Real Estate Investment Trust

  • Due nuove obbligazioni Societe Generale, in Euro e in Dollaro USA

    Societe Generale porta sul segmento Bond-X (EuroTLX) di Borsa Italiana due obbligazioni, una in EUR e una in USD, a tasso fisso decrescente con durata massima di 15 anni e possibilità di rimborso anticipato annuale a discrezione dell’Emittente.

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Un augurio di Buona Pasqua al 3D e alla schiera (sempre più popolata,
a quanto pare) degli amici 'conigli lotofagi'. I tori possono farne parte? :fagiano:

I "tori" sono i normali e graditi frequentatori dei thread di Shark, mentre i "conigli lotofagi" ne sono gli occasionali e tollerati ospiti ... :cool:

I primi aggiungono valore autentico alla discussione, mentre i secondi svolgono un ruolo di simpatico antagonismo ... così, gli uni e gli altri realizzano un necessario differenziale dialettico dal quale scaturiscono le tattiche operative e/o le strategie di portafoglio ... :)
Che dirti sciarc?
Voglio augurarti Buona Pasqua:
Tanti ghiotti cedoloni/dividendoni nel tuo uovo... :p
Ricorda però: i conti si fanno solo alla fine... :D

Quanto a cedole e dvd il mese di Aprile è stato discretamente "piovoso". :cool:
Maggio invece sarà un autentico "diluvio" ... ! :D

Certo, i conti si fanno solo alla fine ... ecco perchè, nel frattempo, si diversifica in maniera estrema e si incamerano risorse fresche da investire in strumenti sempre nuovi ... Insomma, il meccanismo che ne deriva si autoalimenta ed è dotato di capacità di autoriparazione dagli occasionali/eventuali micro-default di singoli titoli ... :cool:

Buona Pasqua "coniglio tigrotto" ... :bye:
American Capital Agency - Q1 2011 Report

American Capital Agency Reports $1.48 Earnings Per Share and $25.96 Book Value Per Share

BETHESDA, Md., April 25, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/
American Capital Agency Corp. ("AGNC" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: AGNC) today reported net income for the first quarter of 2011 of $133.5 million, or $1.48 per share, and book value of $25.96 per share.


$1.48 per share of net income
$1.30 per share, excluding $0.18 per share of other investment related income
$1.68 per share of taxable income(1)
$1.40 per share first quarter dividend
$0.42 per share of undistributed taxable income as of March 31, 2011
Undistributed taxable income increased $16 million to $55 million
$25.96 book value per share as of March 31, 2011
Increased $1.72, or 7%, from $24.24 per share as of December 31, 2010
22% annualized return on average stockholders' equity ("ROE") for the quarter(2)

Hatteras Financial Corp. - Q1 2011 Report

Hatteras Financial Corp. Announces First Quarter 2011 Financial Results

Company Release - 04/26/2011 16:01

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hatteras Financial Corp. (NYSE: HTS) (“Hatteras” or the “Company”) today announced financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2011.

First Quarter 2011 Highlights
Net income of $0.96 per weighted average share
Net income of $1.00 per weighted average share excluding the impact of the March 18 stock offering, which increased the weighted average shares outstanding
Declared a $1.00 per share dividend
Quarter end book value increased 5.1% to $26.11 per share
Net return on average equity of 15.29%
Average net interest spread of 2.15%
Completed two accretive equity offerings raising approximately $794 million
Annualized rate of scheduled and unscheduled principal repayments of 22.44%
Annualized total expense ratio of 1.03% of average shareholders’ equity

First Quarter 2011 Results
During the quarter ended March 31, 2011, the Company earned net income of $57.2 million or $0.96 per diluted common share, compared to net income of $45.6 million or $0.99 per diluted common share during the quarter ended December 31, 2010. During the quarter, the Company significantly increased earning assets and book value while investing the proceeds of two equity offerings. These two offerings increased the Company’s equity capital to $1.9 billion at March 31, 2011.

“The first quarter was eventful for Hatteras as the Company significantly grew its equity base,” said Michael R. Hough, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are pleased to have grown the Company at a time when we can invest capital at favorable margins and improve the long-term return profile of the Company. The benefits from the equity raises include accretion of book value, a stronger liability portfolio, and the addition of attractive and relatively more predictable assets. We have invested the capital as anticipated in short duration mortgage-backed securities, and hedged them defensively, and look forward to enjoying the benefits going forward.”

