sachs /quotes/comstock/13*!gs/quotes/nls/gs (GS 183.06, -0.58, -0.32%) served as underwriters and joint book running managers for the IPO.

On Tuesday, A123 Systems fattened the estimated price range of its IPO to $10 to $11.50 a share, from $9 to $9.50 a share.

The same day, Fisker Automotive won a $529 million loan from the U.S. Department of Energy to build electric cars. Tesla, another electric car maker, received a $465 million loan commitment in June under the same program. See related story on electric cars

A123 Systems, an eight-year-old battery builder launched by engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has yet to turn a profit.

But it carries marquee investors in its list of principal shareholders, including General Electric Co. /quotes/comstock/13*!ge/quotes/nls/ge (GE 16.58, -0.42, -2.47%) , Qualcomm Inc. /quotes/comstock/15*!qcom/quotes/nls/qcom (QCOM 44.66, +0.43, +0.97%) , Motorola Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!mot/quotes/nls/mot (MOT 8.33, -0.16, -1.88%) and North Bridge Venture Partners.

Based on data from IHS Global Insight, the number of hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid and electric cars will grow from 19 models in 2009 at an annual production rate of at least 20,000 vehicles to more than 150 models in 2014 and more than 200 models in 2019, A123 said in its IPO filing. A.T. Kearney projects the market will grow to about $21.8 billion by 2015 and $74.1 billion by 2020, stoked by governmental regulation, emerging powertrain technology and rising consumer demand.

A123 Systems' proprietary "Nanophosphate" technology was initially developed at MIT. The company was founded in 2001.

Two of the company's three founders listed on its Website are from the school, including Yet-Ming Chiang, who also cofounded American Superconductor Corp. /quotes/comstock/15*!amsc/quotes/nls/amsc (AMSC 29.73, -1.21, -3.91%) in 1987.

The company reported a loss of $40.7 million on revenue of $42.9 million in the six months ended June 30. In the year-ago period, it lost $33 million on revenue of $21.9 million. A123 lost $81 million in 2008 and $31 million in 2007. It also reported 1,672 employees as of Aug. 31, up from 227 at the start of 2007.

Not only a provider for electric cars, A123 Systems develops and manufactures advanced lithium-ion batteries and battery systems for the electric grid services and consumer markets as well.

Black & Decker Corp. /quotes/comstock/13*!bdk/quotes/nls/bdk (BDK 45.79, -0.59, -1.27%) and Daimler AG's /quotes/comstock/13*!dai/quotes/nls/dai (DAI 49.55, -0.06, -0.12%) have been major customers.

For the six months ended June 30, business from BAE Systems PLC /quotes/comstock/23s!a:ba. (UK:BA. 340.00, -1.20, -0.35%) represented 37% of A123's revenue.

In April, the firm raised $69 million in venture financing with participation from General Electric. GE executive Mark M. Little now sits on the company's board.

On Aug. 6, A123 won $249 million in federal stimulus funds, which the company plans to use to build factories for making batteries.

Steve Gelsi is a reporter for MarketWatch in New York.
siete riusciti ad entrare ? io ieri non vedevo il titolo (fineco) che vedo solo oggi :wall::wall:
il dubbio di metterci un cippetto c'è ...
siete riusciti ad entrare ? io ieri non vedevo il titolo (fineco) che vedo solo oggi :wall::wall:
il dubbio di metterci un cippetto c'è ...

io non me la sono sentita, quando ne ho avuto la possibilità stava già a +40% sopra i 19 dollari...

certo se riavvicinasse il prezzo ipo un pensierino ce lo farei sicuramente, ma la vedo dura...
io non me la sono sentita, quando ne ho avuto la possibilità stava già a +40% sopra i 19 dollari...

certo se riavvicinasse il prezzo ipo un pensierino ce lo farei sicuramente, ma la vedo dura...
pensare che il prezzo di quotazione all'inizio sembrava oscillare tra gli 8 e i 9 dollari ... :)
pensare che il prezzo di quotazione all'inizio sembrava oscillare tra gli 8 e i 9 dollari ... :)

non lo so come reagirà il mercato nei prossimi giorni, in certi articoli leggo di paragoni con le ipo della web economy del 2000... mah...

potrebbe stornare poco dai 20 dollari raggiunti o addirittura niente la borsa è così... o magari va in tripla cifra prima di risgonfiarsi e tornare a 9 dollari...

per questo potrei anche decidere di iniziare a comprare con pac crescente al calare del prezzo... per es. su 1000 titoli che potrei comprare, inziare con 100 subito poi vedere cosa accade, ogni 2 dollari di discesa incremenatare il pac...

