Saipem... QUO VADIS?

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Che botta di ****.

Mediato stamane.

Cmq è sporchissimo il tutto i pw a mercati chiusi.
ovviamente adesso è sospesa giusto a ridosso di 8,32......faranno la solita finta rottura o finta non rottura?
non la fanno piu aprire????????
Oct 10 (Reuters) - Kashagan, the world's most expensive oil project, will have to spend another up to $3.6 billion to replace leaking oil and gas pipelines, which also could delay the restart of production, the Kazakh energy ministry said.

Production at the Kashagan reservoir, the world's biggest oil find in recent times, started in September last year but was halted just a few weeks later after the discovery of gas leaks in the $50 billion project's pipeline network.

Replacing the pipelines at the oilfield, which lies in the Caspian Sea off western Kazakhstan, will cost between $1.6 billion and $3.6 billion, the Kazakh Energy Ministry said in a document obtained by Reuters on Friday.
Ma se uno vlesse comprare adesso che deve fare?

così dice directa
titolo sospeso - immissione consentita - riammissione prevista alle 16:06:12

Vi saluto e torno al lavoro!!

Speriamo chiusura super positiva!!!!! ( se riapre...)
Ma com'è che a scendere la sospendono a -10% e a salire a +5%?
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