Net interest income for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 was $61.1 million, compared to $43.2 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2010. The Company’s average earning assets increased to $10.9 billion for the first quarter of 2011 from $8.0 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010, and the net interest margin increased to 2.15% for the first quarter of 2011 from 2.04% in the fourth quarter of 2010. The increase in the net interest margin was driven in large part by the decrease in the Company’s cost of funds. The Company’s average repurchase agreement (repo) rate dropped to 0.30% in the first quarter of 2011, from 0.44% in the fourth quarter of 2010, on all outstanding short-term (less than 30 days) repo positions. Operating expenses were $3.9 million for the first quarter of 2011 versus $3.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2010, but the annualized expense ratio dropped to 1.03% of shareholders’ equity based on average equity for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 versus 1.13% for the prior quarter due to the increase in shareholder’s equity.

The Company’s portfolio, consisting of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guaranteed mortgage securities (agency securities), increased to $13.0 billion at March 31, 2011, compared to $9.6 billion at the end of the previous quarter. The portfolio’s weighted average coupon was 3.69% for the first quarter of 2011, compared to 3.94% for the fourth quarter of 2010, primarily reflecting lower reinvestment rates on new security purchases. The annualized yield on average assets declined to 3.20% for the first quarter of 2011, compared to 3.39% for the fourth quarter of 2010, primarily as a result of recent bond purchases. The annualized cost of funds on average liabilities (including hedges) was 1.05% in the first quarter of 2011, compared to 1.35% in the fourth quarter of 2010. This decrease was partly due to lower repurchase agreement rates, but also due to the addition of new swaps at lower rates and the expiration of higher swaps and other fixed rate borrowings that were replaced at lower cost.

The Company declared dividends of $1.00 per share of common stock with respect to the quarter ended March 31, 2011, which equaled the $1.00 per share dividend for the quarter ended December 31, 2010. Using the closing share price of $28.12 on March 31, 2011, the first quarter dividend equates to an annualized dividend yield of 14.2%.

Common Stock Offerings
On January 10, 2011, the Company completed a secondary public offering of 11,500,000 shares of common stock, including 1,500,000 shares pursuant to the underwriters’ overallotment option, at a price to the public of $28.75 per share, for net proceeds of $325.7 million after the payments of underwriting discounts and expenses,. On March 23, 2011, the Company completed a secondary public offering of 16,675,000 shares of its common stock, including 2,175,000 shares pursuant to the underwriters’ overallotment option, at a price to the public of $28.50 per share, for net proceeds of approximately $468.8 million after the payment of underwriting discounts and expenses. Both of these offerings were completed at a premium to both book value and paid-in-capital per share. The Company estimates that paid-in-capital per share increased $2.05, or 9.1%, as a result of these offerings.

The Company’s portfolio of agency securities totaled $13.0 billion at March 31, 2011 and consisted of 5.6% adjustable-rate mortgages (“ARMs”) with 18 or fewer months to reset, 10.7% ARMs with 19 to 36 months to reset, 56.5% ARMs with 37 to 60 months to reset, 25.8% ARMs with 61 to 84 months to reset, and 1.4% ARMs with 85 to 120 months to reset. Of the Company’s total portfolio, 71.6% are supported by Fannie Mae and 28.4% are supported by Freddie Mac. At March 31, 2011, the weighted-average term to the next interest rate reset date was approximately 55 months, not adjusting for repayments.

During the first quarter of 2011, the expense of amortizing the premium on the Company’s securities was $12.9 million, compared to $11.6 million during the fourth quarter of 2010. Despite the significantly larger portfolio, the increase in amortization expense was muted, as prepayment rates fell meaningfully due to slower refinancing activity. The weighted-average principal repayment rate (scheduled and unscheduled principal payments as a percentage of the weighted-average portfolio, on an annual basis) during the first quarter of 2011 was 22.4%, compared to 31.3% during the fourth quarter of 2010.

Portfolio Financing and Leverage
At March 31, 2011, the Company financed its portfolio with approximately $11.5 billion of borrowings under repurchase agreements bearing fixed interest rates until maturity. The Company’s repo debt-to-shareholders’ equity ratio at March 31, 2011, was 6.1 to 1. The Company’s repurchase agreements had a weighted-average term of approximately 24 days. The Company also uses interest rate swap agreements to synthetically extend the fixed interest period of these liabilities and hedge against the interest rate risk associated with financing the Company’s portfolio. As of March 31, 2011, the Company had entered into interest rate swaps with a notional amount of $6.5 billion. The swap agreements, which are indexed to 30-day LIBOR, have an average remaining term of 38 months at an average fixed rate of 1.94%.