100 a 20
150 a 18
200 a 16
250 a 14
300 a 12

tot. 1000 pr.medio 15... costo operazione 15.000 usd = 10.000 € circa...

se po fa, non morirò nemmeno se tornasse sotto i 10 usd... :D

Ultima modifica:
curiosamente (e l'avevo scritto sul 3D di ALTI) leggendo il documento relativa all'offerta pubblica sembrava che la data di inizio quotazione fosse il 29 ...
Segnalata da molto.

Se vi fa piacere seguiamola insieme alle altre del paniere Lithium


L'IPO delle batterie al litio ha fatto boom al debutto

+52% sopra i 20 USD dopo che la forchetta è stata più volte innalzata dagli iniziali 8-9,50 fino ai 13,50 USD.

Sept. 24, 2009, 4:15 p.m. EDT

A123 Systems jolts IPO market
Lithium ion battery maker draws strong interest

By Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- A123 Systems Inc.'s newly minted shares jumped 50% in their stock market debut on Thursday as Wall Street placed its bets behind the government-subsidized maker of lithium-ion batteries for the growing electric car market.

A123 Systems' /quotes/comstock/15*!aone/quotes/nls/aone (AONE 20.29, +6.79, +50.30%) IPO closed at $20.29 a share, up $6.79 over its offering price of $13.50 a share. The stock first crossed the tape at $17 a share and rose.

The company priced 28.1 million shares, raising $378 million for its debut on the Nasdaq. The Watertown, Mass.-based firm went public above its already-increased range of $10 to $11.50 a share.

In another bullish move, the size of the initial public offering was increased by 2.4 million shares from its earlier level of 25.7 million shares.

Analyst John Fitzgibbon of said A123 drew interest from IPO investors as a way to tap into new technology, while two real estate

investment trusts that also went public on Thursday from Apollo Group and Colony Financial mostly drew a cold shoulder. See full story.

"It's an exotic industry," Fitzgibbon said of A123's green technology luster. "It's a momentum sector play...You can expect to see more of these."

Morgan Stanley /quotes/comstock/13*!ms/quotes/nls/ms (MS 30.73, -1.30, -4.06%) and Goldman Sachs /quotes/comstock/13*!gs/quotes/nls/gs (GS 183.06, -0.58, -0.32%) served as underwriters and joint book running managers for the IPO.

On Tuesday, A123 Systems fattened the estimated price range of its IPO to $10 to $11.50 a share, from $9 to $9.50 a share.

The same day, Fisker Automotive won a $529 million loan from the U.S. Department of Energy to build electric cars. Tesla, another electric car maker, received a $465 million loan commitment in June under the same program. See related story on electric cars

A123 Systems, an eight-year-old battery builder launched by engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has yet to turn a profit.

But it carries marquee investors in its list of principal shareholders, including General Electric Co. /quotes/comstock/13*!ge/quotes/nls/ge (GE 16.58, -0.42, -2.47%) , Qualcomm Inc. /quotes/comstock/15*!qcom/quotes/nls/qcom (QCOM 44.66, +0.43, +0.97%) , Motorola Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!mot/quotes/nls/mot (MOT 8.33, -0.16, -1.88%) and North Bridge Venture Partners.

Based on data from IHS Global Insight, the number of hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid and electric cars will grow from 19 models in 2009 at an annual production rate of at least 20,000 vehicles to more than 150 models in 2014 and more than 200 models in 2019, A123 said in its IPO filing. A.T. Kearney projects the market will grow to about $21.8 billion by 2015 and $74.1 billion by 2020, stoked by governmental regulation, emerging powertrain technology and rising consumer demand.

A123 Systems' proprietary "Nanophosphate" technology was initially developed at MIT. The company was founded in 2001.

Two of the company's three founders listed on its Website are from the school, including Yet-Ming Chiang, who also cofounded American Superconductor Corp. /quotes/comstock/15*!amsc/quotes/nls/amsc (AMSC 29.73, -1.21, -3.91%) in 1987.

The company reported a loss of $40.7 million on revenue of $42.9 million in the six months ended June 30. In the year-ago period, it lost $33 million on revenue of $21.9 million. A123 lost $81 million in 2008 and $31 million in 2007. It also reported 1,672 employees as of Aug. 31, up from 227 at the start of 2007.

Not only a provider for electric cars, A123 Systems develops and manufactures advanced lithium-ion batteries and battery systems for the electric grid services and consumer markets as well.