Book Value
The Company’s book value (shareholders’ equity) per share on March 31, 2011 was $26.11, up $1.27, or 5.11%, from the per share book value of $24.84 on December 31, 2010. The increase in book value during the quarter represents changes in mortgage-backed securities (“MBS”) and swap values, and accretion from the Company’s capital raises. On a per share basis, the book value at March 31, 2011 consisted of $24.67 of common equity, ($0.06) of retained earnings, $1.67 of unrealized gains on agency securities, and ($.17) of unrealized losses on interest rate swaps.

Ultima modifica:
Titoli REIT in buona evidenza a WS ... :)
Usa: nessuna sorpresa dalla Fed. Riviste stime su inflazione, Pil e disoccupazione - 28.4.11/09:47

Il programma di acquisti di bond da 600 miliardi di dollari terminerà come previsto a giungo, mentre i tassi di interesse rimarranno prossimi allo zero ancora per un lungo periodo di tempo. Questa in sintesi la posizione della Federal Reserve, che conferma le attese degli analisti. Nessun sorpresa, dunque, se non per le parole del governatore della banca centrale Usa, Ben Bernanke, che ieri ha tenuto per la prima volta nella storia dell'istituto una conferenza stampa a modello Trichet. Bernanke ha tolto ogni dubbio su un possibile rialzo dei tassi a breve termine, dando spazio a una politica monetaria super accomodante per un lungo periodo di tempo, in quanto la crescita dell'economia Usa è ancora troppo debole e l'aumento dell'inflazione, seppur temporaneo, deve essere tenuto sotto controllo. Sono infatti state riviste le stime su Pil, inflazione e disoccupazione per il prossimo triennio.

Il Federal Open Market Committee, il braccio operativo della Federal Reserve, ha annunciato di aver confermato il costo del denaro nel range 0-0,25%. Il Fomc ha inoltre ribadito che il QE2, il secondo round del piano di allentamento quantitativo avviato a novembre, sarà completato entro la fine del secondo trimestre. Entrambe le decisioni erano state pronosticate dagli analisti. Alla riunione, ha seguito la conferenza stampa di Bernanke, la prima in 97 anni di vita dell'istituto. Un evento storico, deciso per aumentare il trasparenza della politica monetaria americana. Il governatore della Fed ha confermato la formula secondo cui i tassi di interesse resteranno eccezionalmente bassi per un "periodo esteso" e che un terzo round di quantitative easing, il cosiddetto QE3, sarà improbabile. Dalle sue parole si è rilevato come all´interno di un contesto in cui la ripresa dell´economia procede ad un ritmo "moderato" la risalita dell´inflazione sarà "temporanea".

Tuttavia, la Fed ha deciso di alzare le stime di inflazione tagliando al contempo la view sulla crescita della prima economia del mondo.
Indicazioni positive sono arrivate invece dal tasso di disoccupazione, le cui stime per i prossimi anni sono state riviste al ribasso. Nel dettaglio, il tasso di crescita dei prezzi nel 2011 è visto nel range 2,1-2,8%, al di sopra della precedente stima 1,3-1,7% (il Pce core 2011 è visto all´1,3-1,6%, da 1-1,3%) mentre la crescita economica a stelle e strisce nel 2011 è attesa tra il 3,1 ed il 3,3%, dal precedente 3,4-3,9%. Indicazioni invece positive dal fronte disoccupazione, attesa nell´anno corrente all´8,4%-8,7% (da 8,8-9%). I dati relativi il 2012 vedono l´inflazione core all´1,3-1,8% (da 1-1,5%), il Pil al 3,5%-4,2% (3,5-4,4) e la disoccupazione al 7,6-7,9% (da 7,6-8,1%). Infine, Nel 2013 l´inflazione core è attesa nel range 1,4-2% (da 1,2-2%), la view sul Pil è per una crescita al 3,5-4,3% (dal 3,7-4,6%) e la disoccupazione è confermata al 6,8-7,2%.

Le indicazioni sulle future mosse della Fed e l'operazione trasparenza avviata da Bernanke hanno rivitalizzano le borse statunitensi che hanno chiuso nei pressi dei massimi. Il Dow ha terminato in rialzo dello 0,76% a 12.690,96 punti, +0,62% per lo S&P a 1.355,66 e +0,78% del Nasdaq a 2.869,88. Il Dow e lo S&P salgono così ai massimi dall´estate del 2008 mentre per il Nasdaq si tratta del livello maggiore dal dicembre 2000. Guardando al mercato valutario, il dollaro ha accelerato al ribasso, toccando il minimo degli ultimi 17 mesi sull'euro. Nuovo record invece per l'oro, a 1.530 dollari all'oncia, che ha reagito alla debolezza del biglietto verde e alla conferma di una politica accomodante per un lungo periodo di tempo.

Nell'attesa della prossima conferenza stampa di Bernanke, che si terrà d'ora in avanti ogni tre mesi, gli analisti riformulano le loro previsioni sulle mosse future della banca centrale Usa. Il primo rialzo dei tassi ora sarebbe visto non prima dell'inizio del 2012, ma forse anche dopo. "La frase di Bernake sui tassi bassi per un prolungato periodo di tempo sarà seguita da almeno due riunioni del Fomc prima che i tassi vengano rialzati", dichiarano questa mattina gli analisti di Ing, che guardano con maggior interesse all'incontro di giugno, quando il programma di acquisto di bond sarà terminato.

Molto dipenderà dagli andamenti futuri di inflazione e Pil. Oggi si avrà già un'idea. Alle 14.30 infatti verrà diffusa la prima stima sul Prodotto interno lordo Usa relativo al primo trimestre. Il consensus vede un rialzo dell'1,8% rispetto al trimestre precedente. E tra i corridoi c'è anche chi non esclude un prossimo QE3: "Confermiamo l´ipotesi che, dopo una fase di pausa, la Fed potrebbe decidere di implementare un ulteriore piano di quantitative easing", sostengono a Mps Capital Services. Nell'attesa, comunque, "la debolezza del dollaro sarà invitante, così come ulteriori rialzi nel comparto azionario, nei metalli preziosi e nell'energia", concludono a Ing.

Borse e tattica del dvd

Borse: a caccia di dividendi per restare in sella. Per Rhodes il dividend yield è rischioso

28 Aprile 2011 - MILANO (
Per rimanere a galla negli alti e bassi delle Borse bisogna avere fiuto per i dividendi, più che per il dividend yield. Parola di Stuart Rhodes, fund manager di M&G. "Analizzare il mercato in cerca di un dividend yield elevato può essere estremamente rischioso. Molti dei fondi income tradizionali utilizzano il rapporto dividendo/prezzo come parametro di scelta, ma a mio avviso questo approccio è fuorviante", segnala l'esperto. Il motivo? "Un alto dividend yield è spesso sintomo di una società in difficoltà o con un potenziale di crescita limitato - argomenta - . Selezionare buoni titoli tra queste società è quindi una strategia estremamente difficile".

A suo avviso diversamente dai fondi dividend tradizionali è meglio concentrarsi sulle prospettive di crescita dei dividendi di un'azienda nel lungo termine. Questo è vero per almeno tre ragioni. "I dividendi rappresentano l'indicatore più significativo della disciplina di capitale di una società e come tali rivelano la sottostante forza e il buono stato di salute e la solidità del business. I dividendi sono difficili da falsare, a differenza dei parametri di misurazione dei profitti che possono essere distorti o manipolati. Dividendi alti e in crescita sono quindi un ottimo indicatore che un’azienda è ben gestita e quindi in grado di dare agli azionisti rendimenti superiori alla media del mercato", snocciola Rhodes.

"Crediamo, infatti, che un flusso di dividendi in aumento aiuti un'azienda a crescere poiché regola la quantità di liquidità che può essere reinvestita nel proprio business e di conseguenza assicura che solo i migliori progetti vengano selezionati". Lo zio Tom docet. "Negli Stati Uniti ci sono ben 90 aziende dividend achiever che hanno pagato dividendi per almeno 25 anni consecutivi. Tra queste troviamo alcuni dei brand più conosciuti, come Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola e Johnson & Johnson", segnala Rhodes. "Procter & Gamble è la prima di un ristretto gruppo di aziende che hanno visto crescere i propri dividendi ininterrottamente per ben 56 anni; anche Coca-Cola e Johnson & Johnson non sono troppo distanti da questo record con una crescita dei dividendi per 48 anni consecutivi".