Black & Decker Corp. /quotes/comstock/13*!bdk/quotes/nls/bdk (BDK 45.79, -0.59, -1.27%) and Daimler AG's /quotes/comstock/13*!dai/quotes/nls/dai (DAI 49.55, -0.06, -0.12%) have been major customers.

For the six months ended June 30, business from BAE Systems PLC /quotes/comstock/23s!a:ba. (UK:BA. 340.00, -1.20, -0.35%) represented 37% of A123's revenue.

In April, the firm raised $69 million in venture financing with participation from General Electric. GE executive Mark M. Little now sits on the company's board.

On Aug. 6, A123 won $249 million in federal stimulus funds, which the company plans to use to build factories for making batteries.

Steve Gelsi is a reporter for MarketWatch in New York.

curiosamente (e l'avevo scritto sul 3D di ALTI) leggendo il documento relativa all'offerta pubblica sembrava che la data di inizio quotazione fosse il 29 ...
non lo so come reagirà il mercato nei prossimi giorni, in certi articoli leggo di paragoni con le ipo della web economy del 2000... mah...

potrebbe stornare poco dai 20 dollari raggiunti o addirittura niente la borsa è così... o magari va in tripla cifra prima di risgonfiarsi e tornare a 9 dollari...

per questo potrei anche decidere di iniziare a comprare con pac crescente al calare del prezzo... per es. su 1000 titoli che potrei comprare, inziare con 100 subito poi vedere cosa accade, ogni 2 dollari di discesa incremenatare il pac...

100 a 20
150 a 18
200 a 16
250 a 14
300 a 12

tot. 1000 pr.medio 15... costo operazione 15.000 usd = 10.000 € circa...

se po fa, non morirò nemmeno se tornasse sotto i 10 usd... :D


va beh dai, il primo lotto è andato... :o

se scende a 18 passo al secondo...
A123 Systems: A Matter of Demand
By Robert Castellano

The success of A123 Systems (AONE Quote), which had an extremely successful IPO this week, will depend on how big the market for electric-car batteries will be and how much competition the company faces.
On the end-user side, data show that the number of EV (electric vehicle), HEV (hybrid electric vehicle), PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicle) models with an annual production run of at least 20,000 vehicles will grow from 19 models in 2009, to more than 150 models in 2014, and more than 200 models in 2019. In addition, estimates for the global lithium-ion battery market for automotive application in EVs, PHEVs and HEVs are $31.9 million in 2009 growing to $21.8 billion by 2015 and $74.1 billion by 2020.
Shares of A123 were trading at $19.66 around 10:15 a.m. EDT Friday morning, down 63 cents, or 3.1%, following a debut Wednesday that saw the shares rise more than 50%.
A123 uses proprietary nanoscale material technology developed at and licensed from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is also has its 215 employees for R&D on new generations of this core nanophosphate technology. A123 recently developed an ultra high-power battery for the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes team that provides more than 10 times the W/kg (watt hours per kilogram) as compared to a standard Prius battery.
Clearly, the market potential of lithium-ion batteries for automobiles is huge. But cost is a critical factor, and, as they are a new product, so is durability. In a report released in January 2009, the U.S. Department of Enegy pointed out that the current cost of Li-based batteries is approximately a factor of 3-5 too high on a kWh (kilowatt hours) basis for HEVs, and two times too high for HEVs. Also, the ability to attain a 15-year life, or 300,000 HEV cycles, or 5,000 EV cycles are unproven and anticipated to be difficult.
preso oggi il secondo lotto 150 (pezzi)... pm 18,80

prossimo lotto (200 pezzi) in acquisto se scende sui 16...
la puledra è selvaggia non sta ferma un' attimo :D
la puledra è selvaggia non sta ferma un' attimo :D

ciao amico fraterno...


vedo, ha già ripreso più di un dollaro dal mio acquisto di poco fa...

scommessa... ;)

anche perchè qui essendo quotata da 3 giorni non esistono segnali di at... ma solo un potenziale enorme mercato da conquistare... se la va la va, altrimenti pace...
se guardiamo alla capitalizzazione in riferimento all'ultimo bilancio (peraltro chiuso in perdita mi pare) i prezzi oggi sono da amatore... ma ho imparato che in borsa è sempre più difficile trovare qualcosa di corettamente prezzato...soprattutto nel breve periodo...

si trovano titoli con p/e 1, che non si muovono nemmeno a cannonate e titoli di società alla frutta che fanno +50% in 2-3 giorni solo perchè le banche riscadenziano il debito...:D
ciao tr@ da buon discepolo :eek: prima o poi ti seguiro ;)

ottimo potenziale OK!