La caccia al dividendo non è solo americana. Sebbene gli Stati Uniti siano il mercato che offre il maggior numero di aziende che pagano dividendi nel lungo termine, di opportunità interessanti il mondo è pieno. In Europa, sono più di 60aziende su cui Rhodes ritiene interessante investire per la buona disciplina di capitale e il potenziale di crescita dei loro dividendi nel lungo termine. Ma le italiane mancano al suo elenco perché - spiega il fund manager di M&G - non sono state trovate aziende che posseggono i giusti requisiti per un mio investimento. Lo stesso non si può dire delle svizzere Nestlé, Roche e Novartis indicate tra le principali holdings del fondo. "Le tre aziende sono leader di mercato e sono caratterizzate da un notevole cashflow, ma anche da una solida disciplina di capitale che ha loro consentito di aumentare i propri dividendi di anno in anno per più di un decennio".

Mentre "le spagnole Telefonica e Prosegur – società che si occupa di sicurezza globale – sono aziende fortemente radicate sul mercato domestico, ma anche esposte alla rapida crescita delle economie emergenti dell’America Latina, dove entrambe stanno estendendo il proprio business in modo profittevole. Telefonica e Prosegur vantano entrambe un solido impegno a produrre dividendi e le loro azioni offrono un buon valore grazie alle prospettive di crescita". Infine Inditex è un altro titolo che Rhodes includerebbe nel proprio portafoglio, "ma alla giusta valutazione, in quanto la buona disciplina di capitale del retailer è in linea con la sua filosofia di investimento".

Armour Residential REIT - Report update 18.04.2011

ARMOUR REIT Capitalization as of April 18, 2011

• Market Cap
– $357.09 million.
– 49,260,077 shares of , , common stock outstanding (NYSE: “ARR”).

• Book Value
– Additional Paid‐In Capital(1) estimate: $7.13 per share or $350.98 million.

• As of April 18, 2011, there were 49,260,077 shares outstanding
– Current Book Value estimate: $7.05 per share or $347.28 million.

• As of April 18, 2011, there were 49,260,077 shares outstanding
– Book Value as of March 31, 2011 is estimated to be $6.84 or $220.61 million.

• As of March 31, 2011, there were 32,254,054 shares outstanding.

Cypress - Dividendo

Dividendo Cypress in carniere ... ! OK!
Hatteras Financial Corp. - Dividendo

Dividendo Hatteras in carniere ... ! OK!
MFA Financial Inc. - Report Q1 2011

MFA Financial, Inc. (NYSE: MFA) today announced financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011.

NEW YORK, May 3, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --

First Quarter 2011 and other recent highlights:

First quarter net income per common share of $0.27 and Core Earnings (as defined below) per common share of $0.25.

Book value per common share increased to $7.86 at the end of the first quarter versus $7.68 at 2010 year-end.

•In February, MFA sold $1.32 billion in principal value of Non-Agency MBS as part of a resecuritization. In connection with this transaction, $488 million of senior bonds rated "AAA" by DBRS, Inc. were issued to third party investors via a trust at a rate of LIBOR + 100 basis points. As required under GAAP, MFA will consolidate the resecuritization and will account for this transaction as a financing of the underlying MBS.

•In March, MFA issued 74.75 million common shares through a public offering at a gross price of $8.10 per share generating net proceeds of $605 million.

•In the first quarter, we grew both our Non-Agency and Agency MBS portfolio at an accelerated pace through the purchase of approximately $855.3 million of Non-Agency MBS (including MBS underlying Linked Transactions (as defined below)) and $1.844 billion of Agency MBS.

For the first quarter ended March 31, 2011, MFA generated net income allocable to common stockholders of $80.4 million, or $0.27 per share of common stock. Core Earnings for the first quarter were $73.9 million, or $0.25 per share of common stock. "Core Earnings" is a Non-GAAP financial measure, which reflects net income excluding $7.2 million of changes in the unrealized net gains on Linked Transactions and includes an adjustment of $0.6 million to increase interest income, following the de-linking of certain Non-Agency MBS previously reported as Linked Transactions for GAAP. On April 29, 2011, MFA paid its first quarter 2011 dividend of $0.235 per share of common stock to stockholders of record as of April 11, 2011.

Stewart Zimmerman, MFA's Chairman of the Board and CEO, said, "MFA continues to provide stockholders with attractive returns through appropriately leveraged investments in both Agency and Non-Agency residential MBS. In the first quarter, we continued to implement our strategy of identifying and acquiring Non-Agency MBS with what we consider to be superior loss-adjusted yields at prices well below par. We currently project that approximately 60% of our second quarter 2011 Core Earnings will be generated by Non-Agency MBS. Our goal remains to continue positioning MFA to generate double-digit returns on equity over time."

William Gorin, MFA's President, added, "Through investment in both Non-Agency and Agency MBS, we continue to generate attractive returns with reduced leverage and with less correlation to changes in interest rates." In the first quarter, MFA's Non-Agency MBS (adjusted for the impact of MBS Linked Transactions) generated an unlevered loss-adjusted yield of 8.26%. At March 31, 2011, MFA owned $3.608 billion market value of Non-Agency MBS (including Linked Transactions) with an average amortized cost of 73% of par. At March 31, 2011, MFA owned $7.375 billion of Agency MBS with an average amortized cost basis of 102.3% of par, consisting of $5.665 billion of hybrid and adjustable rate MBS ("ARM-MBS") and $1.710 billion of 15-year fixed rate MBS.

Annaly Capital Management Inc. - Dividendo

Dividendo Annaly Cap. Man. Inc. in carniere ... ! :cool:
Invesco Mortgage Capital - Dividendo

Dividendo Invesco Mort. Cap. in carniere ... ! :cool:
Annaly Capital Management Inc. - Report Q1 2011

Annaly Capital Management, Inc. Reports GAAP EPS for the 1st Quarter 2011 of $0.92 as Compared to $0.50 for the 1st Quarter 2010

Company Release - 05/04/2011

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE: NLY) today reported GAAP net income for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 of $699.9 million or $0.92 per average share available to common shareholders as compared to GAAP net income of $281.1 million or $0.50 per average share available to common shareholders for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, and GAAP net income of $1.2 billion or $1.94 per average share available to common shareholders for the quarter ended December 31, 2010.

Without the effect of the unrealized gains or losses on interest rate swaps, net income for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, was $530.6 million or $0.70 per average share available to common shareholders as compared to $397.8 million or $0.71 per average share available to common shareholders for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, and $379.3 million or $0.60 per average share available to common shareholders for the quarter ended December 31, 2010.

During the quarter ended March 31, 2011, the Company disposed of $4.2 billion of mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures, resulting in a realized gain of $27.2 million. During the quarter ended March 31, 2010, the Company disposed of $1.6 billion of mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures, resulting in a realized gain of $47.0 million. During the quarter ended December 31, 2010, the Company disposed of $3.1 billion of mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures, resulting in a realized gain of $33.8 million.

Common dividends declared for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, were $0.62 per share as compared to $0.65 per share for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, and $0.64 per share for the quarter ended December 31, 2010. The Company distributes dividends based on its current estimate of taxable earnings per common share, not GAAP earnings. Taxable and GAAP earnings will typically differ due to items such as non-taxable unrealized and realized gains and losses, differences in premium amortization and discount accretion, and non-deductible general and administrative expenses.

The annualized dividend yield on the Company’s common stock for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, based on the March 31, 2011 closing price of $17.45, was 14.21%, as compared to 15.13% for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, and 14.29% for the quarter ended December 31, 2010.

On a GAAP basis, the Company provided an annualized return on average equity of 24.56% for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, as compared to an annualized return on average equity of 11.67% for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, and an annualized return on average equity of 49.87% for the quarter ended December 31, 2010. Without the effect of the unrealized gains or losses on interest rate swaps, the Company provided an annualized return on average equity of 18.62% for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, as compared to an annualized return on average equity of 16.52% for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, and an annualized return on average equity of 15.52% for the quarter ended December 31, 2010.

During the quarter the Company issued 172.5 million shares of its common stock in two separate public offerings, resulting in aggregate net proceeds before expenses of approximately $2.9 billion. The first transaction settled on January 7, 2011, and the second transaction settled on February 18, 2011.

Michael A.J. Farrell, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Annaly, commented on the Company’s results. “During the quarter we were able to take advantage of the attractive investment environment and grow our balance sheet in a prudent manner. We expect market conditions to continue to reflect the uncertainty of regulatory, fiscal and monetary policy outcomes, as well as overall domestic and global economic conditions. In this evolving landscape, our management team remains focused on preparing the portfolio and the company for a wide range of outcomes.”

For the quarter ended March 31, 2011, the annualized yield on average interest-earning assets was 3.79% and the annualized cost of funds on average interest-bearing liabilities was 1.62%, which resulted in an average interest rate spread of 2.17%. This was a 5 basis point decrease from the 2.22% annualized interest rate spread for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, and a 32 basis point increase from the 1.85% average interest rate spread for the quarter ended December 31, 2010. At March 31, 2011, the weighted average yield on interest-earning assets was 3.89% and the weighted average cost of funds on borrowings, including the effect of interest rate swaps, was 1.65%, which resulted in an interest rate spread of 2.24%. Leverage at March 31, 2011, was 6.3:1 compared to 5.6:1 at March 31, 2010, and 6.7:1 at December 31, 2010.

Fixed-rate mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures comprised 88% of the Company’s portfolio at March 31, 2011. The balance of the mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures was comprised of 11% adjustable-rate mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures and 1% LIBOR floating-rate collateralized mortgage obligations. At March 31, 2011, the Company had entered into interest rate swaps with a notional amount of $33.4 billion, or 37% of the mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures portfolio. Changes in the unrealized gains or losses on the interest rate swaps are reflected in the Company’s consolidated statement of operations. The purpose of the swaps is to mitigate the risk of rising interest rates that affect the Company’s cost of funds. Since the Company receives a floating rate on the notional amount of the swaps, the intended effect of the swaps is to lock in a spread relative to the cost of financing. As of March 31, 2011, substantially all of the Company’s Investment Securities were Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures, which carry an actual or implied “AAA” rating.

“The first quarter saw prepayment speeds remain relatively slow and spreads to financing costs widen,” said Wellington Denahan-Norris, Annaly’s Vice Chairman, Chief Investment Officer and Chief Operating Officer. “Our successful capital raises enabled our portfolio management team to take advantage of these attractive market conditions in relatively conservative fashion. After taking into account the effect of interest rate swaps, our portfolio of mortgage-backed securities and agency debentures was comprised of 38% floating-rate, 11% adjustable-rate and 51% fixed-rate assets.”

Capstead Mortgage Corp. - Report Q1 2011

Capstead Mortgage Corporation Announces First Quarter 2011 Results

Company Release - 05/04/2011

First Quarter 2011 Highlights
Earnings increased to $34.7 million or $0.41 per diluted common share
Total financing spreads decreased 9 basis points to average 1.62%
Book value increased $0.13 to $12.15 per common share
Raised $60 million in new common equity capital
Increased investment portfolio by $1.91 billion to $10.43 billion contributing to an increase in portfolio leverage to 7.91 times long-term investment capital

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Capstead Mortgage Corporation (NYSE: CMO) (“Capstead” or the “Company”) today reported net income of $34,692,000 or $0.41 per diluted common share for the quarter ended March 31, 2011. This compares to net income of $33,027,000 or $0.40 per diluted common share for the quarter ended December 31, 2010. The Company paid a first quarter 2011 dividend of $0.41 per common share on April 20, 2011.

First Quarter Earnings and Related Discussion

Capstead is a self-managed real estate investment trust for federal income tax purposes that invests in a leveraged portfolio of residential adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM securities, issued and guaranteed by federal government-sponsored enterprises, either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (the “GSEs”), or by an agency of the federal government, Ginnie Mae. For the quarter ended March 31, 2011, the Company reported a 5% increase in net interest margin on interest-earning assets to $38,741,000 from $36,961,000 for the quarter ended December 31, 2010. Net interest margin benefited from acquisitions of agency-guaranteed ARM securities well in excess of portfolio runoff, which led to a substantial increase in portfolio leverage. Total financing spreads averaged 1.62% during the current quarter compared to 1.71% during the fourth quarter of 2010.

Yields on the Company’s interest-earning assets averaged 2.31% during the first quarter of 2011, a decrease of 13 basis points from yields reported for the fourth quarter of 2010, reflecting lower coupon interest rates on ARM loans underlying the portfolio that reset to more current interest rates, as well as marginally higher mortgage prepayments. Average yields for the current quarter did not fully benefit from higher yielding acquisitions because most of these purchases were made later in the quarter. Total portfolio runoff averaged 19.9% on an annualized basis during the first quarter (a constant prepayment rate, or CPR of 17.4%) compared to 19.4% (a 16.5% CPR) during the fourth quarter of 2010. Monthly annualized runoff rates were 18.3%, 23.6% and 17.7% for January, February and March 2011, respectively.

Interest rates on all interest-bearing liabilities, including the Company’s long-term unsecured borrowings, averaged 0.69% during the first quarter of 2011, a decrease of 4 basis points from rates incurred during the fourth quarter of 2010, reflecting favorable 30- to 90-day borrowing rates and the expiration of $400 million notional amount of higher-rate interest rate swap agreements in late January 2011. The Company’s repurchase arrangements and similar borrowings at March 31, 2011 totaled $9.45 billion consisting primarily of 30-day borrowings with 24 counterparties with rates averaging 0.28%, before consideration of interest rate swap agreements held for hedging purposes. At March 31, 2011 currently-paying swap positions required paying fixed rates of interest averaging 1.03% on notional amounts totaling $3.50 billion and average maturities of 13 months. Additionally, during the first quarter the Company entered into forward-starting swap agreements with notional amounts totaling $600 million that will begin requiring interest payments at fixed rates averaging 0.99% in May 2011 and will expire in May 2013. Variable payments based on one- and three-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) received by the Company under interest rate swap agreements tend to offset a significant portion of the interest owed on a like amount of the Company’s borrowings.

During the first quarter of 2011 the Company’s long-term investment capital, which consists of common and perpetual preferred stockholders’ equity and long-term unsecured borrowings (net of related investments in statutory trusts) increased by $67 million to $1.19 billion, primarily as a result of issuing $60 million in new common equity capital and increases in fair value of interest rate swap agreements held for hedging purposes. The Company acquired $2.31 billion (principal amount) of agency-guaranteed ARM securities during the first quarter contributing to a 22% increase in the portfolio to $10.43 billion. As a result, portfolio leverage (borrowings under repurchase arrangements divided by long-term investment capital) increased to 7.91 to one at March 31, 2011 from 6.91 to one at December 31, 2010.

Resource Capital Corp. - Dividendo

Dividendo Resource Capital Corp. in carniere ... ! :cool:
Armour Residential REIT - Dividendo

Dividendo Armour Residential REIT in carniere ... ! OK!
Dividendo Armour Residential REIT in carniere ... ! OK!

Ciao Shark,

una curiosità, quale è il risultato migliore che stai avendo con questo tipo di titoli (compresi i dividendi, anche al lordo).

Mi spiego meglio: con quale titolo hai guadagnato di più (puoi inventarti sia titolo che data di acquisto, non è male... :p).

E' una curiosità, e vorrei usare il dato come benchmark... :D - senza calcoli difficili sul cambio, stiamo in dollari. Quanto in percentuale guadagnato ed in quanto tempo. Grazie. ;)
Ciao Shark,

una curiosità, quale è il risultato migliore che stai avendo con questo tipo di titoli (compresi i dividendi, anche al lordo).

Mi spiego meglio: con quale titolo hai guadagnato di più (puoi inventarti sia titolo che data di acquisto, non è male... :p).

E' una curiosità, e vorrei usare il dato come benchmark... :D - senza calcoli difficili sul cambio, stiamo in dollari. Quanto in percentuale guadagnato ed in quanto tempo. Grazie. ;)

La domanda anche se semplice richiede una risposta molto articolata ...

Ho iniziato a investire nelle REIT da circa 9 mesi, ma in maniera progressiva e non sono ancora al valore obiettivo (regime); inoltre ho sempre fatto del minitrading sul 50% dei titoli in portafoglio, perdendo talvolta lo stacco del dvd ...

Premesso quanto sopra, i dati generali in progress (paniere di circa 10 titoli) e molto approssimativi sono i seguenti:

2,65% dvd netto su capitale investito
2,00% plusvalenze nette da minitrading

Per quanto riguarda il miglior titolo, finora promuovo Armour Res. Reit:

3,30% dvd netto su capitale progressivamente investito in circa 4 mesi

I dati non fanno ancora testo, per le ragioni specificate sopra ... Secondo me, si potranno tirare le somme a regime, dopo circa 18 mesi dall'inizio degli investimenti.

Ultima modifica:
La domanda anche se semplice richiede una risposta molto articolata ...

Ho iniziato a investire nelle REIT da circa 9 mesi, ma in maniera progressiva e non sono ancora al valore obiettivo (regime); inoltre ho sempre fatto del minitrading sul 50% dei titoli in portafoglio, perdendo talvolta lo stacco del dvd ...

Premesso quanto sopra, i dati generali in progress (paniere di circa 10 titoli) e molto approssimativi sono i seguenti:

2,65% dvd netto su capitale investito
2,00% plusvalenze nette da minitrading

Per quanto riguarda il miglior titolo, finora promuovo Armour Res. Reit:

3,30% dvd netto su capitale progressivamente investito in circa 4 mesi

I dati non fanno ancora testo, per le ragioni specificate sopra ... Secondo me, si potranno tirare le somme a regime, dopo circa 18 mesi dall'inizio degli investimenti.


non sono sicuro di avere capito, come spesso mi accade :D, comunque diciamo un buon 5%? Io seguo REIT un po' particolari (Data Center, sopra il +15% da inizio anno) ed ospizi :p, ma ecco dati più generici.

a dopo, grazie.


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